chris Site Admin
Posted: Feb 13, 2021 Post Subject: Tuolumne - 2021 Recreational Releases
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update earlier this week, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Mar 10, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update earlier this week, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Mar 17, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (March 17), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 1, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (April 1), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 2, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (April 2), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 3, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good afternoon,
Due to unscheduled mechanical issues, Holm powerhouse generation is zero as of 14:00 today. Once the mechanical issues are diagnosed and repair plans are established we will have a timeline on return to the previously planned flow schedule. Until then, flows at Cherry Creek/Tuolumne River confluence should range between 200 - 400 cfs. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 4, 2021 |
| Quote: | Good morning,
Some Holm Powerhouse generation was restored last night. Once the remaining mechanical issues are diagnosed and repair plans are established we will have a timeline on return to the previously planned flow schedule. Until then, flows at Cherry Creek/Tuolumne River confluence should range between 400 - 900 cfs.
Updates on HHWP releases:
* All reservoir valve releases remain at minimum in-stream requirements (HH: 35 cfs; CH: 5 cfs; EL: 10 cfs). * Holm Powerhouse will continue to cycle, now with a lower maximum, between approximately 15 MW - 80 MW (approx. 100 - 500 cfs), with higher flow periods occurring from 16:00 through midnight. + Next week, Apr 5-8, Holm will cycle within a smaller range (approx. 200-500 cfs) + Holm outage scheduled Apr 9 07:00 - 14:00; cycling expected before and after outage + On April 14, Holm is scheduled for a maintenance outage from 07:00 - 16:00, with generation expected to resume with a similar cycling pattern afterward * Kirkwood Powerhouse will continue to operate flat with minimal spill * Lake Eleanor is spilling over the current spillway elevation, with 200-500 cfs spill possible through the weekend. + Depending on weather and inflows, spill from Eleanor may persist through much of April. We will keep you posted. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 19, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (April 19), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 29, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (April 29), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 4, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Recreationalists,
There has been a change to HPH generation patterns. Starting 5/6/2021, HPH generation will follow this pattern:
11 PM to 4 PM: 100-120 cfs
4 PM to 8 PM: 900 cfs
8 PM to 11 PM: 600 cfs
We will continue this general pattern until further notice.
Lake Eleanor is currently spilling ~200 cfs. We expect this to reduce in the coming weeks.
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir (50 cfs) and Cherry Lake (5 cfs) releases will remain steady.
KPH is not expected to spill in the coming weeks.
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 26, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (May 26), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 2, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good afternoon,
In response to increased evening power demands, Holm Powerhouse will be scheduled to run at maximum available generation during the hours of 5:00pm - 9:00pm this Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th. Please expect flows at the Cherry-Tuolumne confluence to be on the order of 1,150 cfs during these hours. It is unclear at this time whether or not this pattern will persist into next week. If so, we will send additional notifications.
Regular morning rafting hours (maximum generation from 7:00am - 11:00am) will remain scheduled as advertised and unchanged. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 4, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Afternoon,
The Holm Powerhouse high evening (5:00pm - 9:00pm) generation will end after this Saturday (6/5). Starting Sunday (6/6) onward there will be no high Holm Powerhouse generation in the evening.
Regular morning rafting hours (maximum generation from 7:00am - 11:00am) will remain scheduled as advertised and unchanged.
If conditions change, we will send out new notifications. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 14, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported on riday June 11 as follows:
Quote: | Good afternoon,
As a friendly reminder, next Wednesday June 16th is slated as a 'No Water Wednesday' and Holm Powerhouse generation will be reduced on that date during normal daytime hours for unit maintenance. Otherwise, normal rafting pulses will continue during the 07:00-11:00 period.
In response to another forecasted heat wave, increased demand for power generation is anticipated during the latter half of next week. Holm generation will be scheduled to increase during the evening hours of 5:00pm - 10:00pm on June 16-18. Please plan accordingly. We will provide updates if changes to this schedule are expected. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 14, 2021 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good morning,
Changes to the Holm Powerhouse schedule will have releases below Holm increasing to maximum generation beginning tomorrow, Tuesday June 15th 5:00pm - 10:00pm. These evening pulses are expected to last through Friday the 18th.
Otherwise, no changes to the operations schedule provided earlier. |
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