theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Feb 25, 2016 Post Subject: 2016 Ice House Recreational Flow & Pulse Flow Opportunities
South Fork Silver Creek – Ice House Cls IV http://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/River/detail/id/5112/ 10 am – 3 pm 400 cfs May 21 & 22 500 cfs June 25 & 26
Note that the May flows will coincide with the last day of required Pulse Flows. This flow will run 50 cfs more than required for those days and for a 24 hour period. Additional opportunity for boating will occur with other pulse flows as follows: 450 cfs May 18 & 19 550 cfs May 20
The above schedule is based on the current Below Normal water year as reported in the February Bulletin 120 report. If this water year type changes to Above Normal or Wet I will post additional dates for this reach
Edited once. Last edited by theresaAW1 Feb 25, 2016.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Mar 5, 2016 |
The schedule, based on Theresa's post, is here.
theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Jun 11, 2016 Post Subject: AN Flow Schedule - Remaining Dates

Since it was officially determined in May that we are in an Above Normal Water Year we get an extra weekend of Ice House. The remaining dates and flows are as follows:
June 18, 19 500 cfs June 25, 26 400 cfs