Bionic Boof Member
Posted: Jan 31, 2016 Post Subject: Tree across river. About 14 miles below Greenwood bridge.

| 31 January 2016 Tree down (river wide) across river about 14 miles downstream from Greenwood bridge put in, which is about 2 miles above the confluence with the N Fork Navarro (take out). Current is fast here, but eddy on right above tree after a ferry from river left to river right was a reasonable move for us at 1200 cfs. Portage around river right sandbar at 1200cfs was good for us with a 14ft raft. Kayaks might be able to bump over the tree on the right at higher water (>2000cfs), but there are sharp broken limbs sticking up that could rip out the bottom of a raft or IK. Advise portage, even at higher water.
Edited once. Last edited by Bionic Boof Jan 31, 2016.
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