scottharding Member
Posted: Dec 11, 2015 Post Subject: Cable across river at neck level!
Heads up on a potentially serious hazard on the lower NF Salmon! Map
There is a suspended cable across the entire river on the lower NF Salmon approximately 0.4 miles downstream of the Class 5 landslide rapid that's about two miles upstream of Forks of Salmon. Depending on the river level, the cable is just above, at, or just below water level.
If you are coming down the river on the classic NF run, you'll first go under the suspended footbridge to the yellow house on river left that's about two miles above Forks of Salmon. The next big feature is the class V boulder jumble rapid. After this rapid there is a relatively straight stretch of river then a short, bouldery drop after about one-third mile. Take note here because not far below this is the cable across the river. There is pipe attached to the cable on river left that you may or may not be able to see. There are two other cables suspended across the river near here that are well above the water. In the mix is the cable that poses the hazard. At 3500 cfs at Somes Bar, the cable is just about at the water surface. Watch out!
Here's the lat/long: 41.271269, -123.302180 at 1273 ft. elevation.
NF Salmon River Cable Hazard Map
scottharding Member
Posted: Nov 26, 2016 Post Subject: Cables still in water on NF - Nov 2016
The previously mentioned cable in the water is still there, although it has shifted some. A second cable has also dropped close to water level in the same area. About 5 cables cross the river at this spot.
Heads up.
scottharding Member
Posted: Mar 31, 2017 Post Subject: Update on NF Salmon cables in river: still there + photo
The two cables mentioned in this thread are still in the river and still pose a hazard as of 3/31/17.
If all goes to plan, we will have them out of the river by the end of next week, if not sooner. I will post here again once they are removed. Until then, stay safe! There is now some yellow flagging up on river right in the immediate vicinity of the cables.
scottharding Member
Posted: Apr 6, 2017 Post Subject: Cables removed from NF Salmon River on 4/6/2017

The two cables that have posed a significant hazard to paddlers on the NF Salmon River about 1.5 miles upstream from Forks of Salmon (At Pollocks Gulch) were removed today. No more cables at neck level or just below the water!
Additionally, we removed another set of four cables from an old footbridge that were at immediate risk of falling into the river at Saw Pit Flat, about 4 miles upstream from Forks of Salmon. These were located at a common take-out point for the NF Salmon canyon run.
This was a cooperative effort between the Salmon River Restoration Council and Klamath National Forest. Together, two of us removed over 800 feet of cable from both private and public land and sent hauled most of it away for recycling.
There are many more cables out there on this river and others, many of them suspended securely out of the way but others are unmaintained and could become a hazard at any time. Keep an eye out!