chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hetchy Dam Releases will vary through the week between 650 cfs (current) and 1000 cfs, depending on inflows.
Holm draft will stay at 250 cfs, and Kirkwood spill at 500 cfs, with the exception of a 8 hour maintenance window on 5/30.
As usual, changes to inflows will result in changes to releases at all three reservoirs."
Additional information was provided here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
"Hetch Hetchy inflows are currently exceeding expectations. To accommodate, we are increasing releases from Hetch Hetchy to 1500 cfs tomorrow. We expect to maintain 1500 cfs through the weekend. Current forecasts have Hetchy filling and spilling starting early next week. Spill is expected to begin slowly, then build up to as much as 1000 cfs in addition to the 1500 cfs on the valves.
Holm draft will stay at 250 cfs, and Kirkwood spill at 500 cfs.
As usual, changes to inflows will result in changes to releases at all three reservoirs."
Studytime Member
Posted: Jun 7, 2018 Post Subject: Any update on flow this weekend?
Any update on flow this weekend?
chris Site Admin
Here you go - Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Hetch Hetchy is currently filling, with an expected begin to spill on Sunday or Monday, June 10 or 11. Once we spill, flows on the Tuolumne River will ramp up to between 700 and 1500 cfs, depending on weather conditions. Currently the anticipated spill + valve release rate is 1200 cfs. Until we spill, releases from the dam will remain at 920 cfs.
Holm generation has been reduced as we top off Cherry Lake. The current plan is to keep HPH draft low until Hetchy releases and KPH draft drop below 1000 cfs. |
Additional information was provided here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power also reports today as follows:
Quote: | At our meeting this spring, we let you know of a possible Holm Powerhouse partial outage this summer. This outage has been delayed, with the timetable uncertain. It will not occur this rafting season.
HPH will be releasing the standard 1000 cfs flows 7AM to 11AM each morning throughout July and August.
The recreational releases will begin this summer when total system releases, including KPH draft and Hetchy dam releases, drop below 1000 cfs. |
The above is reflected in the updated schedule.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported early this morning as follows:
Quote: | Flows have tapered off, resulting in limited spill water from Hetch Hetchy. Over the weekend, Holm Powerhouse compensated for the deficit in flow during the recreational releases hours to create flows above 1100 cfs.
This morning we have had issues at HPH and currently neither HPH unit is up and running. We have dispatched crews, but it is unclear if we will have a unit up to begin the 0700 releases. If a unit returns to service we will run it.
Please be aware that going forward HPH will be needed to make the recreational releases during the normal release hours: 7:00-11:00.
followed recently with:
Quote: | We have a HPH unit rolling as of 0715 - HPH will contribute ~200 cfs, resulting in flows at the confluence ~1100. The unit will run an additional hour today - until 12:00.
HPH's contribution to recreational will increase over the next few days and I anticipate have normal rafting flows from HPH beginning Wednesday: 7:00-11:00. |
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power sent an update today as follows:
Quote: | On June 19 expect ~600 cfs below HPH from 7 to 11 and the remainder of the flow to be on the mainstem below KPH. Beginning June 20, expect the normal flows of 950 cfs below HPH during the 7-11 time period. Going forward from June 20 we will be following the recreational release schedule.
It has been a nice runoff season and now for the hot summer to kick in later this week. Have fun till Labor Day! |
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | For the month of July, we will have an unusual generation pattern at Holm Powerhouse. In addition to the regularly scheduled recreational releases, we will have an additional period of high generation at HPH (~950 cfs) from 4PM to 9 PM on non-holiday weekdays. This means:
On non-holiday weekdays, HPH generation will be:
Midnight to 7AM: <50 cfs
7AM to 11AM: 950 cfs
11AM to 4PM: <50 cfs
4PM to 9PM: 950 cfs
9PM to midnight: <50 cfs.
This will begin July 2, and extend to July 31. Please plan accordingly! This may result in some nighttime beach inundation.
Also, please remember that July 11 and 25 are no water Wednesday. We anticipate no recreational releases those two days, though the planned later flows are scheduled.
As always, maintenance and scheduling needs may require changes to the planned operations. We will communicate when planned operations will result in a significant change. |
Studytime Member
Posted: Aug 4, 2018 Post Subject: Any idea when the flow will be back up?
Anybody know when the flow will be back up?
dansadowski Member
Posted: Aug 6, 2018 Post Subject: Re: Any idea when the flow will be back up?
Studytime wrote: | Anybody know when the flow will be back up? |
Tests late last week and over the weekend did not come back positively, and significant repairs are required for HPH. Unfortunately we will need to take Holm PH Unit 2 down for the rest of the month. Repairs are anticipated to take 2 months or more, as procurement of parts is not straightforward, and repairs are extensive.
Daily recreational releases will be limited to 550 cfs from 6AM to noon through the end of the Rafting season – September 3. As usual, an additional 160 cfs will be released from the reservoirs.
chris Site Admin
Have been out of town. Thanks to dansadowski for submitting the previous post.
The Tuolumne River release schedule has been updated to match.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Attached is our operational plan for October. Note that Holm Powerhouse is being operated to meet load and reservoir management objectives, so power draft will be variable throughout the month. Changes to the power market has resulted in changes to draft patterns when compared to previous years, so please be aware when on the River.
We anticipate lower HPH generation in November, weather depending. We will send out a plan for November once we get there. |
The attachment referred to is provided here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Please see attached release plan for HHWP. Currently, no releases from any powerhouses, and dam releases are set to minimums. If wet weather ever arrives, we will resume generating at HPH. If so, flow rates will be variable and could reach as high as 550 cfs this month. |
The attachment referred to is provided here.
chris Site Admin
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Attached is our operational plan for the remainder of November. Note that Holm Powerhouse is being operated to meet load and reservoir management objectives, so power draft will be elevated and variable for the next couple weeks.
Spill at Moccasin should also be expected the next 4-5 days while we work around the coming storm event. |
The attachment referred to is provided here.