chris Site Admin
Posted: Mar 14, 2007 Post Subject: SF Feather flows
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "The flows on the river below Little Grass Valley and Forbestown dams are currently at minimum (less than 10 cfs). I will let you know if/when things change, but unless Mother Nature gets generous pretty soon, there will not be high flows below Little Grass Valley until the usual fall drawdown period."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports that the flows in the South Fork Feather River will remain between 5-10 cfs this summer, due to the lack of snowpack and runoff. However, they still expect to make the late season boatable releases from Little Grass Valley, probably starting late September.
Thomas Member
Posted: Jul 13, 2007 Post Subject: S Feather flows
Hey Chris, I see the SF below Little Grassvalley is 130 right now and then it's going to 10. Does this mean we're not going to get 300 in the fall?
chris Site Admin
Hmm, I should have made an extra post to explain, my bad. I'm guessing they found they had more water than they expected, but in any case all they did was bump the summer flow up from 10 to 130 cfs. They will drop it back down to 10 cfs early August, then keep it at that flow until the fall release starts. So the previous post which says:
Quote: | However, they still expect to make the late season boatable releases from Little Grass Valley, probably starting late September |
still applies.
Golder Member
Any new info? Tks pal
JC8) ________________________________ "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine."
chris Site Admin
Hey JC, looks like boatable SF Feather flows are still a-happenin' in October, it's mostly just a question of exactly when. The South Feather Water and Power Agency responded as follows:
"My initial conversation with AW indicated that they want 325 cfs the first weekend, and 250 cfs continuously thereafter until we use up the available storage. Since we won't start the ramp up until after September 30, my thoughts are that we will have 325 cfs in place October 5-7 (Fri-Sun), then go to 250 cfs on October 8, and this flow would last through October 18 (if we get any little storms during the interim, we may make it last through October 21). I will see Dave in a week and a half, and we can firm things up then".
Thomas Member
Chris,do you know if the 250cfs flow is negotiable? It seems that is they are going to run it out why not leave it at 300 or 325.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 12, 2007 Post Subject: Re:
Thomas wrote: | Chris,do you know if the 250cfs flow is negotiable? It seems that is they are going to run it out why not leave it at 300 or 325. |
I believe these SF Feather releases are negotiable, within reason. In my previous post, "AW" is American Whitewater, and I expect that "Dave" is Dave Steindorf, so it sounds to me like AW in the form of Dave is setting the schedule. You may like to take this up with him; if you don't have his contact info, then email me.
I've only run this once at 400 cfs and I thought that was a great flow, but don't know what 250 would be like. Feedback on various flows, and preferences, anyone?
Thomas Member
My favorite flow was the 400, however I have been down many times at 300 and 3 times at 250. Now that I have experienced more water, 250 is terrible, and makes some rapids very dangerous and it abuses your boat. If you have contct info on who to influence on flow choice I would like to put in my input. Please send me an email. Thanks
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "Per our discussion this morning with Dave Steindorf [of American Whitewater], the flows below Little Grass Valley Dam will be at 300 cfs by the morning of Friday, October 5, and will remain at that level until October 17, when we will start to ramp down toward our minimum (the ramp will start after noon on the 17th)".
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 18, 2007 Post Subject: Release Schedule Calendar
The SF Feather release schedule calendar shows the releases in calendar form, with additional information on ramping rates and times.
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "We have dropped the Little Grass Valley flows this week to get us through our September 30 minimum elevation requirement. Current downstream flows are 60 cfs. We will still do the scheduled ramp up to 300 cfs next week as we previously had communicated."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "At the end of today's ramping up of flows in the SF Feather River below Little Grass Valley dam, we are at 196 cfs. We will continue to ramp up tomorrow to 300 cfs."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "The flows in the SF Feather River below Little Grass Valley dam are now at 300 cfs. We will send you word when we reach the minimum reservoir elevation and begin to ramp the flows back down to minimum. At this point, it looks as though our anticipated schedule still holds."
chris Site Admin
American Whitewater provided this link http://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/Article_view_articleid_29851_display_full which concentrates on safety on this run (i.e. the Little Grass Valley Dam run on the SF Feather).