Robin Member
Posted: Aug 21, 2013 Post Subject: Two day flows of 2700cfs
This is the year the White Deer Skin Dance happens, odd number years. Flows will be good for the Pigeon Point Wave on Aug. 26th and 27th at about 2700cfs.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 21, 2013 |
The Trinity schedule page has been updated to show the Boat Dance releases.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 21, 2013 |
The ramping/flow schedule for the Hoopa Valley Tribe's Boat Dance Ceremony is as follows:
Date | Time | Change To
| Aug 25 | 0800 | 550 cfs
| | 1000 | 650 cfs
| | 1200 | 900 cfs
| | 1400 | 1150 cfs
| | 1600 | 1400 cfs
| | 1800 | 1650 cfs
| | 2000 | 1900 cfs
| | 2200 | 2150 cfs
| | 2400 | 2650 cfs
| Aug 27 | 0001 | 2450 cfs
| | 0400 | 2250 cfs
| | 0800 | 2050 cfs
| | 1200 | 1850 cfs
| | 1600 | 1750 cfs
| | 2000 | 1650 cfs
| | 2400 | 1550 cfs
| Aug 28 | 0400 | 1450 cfs
| | 0800 | 1350 cfs
| | 1200 | 1250 cfs
| | 1600 | 1150 cfs
| | 2000 | 1050 cfs
| | 2400 | 950 cfs
| Aug 29 | 0400 | 850 cfs
| | 0800 | 750 cfs
| | 1200 | 650 cfs
| | 1600 | 550 cfs
| | 2000 | 450 cfs
Note: this release is unrelated to the recent proposed release to prevent mass fish kills.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 23, 2013 |
The Bureau of Reclamation today announced that the ramping/flow schedule for the Hoopa Valley Tribe's Boat Dance Ceremony has changed. On Aug 29, flows will be ramped down to 850 cfs instead of the originally proposed 450 cfs. The rest of the schedule (see previous post in this thread) stays the same.
The new schedule for Aug 29 becomes simply:
which translates to: "At 4am on Aug 29, the flow will be reduced from 950 cfs to 850 cfs until further notice".
The email from BuRec included this comment: "... transitioning to target flows at KNK for the Supplemental flows in the Lower Klamath River". My translation of this is that the supplemental flow to help prevent mass fish kills (850 cfs) starts immediately after the Boat Dance ceremony flows end.
bigfishtools Member
Posted: Aug 26, 2013 Post Subject: How long
After the releases Lewiston is doing, how long before we see the effects here in Klamath?
Thank you
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 26, 2013 |
If your question is "how long will the flow pulse take to travel from Lewiston Dam to the town/city of Klamath (i.e. to the ocean)" then my best estimate is "between 36 and 42 hours".
bigfishtools Member
Posted: Aug 26, 2013 Post Subject: Re:
chris wrote: | If your question is "how long will the flow pulse take to travel from Lewiston Dam to the town/city of Klamath (i.e. to the ocean)" then my best estimate is "between 36 and 42 hours". |
Thanks Chris
Alexander Member
Posted: Aug 28, 2013 Post Subject: CA Release Schedules
Hello I am new to this arena, I am just curious why these trinity releases seam to fall on a weekday most of the time? Is it to limit the amount of boaters? I though AW was trying to get boaters on the water...was it due to tribal calendars is that what I am missing?
Cornbread Member
Posted: Aug 28, 2013 Post Subject: Tribal releases
It is my understanding that the releases are for the Hoopa Valley Tribe and AW is not involved. It may not be clear but the 850-900 cfs post tribal release is scheduled to last until September 19th so that will include three full weekends. http://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/newsrelease/detail.cfm?RecordID=44364
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 28, 2013 |
This particular release is for the Hoopa Tribal Boat Dance, which was held Aug 27 this year (yesterday). Based on the historical record, they are held on the last Tuesday of August, but only in odd-numbered years.
The tail end of this release will segue into another release to prevent mass fish kills. Again, nothing to do with paddling.
The good news however is that we are kept informed of upcoming releases, so you can still go enjoy the river if you can get away.
bigfishtools Member
Posted: Aug 28, 2013 Post Subject: Klamath Mouth

Water has made the mouth and fish are pouring in just in time for the weekend!
Your predictions were real close