KurtStuhr Member
Posted: Jan 14, 2017 Post Subject: Two new Strainers
After the high flows of last weekend there are two new, rather dangerous logs in the standard run on the San Lorenzo.
The first log is in the junky bush filled rapid two rapids below the Big One. It is towards the bottom of that rapid, right about where you kind of `rejoin' the stream after cutting right to miss bushes.
The second log is in the rapid which begins just below the broken down dam, that other quite junky rapid where most of the water takes the right channel and kind of ends in a rocky run-out jumble.
At 1800 I could barely squeek over the tops of both these logs, and only one narrow section allowed this. At 1600 cfs or less it looks like both logs will be mandatory portages. Heads up!! these logs are in the midst of rapids.
(Discription given by Richard Montgomery)
   ________________________________ Kurt Stuhr
Edited twice. Last edited by KurtStuhr Jan 14, 2017.
KurtStuhr Member
Posted: Jan 25, 2017 Post Subject: More Wood
There is an new river wide log in the beginning of the Class II-III rapid above the old Damn with graffiti on it. We were able to boof over it at around 1000 cfs but at lower flows it will most likely be sketchy. The two logs mentioned in the last post from 1/14/17 are gone but we have been taking the left channels through the willows anyway. You can probably do the original channels (s) on the right where the the first log was but the channel where the second log was has become rather junky. Highway 9 has been closed so we have been putting in at the bridge at Henry Cowell in Felton and taking out at Ocean street extension about a 1/2 mile past the covered bridge in Paradise Village. There may be a few new logs in the willows leading up to the take out mentioned as well so be careful in there.  ________________________________ Kurt Stuhr
commonsd Member
Posted: Feb 13, 2017 Post Subject: Wood Update

After the latest flood the strainer moved downstream. There is in a large 4+ log gam in the eddy at the old dam. There is a small eddy on the left above it and an easy portage on the left but be careful. Heading down to the Ocean Extension takeout there is another three logs across the channel in relatively slow water. Portange is up over the rootball. The one rapid on the lower section has new wood in it but goes. Careful out there!
ps. Highway 9 is closed until further notice.