chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 16, 2019 Post Subject: Tuolumne - 2019 Recreational Releases
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update April 10, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update yesterday (May 7), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (May 17), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (May 20), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
The 2019 Tuolumne River release schedule is now available.
Note that the release drops to 700 cfs starting August 5. This is because only one Holm Powerhouse generating unit will be in operation during this time (HHWP have a big construction project at Holm that will greatly improve the reliability of the powerhouse units. This will require taking out one unit at a time from August through next February).
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 29, 2019 Post Subject: Re:
Referencing the May 20 post above, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power comments today (May 29) as follows:
Quote: | We expect these releases for the next couple weeks at least, as the warm weather and rapid snowmelt continues. |
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | One adjustment to planned releases is scheduled today, June 1: Cherry Lake releases are dropping to 1000 cfs.
All other releases are expected to continue as planned:
Hetch Hetchy releases at 4000 cfs.
Eleanor spill is expected to rise to around 1500 cfs.
Kirkwood PH releases will remain at current pattern, from 50-600 cfs.
Holm PH releases will remain at current pattern, from 50-950 cfs. |
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | One adjustment to planned releases is scheduled today, June 2: Hetch Hetchy releases are dropping to 3250 cfs.
All other releases are expected to continue as planned:
Cherry Lake releases at 1000 cfs.
Eleanor spill is expected to rise to around 1500 cfs.
Kirkwood PH releases will remain at current pattern, from 50-600 cfs.
Holm PH releases will remain at current pattern, from 50-950 cfs. |
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (June 4), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (June 10), which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (June 14), which you can read here.