chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 9, 2020 Post Subject: Tuolumne - 2020 Recreational Releases
| The 2020 provisional Tuolumne River release schedule is now available.
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 19, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | A quick update on HHWP releases for the next couple weeks. We are currently seeing 2500-3000 cfs on the Tuolumne River. Flows are expected to remain between 1000 cfs and 3000 cfs for the next 2 weeks, with the exception of May 28.
On Thursday, May 28, Powerhouse repairs will result in no generation from Holm and Kirkwood Powerhouses. Flows on the Tuolumne River are expected to be less than 500 cfs from 5AM to as late as 5 PM. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: May 26, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today (May 26), which you can read here
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 2, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Greetings,
June 2-9, approximate flows at the confluence of the Tuolumne River and Cherry Creek will be near 1,800 cfs, decreasing toward 1,200 cfs.
* A powerhouse outage will affect flows Thursday night, June 4th at 9:00 pm through Friday morning, June 5th at 6:00 am. Flows at the confluence during these hours will go below 400 cfs. Releases will resume on Friday the 5th from 7:00 am through 11:00 am to bring flows back above 1,000 cfs.
* Wednesday June 10th is a scheduled "No Water Wednesday" during which flows at the confluence are not guaranteed to be above 1,000 cfs during the 7am-11am time period.
As always, all flows are estimates, and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 5, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports a few minutes ago as follows:
Quote: | Greetings,
We are currently experiencing an outage at Holm Powerhouse. Flows on the Tuolumne River are currently below 300 cfs. When we get the Powerhouse back up and running, we will resume the recreational releases. If possible, we will extend elevated HPH generation to ensure 4 hours of flows at 1000 cfs.
Apologies for the inconvenience |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 5, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports again (a few minutes ago) as follows:
Quote: | The issue at HPH has been resolved, and we are at full generation. Recreational releases will be extended to 1200 today. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 5, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Recreationalists!
Spill at Lake Eleanor has ceased, and spill from Cherry Reservoir and Hetch Hetchy Reservoirs are expected to be low this spring, so flows will be primarily controlled by generation from Holm Powerhouse. We anticipate normal, 2 unit releases through Labor Day.
Be Safe, and Have Fun! |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 17, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Greetings,
For June 17 - 27, flows at the Cherry Creek - Tuolumne River confluence will continue to be near 1,100 cfs from 07:00-11:00 when Holm Powerhouse is producing recreational releases. During all other hours, flows are expected to be much lower, on the order of approximately 200 cfs.
Please note that next Wednesday, June 24th, is slated as a 'No Water Wednesday' with no recreational Holm generation scheduled.
As always, all flows are estimates and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 8, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Greetings,
During July - Labor Day, flows at the Cherry Creek - Tuolumne River confluence will continue to be near 1,100 cfs from 07:00 - 11:00 when Holm Powerhouse is producing recreational releases. During August and September, from 16:00 - 20:00, flows will be near 600 cfs and 700 cfs, respectively. During all other hours, flows are expected to be much lower, between 200 - 300 cfs.
Please note that today and July 22 are slated as a "No Water Wednesday" with no recreational Holm generation scheduled.
As always, all flows are estimates and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 20, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good morning,
HHWP release schedules remain unchanged, with Tuolumne River/Cherry Creek confluence flows expected to be near 1,100 cfs from 07:00-11:00 when Holm Powerhouse produces recreational releases. Flows will be much lower outside these hours for the remainder of the month. During August and September, from 16:00- 20:00, flows will be near 600 cfs and 700 cfs, respectively. During all other hours, flows are expected to be much lower, in the 200 cfs range.
As a reminder, this Wednesday July 22nd is slated as a "No Water Wednesday" with no recreational releases planned from Holm on that day. The next "No Water Wednesday" is scheduled to occur on August 5th.
As always, all flows are best estimates and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 23, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good morning,
A few clarifications.
Recreational releases from Holm Powerhouse will continue to occur from 07:00-11:00 through Labor Day, with the exception of 'No Water Wednesdays', the next of which is scheduled for August 5th.
Outside these hours, flows on the Tuolumne River will be substantially lower. However, during August and September, additional Holm Powerhouse generation releases will be made from 16:00-21:00 on weekdays. These weekday afternoon/evening flows will vary, but will be on the order of 600-700 cfs. Additionally, these releases are not intended as recreational flows, but are scheduled to meet HHWP operational targets.
As always, all flows are best estimates and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 20, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good morning,
HHWP releases will continue as previously stated through Labor Day, with Tuolumne River/Cherry Creek confluence flows expected to be near 1,100 cfs from 07:00-11:00 when Holm Powerhouse produces recreational releases.
In response to power generation assistance requests and the ensuing heat wave, Holm Powerhouse generation will be scheduled to continue generating at capacity from 11:00 through 24:00, maintaining flows at approximately 1,100 cfs for the entire day, decreasing back to minimal flow rates at midnight.
We will provide notification if or when this generation pattern is expected to change.
The next "No Water Wednesday" is slated for September 2. This will be the final NWW for the 2020 season.
As always, all flows are best estimates and subject to change. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 21, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Good morning,
This morning at approximately 06:00, Holm Powerhouse Unit 2 tripped due to unknown causes. Subsequently, operation of Unit 1 was also lost resulting in no recreational releases being produced today. USFS personnel were notified earlier this morning.
HHWP is working to diagnose the issue and restore Holm Powerhouse. Once restored, power generation will continue as noted in the previous post. We will provide notification when the powerhouse is back online. In the meantime, please expect flows on the Tuolumne River to be approximately 150 cfs at Merals Pool. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 21, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | UPDATE (11:00):
One of the Holm Powerhouse units has been restored as of approximately 10:50 and was immediately ramped up to maximum available generation. This will put approximately 500 cfs additional flows on the Tuolumne River, with the front end of flows arriving at Merals Pool and downstream locations in the early afternoon hours. Flows will persist at this rate through the remainder of today until the second unit can be restored, at which point they will increase to the previously scheduled rates. |
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 21, 2020 |
| Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | UPDATE (15:45):
Holm Powerhouse Unit #2 has been restored at this time and is returning to the previously announced generation schedule. |
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