chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 18, 2013 Post Subject: Tuolumne - Lower and Cherry Creek flows 2013
| The 2013 Lower Tuolumne/Cherry Creek release schedule is now available. Any updates to the schedule provided by Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, or additional information on conditions in the Lower Tuolumne/Cherry Creek drainage, will be posted here. Sometimes the information can be last-minute, so be sure to check back here before heading out.
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Next week is not going to bring any drastic changes on the river. There will continue to be ~1200-1300 below Holm, but may increase as Lake Eleanor comes up to spill elevation during the weekend. Below Kirkwood will remain at the current conditions of 800ish. Given that the snow is creeping up the hill and temps are still cooling at night in the high country, flows will remain mellow (for a snowmelt runoff period) in the unimpaired rivers and creeks. Flows at Lumsden will be in 2200 -2600 range.
Last snow survey of the season coming up, just to check there is still snow in the hills.
Enjoy the mellow spring"
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hello River Folks:
Just a quick update, at the Annual Meeting we discussed the possibility of a pulse flow (with tentative dates of May 9-11). The release will not occur due to overall runoff conditions, pattern and volume. Expect flows to remain in the range that have been out there, ~2000 cfs and varying with our PH operations.
A detailed update will be out later this week for the next week -real changes..."
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi River Folks:
Not too many changes in store for the river over the next week. The cool down did slow inflows quite a bit and added a dusting of new snow. Through Sunday expect flows to slowly rise as snowmelt begins to pick up again. Releases from the powerhouses will be steady through Sunday, releases from Eleanor will gently increase. So expect 2000 to 2500 at Lumsden.
Beginning Monday you will see some shaping out of Holm PH, but daytime flows will be in the same range and bumping up a little bit as Middle and South Fork contribute a little bit more water, but nothing drastic maybe up to 2700 at the high end.
Otherwise, enjoy the sunshine after the very brief respite to spring t-storms we just had."
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks:
Again this week, not a very exciting update for flows on the river: Flows today and tomorrow will be falling off from the ~2100 cfs currently on the river down closer to 1900 cfs by late on Friday at Lumsden. Saturday and Sunday brings another shift downward due to lower releases below HPH. Flows will be in the 1700 to 1900 range at Lumsden for the weekend. Monday thru Wednesday flows will be back up in the 1800-2200 cfs range depending on how the unimpaired rivers are running.
For the Upper "T" Run: The cool weather and cloud cover has brought flows into Eleanor down, resulting in lower releases. The lower releases from Eleanor mean that at the confluence of Cherry and the Main "T" flow will be 1900 to 2000 cfs for Friday and dipping down to 1500 to 1600 cfs for the weekend. Flows will be back up a bit next week with the upper end hitting near the 2000 to 2100 mark, depending on what Mother Nature does.
I am not anticipating a long run of the flows around the clock on the river. We will likely be on the regular schedule in the early part of June, so enjoy it!"
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi River Folks:
Some changes on the river coming up, but nothing drastic. Cool temperatures happening today through the end of the week, will greatly reduce snowmelt in the high elevations. Only 1 of the mountain snow sensors is still reporting snow on the ground. Most of the snow is up high and in the favored locations. With that we have some changes for our generation patterns as runoff is on hold for a week.
On the river for:
Thursday: The same flow range we have been having: ~2000-2100 cfs
Friday: A reduction in flow to the range of 1300 to 1500 during the daytime; however in the night time hours flows will be lower in the 600 to 700 range, so depending where you are on the river on Friday you may see the lower flows earlier in the day, but it will pick up to the projected range
Saturday thru Monday: 1300 to 1500 cfs flows will be pretty flat during this time period, however expect the timing of the higher flows during the usual arrival time at Lumsden; there will be a lower flow passing down the channel from Friday nights lower flows below HPH.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Will be similar to Friday with daytime flows in the 1300 to 1500 range and lower flows during night time hours which will be traveling downstream.
For those looking at the Upper T run: you are going to see a reduction in flow below Early Intake down to 300-400 starting Friday. At the confluence there will be 1200-1400. With the current inflow conditions and operations the Upper T will be below 2100 for the next week and I really do not anticipate going above the 2100 for the remainder of runoff, unless Mother Nature sends the first actual storm of the year!
For the remainder of the season do expect some variability in flows, but we will ensure that there is 1100 during the scheduled times. Other hours we will have releases from the PHs but we are maximizing use of the low runoff year.
Enjoy the river this holiday weekend!"
Bubba Member
Posted: May 30, 2013 Post Subject: Four Hour Releases ??
| Hi Chris, the scheduled Holm Powerhouse releases are posted for 7am-11am, however they are remaining fairly constant with only drops at midnight. Do you have any idea how much longer they plan to keep the flow going? Also are Sunday's more in jeopardy for cut flows? There's a large Cat group planning a June 9th Cherry Creek trip and we're wondering if we'll be having to race to flows downstream. Thanks Bubba
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks:
Some changes as Mother Nature is bringing some warmer temperatures, but nothing too drastic:
Friday: expect around 1450 to 1600 at Lumsden. Flows will be low in the morning but will pickup -similar to what has been occurring
Sat-Sunday: Expect about 1800 to 2100 pretty much around the clock. Some variation in the afternoon but pretty consistent
Mon-Wed: Flows should be in the 1900-2200 range, but dropping off in the night time hours as they have been.
Upper run should be below 2000 for the next 4 days. As we enter early next week, we will have to see how fast Mother Nature is melting the snow. Hetchy is nearing the top and some releases may be necessary, which could put it above 2100, unless flow into Eleanor drops off and releases can be reduced.
If there are major changes I will update folks."
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 30, 2013 Post Subject: Re: Four Hour Releases ??
| Bubba wrote: | Hi Chris, the scheduled Holm Powerhouse releases are posted for 7am-11am, however they are remaining fairly constant with only drops at midnight. Do you have any idea how much longer they plan to keep the flow going? Also are Sunday's more in jeopardy for cut flows? There's a large Cat group planning a June 9th Cherry Creek trip and we're wondering if we'll be having to race to flows downstream. Thanks Bubba |
Bubba, in answer to your query, HHW&P replied: "This weekend yes, but a little lower than the rafting release. We will have some "extra" water in the off boating hours for the next two weeks. This weekend will have a nice steady flow, weekdays will see the shaping that we have had over the past week. Next week will probably have extra water too. I think it will be over with extra water by June 15. Mother nature is going to cook this snow off fast".
That statement gives them some wiggle room . There will be other announcements from them on this thread nearer the time, though, which I would expect to be much more definite.
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks:
The upcoming HOT weekend is going to burn off the remaining snowpack in the high country. With that we are topping off Hetch Hetchy and will be cutting back on powerhouse releases. So the around the clock water is just about gone. There is some uncertainty on the upper end of the range as Hetchy fills and spills. The higher flow estimates for Sunday-Tuesday capture this upper end that I believe is possible. Do check the USGS gage below HH to look for changes and spill rates: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ca/nwis/uv/?site_no=11276500&agency_cd=USGS [waterdata.usgs.gov]; Especially on Sund/Monday.
Here is what you will see on the river:
Thursday -flows will be similar to Wednesday - ranging 1700 to 2000, the upper run will be below 2000.
Friday - less water. There will be a cut back below Intake, and shaping below HPH. Water will run ~1400-1600 from 0700 to 1200, then will drop off to 500-700.
Sat-Sunday -water will be around the clock 1300-1600 cfs, enjoy.
Mon-Tuesday- Water will be 1800-2100 from 0700 to 1200 (similar to Thursday during those hours). This range could go a little higher as Hetchy fills. The upper run should be below 2000, however there is the slight possibility of going higher if Hetchy comes all the way up to spill by then so please check gages.
The times reflect HPH release times, so please account for the travel times at your location on the river.
There is a 20% chance of t-storms throughout the weekend. Eleanor and Hetchy are right near the brim, so if t-storms significantly occur, it could push flows up a bit as the lakes come up, but I am not anticipating high precipitation.
I will send out an update if conditions change."
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks,
The runoff season is tapering off. Not a bad run for how dry it has been for the past 5 months. T-storms on Monday kicked up flows on the Merced, but we did not see a sign of precipitation or increased flows in the Tuolumne Basin. The off and on cloud cover over the Sierra Crest has been the main controller of melt over the past week. We are going to see sunny skies with near normal temperatures for the next 5 to 7 days which will melt any remaining snow.
Hetch Hetchy is near the brim and will have some minor spill over the next 4 to 5 days. Beginning Thursday -June 13 -there will less additional water outside the boating hours and do not expect consistency in flow rates. Expect the usual timing of the 4-hour release from June 13th on and flows to be in the 1200-1500 cfs range during those boating hours over the next week (7-11 near the confluence). Outside those hours flows will vary between 500 to 1000 cfs during the day and 400 to 700 cfs during the night and early morning hours (timing is based on below HPH). If we do get an actual rain event this year, we could have more water to release, but I am not anticipating it.
I will send out an update if conditions change."
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks:
Flows on the Tuolumne are well on the recession limb to summer flows. With that - the season of extra water outside the recreational release hours is over. I hope folks had a chance to enjoy it while it was going! HHWP will be operating on the recreational release schedule through Labor Day. Outside the recreational release hours there may be some additional flow, but well below the 1100 cfs. Tomorrow - Wed June 19th is the first "No Water Wednesday".
You can find the release schedule posted here: http://www.dreamflows.com/Pages/TuolumneSchedule.php
If conditions change I will send an update to the email list, otherwise - until next year!"
chris Site Admin
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Hi Folks:
I am sure most of you are aware that the Rim Fire has closed USFS roads and basically cancelled rafting on the Tuolumne. HHWP will NOT be releasing the recreational flows while the road closures remain in effect and there is no boating access. Hopefully we will hear good news soon!"
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