yurokfish Member
Posted: Jan 8, 2019 Post Subject: Whole tree hazards above Hyampom Gorge, near Butter Ck
Just a PSA. This reach is seldom used. But want to be proactive. We loaded a 5 mile reach of the S Fk Trinity upstream of the Hyampom Gorge, above and below Butter Ck with 300 whole trees for restoration in Sept 2018. See attached doc. I'd be happy to answer any questions related to this work. Aaron Martin (yurokfish@gmail.com)
jhatcher Member
Posted: Mar 25, 2019 Post Subject: No trees portaged

I paddled the South Fork Trinity from Forest Glen to Hyampom on Saturday 3/23-3/24, 2019 at a flow of 2000 cfs to 2300 cfs at Forest Glen.
I encountered zero "log" portages at that flow. There was one log that we were able to bump over and a few that we had to divert out of the main channel into a smaller channel of water to bypass.
Keep in mind, some trees could be below the surface of the water and be an encounter at lower flows or move around again in the future, always be on your guard.
Edited once. Last edited by jhatcher Mar 25, 2019.