theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Jun 1, 2018 Post Subject: NF FEATHER BELDEN IN PLAY FOR A MONTH
Quote: | American Whitewater negotiated releases on this section 14 years ago but we are still waiting for the new license to get issued to get regular recreational flows. This section rarely runs but PG&E will have the Belden Powerhouse off line for the next month, so flows will be in the 400- 600 cfs range. PG&E has also agreed to make public the flow information for this reach, kudos to PG&E for agreeing to put this gauge online. This is a great class +III kayak run. For many years it has been so overgrown with vegetation that it had become unsafe. Last year, high water and a powerhouse outage cleaned up the run considerably. Paddlers still need to be on their toes because some of the wood in the reach is still mobile. Rapids are long and full of good hydraulics. - Dave Steindorf |
NF Feather Caribou to East Branch Confluence (Belden) Class III+
kflow Member
Posted: Jun 15, 2018 Post Subject: Very Busy at 570 cfs

We ran IKs on June 13 and the whole run took only an hour and a half. Mile 3-4 is very steep (with brush and wood in some channels) and I would advise a pre-run scout of this entire section, as well as Bramble, where we were able to take the right channel and avoid the log entirely. We took out below the confluence with the East Branch and did not encounter any low-head dams (as mentioned in the AWA write-up). I would go back again, and with an extra vehicle for shuttle I would run it twice.