Dreamflows Color-Coded Flow Trigger Levels
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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This page lists the trigger levels that Dreamflows uses to color-code flow reports. 

Entries appearing against the left-hand margin in bold are gauge names, and the corresponding trigger levels are composite values that may not apply very well to any particular reach/run associated with this site.  These site-specific trigger levels are used to determine flow colors on general report pages like the Realtime page (which list flows by gauge).

Entries appearing indented (not bold) beneath them are reach/run names.  The corresponding flow range trigger values apply to that particular gauge; they are specific to that particular reach/gauge combination.  These reach-specific trigger levels are used to determine flow colors on the Alphabetical Listing flows pages (which list flows by reach).

Note that these trigger levels are derived from a wide variety of sources, with no apparent consensus between authors on what constitutes a "good flow" range.  Some evidently think it's the narrow range of perfect flows (in their opinion), others think it's the wider range of generally accepted fun flows, others think it's the much wider range of flows at which the reach can physically be run, whether or not it's fun or even safe for the average paddler.  So, use the following trigger level values, and the corresponding color codings on the various reports, entirely at your own risk.

The entries match the order in the Dreamflows daily reports.  Please select from the following:

Key Information
Arizona Rivers
California North Coast
California Central/South Coast
California Sacramento Valley
California West Sierra - Northern
California West Sierra - Southern
California East Sierra
Colorado Rivers
Idaho Rivers
Montana Rivers
Nevada Rivers
New Mexico Rivers
Oregon Coastal Rivers
Oregon Central Rivers
Oregon Eastern Rivers
Utah Rivers
Washington Rivers
Wyoming Rivers

California North CoastMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
No. Smith - At Gasquet8001,2751,7254,000
Baldface Creek - Lower Run1,800------12,000
North Fork Diamond Creek - Wimer Road to Above Diamond Falls3,600------12,000
Diamond Creek - North Fork Diamond Creek to Gasquet3,000------10,000
North Fork Smith River - Horse Creek to Low Divide Rd (Upper)2,000------7,000
North Fork Smith River - Low Divide Rd to Gasquet8001,2751,7254,000
Mi. Smith - At Gasquet5001,2751,7252,500
Middle Fork Smith River - Knopki Bridge to Siskiyou Gorge500------2,500
Middle Fork Smith River - Siskiyou Gorge500------2,500
Middle Fork Smith River - Patrick Creek Run5001,2751,7252,500
Smith - Steel Pipe At Gasquet8.00ft------12.00ft
North Fork Smith River - Low Divide Rd to Gasquet8.00ft------12.00ft
Middle Fork Smith River - Patrick Creek Run8.50ft------12.50ft
Smith River - Gasquet Run6.50ft------11.50ft
Smith River - Oregon Hole Gorge7.20ft------11.50ft
Smith - At Oregon Hole Gorge500------5,000
Smith River - Gasquet Run500------5,000
Smith River - Oregon Hole Gorge8002,2002,8004,000
So. Smith - Near Hiouchi500------3,000
Hurdygurdy Creek------------
Goose Creek - East Fork to Saddle Road (Upper)2,000------5,000
Goose Creek - Saddle Road to South Fork Smith (Lower)1,500------5,000
Craigs Creek - Tyson Mine to South Fork Smith5,000------10,000
South Fork Smith River - Buck Creek to Steven Bridge (Upper)1,500------5,000
South Fork Smith River - Steven Bridge to Craigs Flat (Lower)500------3,000
South Fork Smith River - South Fork Gorge8009001,1002,000
Smith - At Jedediah Smith6003,4004,6008,000
Main Smith River - Hiouchi to Hwy-1016003,4004,6008,000
Williamson - Near Klamath Agency325------900
Williamson River - Kirk Road to Williamson River Campground325------900
Klamath - At Keno1,0001,7002,3003,000
Klamath River - Keno Dam to Moonshine Falls River Access1,0001,7002,3003,000
Klamath - Below J.C. Boyle Plant6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath River - Moonshine Falls River Access to Spring Island (Big Bend Run)7001,0002,0003,000
Klamath River - Spring Island to Fishing Access #6 (Hell’s Corner)6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath River - Fishing Access #6 to Fishing Access #1 (Beswick Run)800------2,500
Klamath River - Fishing Access #1 to Grizzly Hill Access (Kikaceki Valley Run)600------5,000
Klamath - Below Iron Gate Dam500------3,000
Klamath River - Grizzly Hill Access to Fall Creek Access (Kikaceki Canyon / Wards Canyon Run)8001,1002,0004,000
Klamath River - Fall Creek Access to Iron Gate (Iron Gate Run)800------3,500
Klamath River - Iron Gate to Tree of Heaven Campground500------3,000
Klamath River - Tree of Heaven Campground to Brown Bear Access500------3,000
Klamath River - Brown Bear Access to Portuguese Creek500------3,000
Klamath River - Portuguese Creek to Seattle Creek500------3,000
Klamath River - Seattle Creek to Curly Jack Campground/Happy Camp500------3,000
Shasta - Near Yreka3003504501,000
Shasta River - Shasta Below Yreka3003504501,000
Klamath - Below Seiad Valley1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Tree of Heaven Campground to Brown Bear Access1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Brown Bear Access to Portuguese Creek1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Portuguese Creek to Seattle Creek1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Seattle Creek to Curly Jack Campground/Happy Camp1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Happy Camp to Dillon Creek Campground1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Dillon Creek Campground to Green Riffle1,000------6,000
Klamath River - Green Riffle to Salmon River------------
Kidder Creek - Below Babs Fork------------
Kidder Creek - Upper Run------------
Kidder Creek - Lower Run------------
Scott - Near Fort Jones5001,2751,7254,000
Patterson Creek - Forest Road to Valley Floor2,000------4,000
Scott River - Callahan to Etna------------
Scott River - Etna to Fort Jones------------
Scott River - Fort Jones to Scott River Canyon------------
Scott River - Scott River Canyon to Indian Scotty Campground800------3,000
Scott River - Indian Scotty Campground to Scott Bar5001,2751,7254,000
Scott River - Scott Bar to Klamath River600------3,000
Indian Creek - Near Happy Camp (Klamath)3005007001,000
Indian Creek - East Fork to Happy Camp3005007001,000
Clear Creek - Near Happy Camp (Klamath)500------2,000
Clear Creek - Clear Creek Trail to Slippery View River Access500------1,200
Clear Creek - Slippery View River Access to the Klamath500------2,000
Klamath - At Orleans1,000------10,000
Klamath River - Green Riffle to Salmon River1,500------15,000
Klamath River - Ikes Falls Run1,0002,5003,50010,000
Klamath River - Orleans to Weitchpec1,500------15,000
Klamath River - Weitchpec to Requa5,000------10,000
Klamath - At Klamath Glen10,000------20,000
Klamath River - Weitchpec to Requa10,000------20,000
No. Salmon - Near Forks of Salmon6001,0001,7253,000
Little North Fork Salmon River - Specimen Creek to Gallia Mine1,300------1,900
North Fork Salmon River - Right Hand North Fork to Mule Bridge Campground (Wilderness Run)1,500------2,400
North Fork Salmon River - Mule Bridge Campground to Idlewild Campground1,100------1,750
North Fork Salmon River - Idlewild Campground to Gallia Mine (Upper Run)8001,0001,4001,500
North Fork Salmon River - Gallia Mine to Forks of Salmon (Lower Run)6001,2751,7253,000
So. Salmon - At Forks of Salmon500------1,500
East Fork South Fork Salmon River - Sixmile Creek to Shadow Creek------------
South Fork Salmon River - Near Schoolhouse Flat to Limestone Bluffs (Upper South Fork)------------
South Fork Salmon River - Limestone Bluffs to Matthews Creek Campground (South Fork Gorge)500------1,500
South Fork Salmon River - Methodist Creek to Forks of Salmon------------
Salmon - At Somes Bar5001,2751,7255,000
Salmon River - Forks of Salmon to First Bridge600------3,000
Crapo Creek - End of Road to Nordheimer Access5,000------7,000
Salmon River - Dirka Dirka------------
Salmon River - Nordheimer Run5001,2751,7255,000
Salmon River - Butler Run5001,2751,7255,000
Wooley Creek3,000------10,000
Salmon River - Wooley Creek to Klamath River1,000------4,000
Coffee Creek - Above Trinity River3007009001,000
Coffee Creek3007009001,000
Trinity - Above Coffee Creek800------2,000
Trinity River - Tangle Blue Creek to Trinity River Campground800------2,000
Trinity - Inflow Trinity Lake------------
East Fork Trinity River------------
Stuart Fork Trinity River - Upper Run------------
Stuart Fork Trinity River - Lower Run------------
Trinity - Below Lewiston Dam700------2,000
Trinity River - The Weir Hole700------2,000
Trinity River - Lewiston to Douglas City700------2,000
Trinity - At Douglas City300------2,000
Trinity River - Lewiston to Douglas City700------2,000
Trinity River - Douglas City to Junction City300------1,200
Trinity River - Junction City to North Fork------------
Indian Creek - Near Douglas City100------600
Indian Creek - Cannon Ball Flat to Frietas Gulch150------600
Indian Creek - Frietas Gulch to Trinity River100------200
Canyon Creek - At Junction City150------2,000
Canyon Creek - Middle Canyon Creek Falls to Canyon Creek Falls (Waterfall to Waterfall)------------
Canyon Creek - Ripstein Campground to Eight Mile Bridge150------1,000
Canyon Creek - Eight Mile Bridge to Junction City4008001,2002,000
Trinity - Above North Fork------------
Trinity River - Douglas City to Junction City------------
Trinity River - Junction City to North Fork------------
No. Trinity - At Helena500------1,200
North Fork Trinity River - Grizzly Creek to Hobo Gulch (Wilderness Run)------------
North Fork Trinity River - Hobo Gulch Run500------1,200
East Fork North Fork Trinity River - Todd’s Cabin1,000------3,000
East Fork North Fork Trinity River - Lower Run650------3,000
Trinity - At Pigeon Point5001,2751,7255,000
Trinity River - Pigeon Point Run (North Fork Confluence to Big Flat)5001,2751,7254,000
Trinity River - Big Flat to Hayden Flat500------5,000
Trinity River - Hayden Flat to Cedar Flat500------5,000
Trinity River - Burnt Ranch Gorge5001,2751,7252,500
Trinity River - Hawkins Bar to Salyer500------8,000
Trinity - At Cedar Flat5001,2751,7255,000
Trinity River - Pigeon Point Run (North Fork Confluence to Big Flat)5001,2751,7254,000
Trinity River - Big Flat to Hayden Flat500------5,000
Trinity River - Hayden Flat to Cedar Flat500------5,000
Trinity River - Burnt Ranch Gorge5001,2751,7252,500
Trinity River - Hawkins Bar to Salyer500------8,000
New River - At Denny300------2,000
New River - Wilderness Run------------
New River - Upper Run300------2,000
New River - Denny Run500------1,500
New River - Gorge Run400------1,200
New River - New River Gorge300------2,000
New River - Upper Run300------2,000
New River - Denny Run500------1,500
New River - Gorge Run400------1,200
Hayfork Creek - At Hyampom5008001,2002,000
Hayfork Creek - Upper Gorge5006008001,200
Hayfork Creek - Middle Run300------5,000
Hayfork Creek - Lower Gorge4508001,2002,000
So. Trinity - At Forest Glen700------3,000
South Fork Trinity River - East Fork Confluence to Forest Glen------------
South Fork Trinity River - Forest Glen to Hyampom700------3,000
So. Trinity - Below Hyampom7001,2751,7252,500
South Fork Trinity River - Hyampom to Big Slide Campground600------5,000
South Fork Trinity River - Big Slide Campground to Surprise Creek800------2,500
South Fork Trinity River - Surprise Creek to Low Water Bridge (Three Bears)7001,2751,7253,000
South Fork Trinity River - Low Water Bridge to Trinity River600------2,000
Trinity - At Hoopa500------8,000
Willow Creek------------
Trinity River - Salyer to Willow Creek800------8,000
Trinity River - Willow Creek to Tish Tang Campground500------3,000
Trinity River - Tish Tang Campground to Weitchpec500------8,000
Redwood Creek - At Hwy 299------------
Redwood Creek - Route 299 to Bair Road------------
Redwood Creek - Bair Road to Lacks Creek------------
Redwood Creek - At Orick5001,0001,4002,000
Redwood Creek - Lacks Creek to Orick5001,0001,4002,000
Mad River - Above Ruth Lake------------
Mad River - Three Forks to Double A Ranch------------
Mad River - Double A Ranch to Ruth Reservoir------------
Mad River - At Arcata4001,7002,3004,000
Mad River - Ruth Reservoir to Highway 36------------
Mad River - Highway 36 to Jack Shaw Road (Grand Canyon)------------
Mad River - Jack Shaw Road to Butler Valley Road (Swinging Bridge Run)9001,7002,3004,000
Mad River - Butler Valley Rd to Blue Lake1,000------5,000
Mad River - Blue Lake to Mad River Boat Ramp400------2,000
Van Duzen - At Bridgeville600------6,000
Little Van Duzen River - Highway 36 to Van Duzen River2,000------3,500
Van Duzen River - West Fork to Browns Canyon (Upper)1,200------3,000
Van Duzen River - Browns Canyon to Dinsmore------------
Van Duzen River - Dinsmore to Bridgeville (Bloody Run)1,200------3,000
Van Duzen River - Bridgeville to Golden Gate Drive (Goat Rock Run)600------1,500
Van Duzen River - Golden Gate Drive to Highway 36 Bridge400------800
Van Duzen River - Highway 36 Bridge to Low Water Bridge (Grizzly Creek)800------6,000
Van Duzen River - Low Water Bridge to Flannigan Creek (Lower)800------6,000
Van Duzen River - Flannigan Creek to Carlotta400------800
No. Eel - At Mina Bridge600------2,000
North Fork Eel River - Salt Creek to Hulls Creek600------2,000
North Fork Eel River - Hulls Creek to Mina Bridge600------2,000
North Fork Eel River - Mina Bridge to Alderpoint (Split Rock)800------1,800
Eel - Inflow Lake Pillsbury600------2,000
Rice Fork Eel River - Bear Creek Road to Lake Pillsbury------------
Eel River - Trout Creek to Lake Pillsbury (Upper Main)6008001,2001,500
Eel - Rel Lake Pillsbury3001,2751,7256,000
Eel River - Pillsbury Run3001,2751,7256,000
Eel - Inflow Van Arsdale3001,2751,7256,000
Eel River - Pillsbury Run3001,2751,7256,000
Eel - Below Van Arsdale Dam375------7,000
Eel River - Van Arsdale to Hearst500------7,000
Eel River - Hearst to Outlet Creek375------6,000
Eel River - Outlet Creek to Dos Rios600------9,000
Eel - At Hearst------------
Eel River - Van Arsdale to Hearst------------
Eel River - Hearst to Outlet Creek------------
Outlet Creek - Near Willits------------
Outlet Creek - Longvale To Eel Confluence------------
Eel - Below Outlet Creek625------15,000
Outlet Creek - Longvale To Eel Confluence------------
Eel River - Hearst to Outlet Creek625------10,000
Eel River - Outlet Creek to Dos Rios1,000------15,000
Mi. Eel - Near Dos Rios8001,7002,3005,000
Black Butte River - Headwaters at The Basin to Middle Fork Eel Confluence1,500------3,500
Middle Fork Eel River - Fern Point to Mendocino Pass Road (Upper)1,200------3,000
Middle Fork Eel River - Black Butte River to Dos Rios8001,7002,3005,000
Eel - At Fort Seward3004,2505,75010,000
Eel River - Dos Rios to Alderpoint1,0004,2505,75010,000
Eel River - Alderpoint to South Fork300------1,000
So. Eel - Near Branscomb------------
South Fork Eel River - Branscomb to Big Bend------------
So. Eel - At Leggett5002,2002,8008,000
Rattlesnake Creek - Highway 101 to Big Bend2,500------5,000
South Fork Eel River - Tenmile Creek Run1,5002,2002,8008,000
South Fork Eel River - Branscomb to Big Bend1,500------8,000
South Fork Eel River - Big Bend to Leggett600------6,000
South Fork Eel River - Leggett to Piercy500------2,000
South Fork Eel River - Piercy to Benbow500------1,000
South Fork Eel River - Benbow to Redway450------1,000
So. Eel - At Miranda9001,0003,0005,000
South Fork Eel River - Sylvandale to Weott9001,0003,0005,000
Bull Creek - Near Weott100------400
Bull Creek - Flatiron Tree to Highway 101100------400
Eel - At Scotia500------3,000
Eel River - South Fork to Fernbridge500------3,000
Mattole - Near Ettersburg300------1,800
Mattole River - Thorn Junction to Ettersburg300------900
Mattole River - Ettersburg to Honeydew300------1,800
Mattole River - Honeydew to Petrolia250------900
Noyo River - Below South Fork300------900
Noyo River - Northspur to Company Ranch or Fort Bragg300------900
Rancheria Creek - At Mountain View Rd200------2,000
Rancheria Creek - Fish Rock Road to Mountain View Rd200------1,000
Rancheria Creek - Mountain View Rd to Hendy Woods State Park300------2,000
Navarro - Near Navarro300------2,000
Navarro River - Hendy Woods State Park to Dimmick Memorial Grove300------2,000
Navarro River - Dimmick Memorial Grove to Navarro Beach400------2,000
Garcia - At Eureka Hill Road5.00ft------7.00ft
Garcia River - Voorhees Park to Highway 15.00ft------7.00ft
So. Gualala - Near Sea Ranch300------2,000
Wheatfield Fork Gualala River - Wolf Creek to House Creek500------2,000
Wheatfield Fork Gualala River - House Creek to Clarks Crossing500------2,000
Wheatfield Fork Gualala River - Clarks Crossing to South Fork500------2,000
South Fork Gualala River - Houser Bridge to Wheatfield Fork750------3,000
South Fork Gualala River - Wheatfield Fork to the Ocean300------1,200
Return to Index.
California Central/South CoastMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
E. Fk Russian - Above Lake Mendocino300------600
East Fork Russian River - Potter Valley to Mendocino Reservoir300------600
E. Fk Russian - Below Coyote Dam------------
Russian River - Coyote Dam to Ukiah------------
Russian - At Hopland2001,1001,5008,000
Russian River - Coyote Dam to Ukiah------------
Russian River - Ukiah to Hopland------------
Russian River - Hopland to Pieta Creek200------8,000
Russian River - Pieta Creek to Highway 101 (Squaw Rock)3501,1001,5006,500
Russian River - Cloverdale to Asti200------8,000
Russian - Near Cloverdale5001,6002,20010,000
Russian River - Pieta Creek to Highway 101 (Squaw Rock)5001,6002,20010,000
Russian River - Cloverdale to Asti300------12,000
Big Sulphur Cr - At Geysers Resort3008001,2001,500
Little Sulphur Creek - Geyserville Road to Big Sulphur Creek1,500------3,500
Big Sulphur Creek - Below The Geysers to Iron Bridge (Upper)3008001,2001,500
Big Sulphur Creek - Iron Bridge to Russian Confluence (Lower)250------1,850
Big Sulphur Cr - Near Cloverdale4001,2751,7253,000
Big Sulphur Creek - Below The Geysers to Iron Bridge (Upper)480------2,400
Big Sulphur Creek - Iron Bridge to Russian Confluence (Lower)4001,2751,7253,000
Russian - Near Healdsburg300------1,500
Russian River - Asti to Alexander Valley Road500------1,500
Russian River - Alexander Valley Road to Healdsburg300------1,500
Russian River - Healdsburg to Guerneville300------1,500
Mark West Creek - At Porter Creek Rd------------
Mark West Creek - Mark West Lodge to Mark West Springs Road------------
Mark West Creek - At Michele Way------------
Mark West Creek - Mark West Lodge to Mark West Springs Road------------
Mark West Creek - Near Santa Rosa4008001,2002,000
Mark West Creek - Mark West Lodge to Mark West Springs Road4008001,2002,000
Russian - At Hacienda Bridge500------2,500
Russian River - Healdsburg to Guerneville500------2,500
Russian River - Guerneville to Jenner------------
Napa - Near Napa------------
Napa River - St. Helena to Yountville------------
Napa River - Yountville to Napa------------
Arroyo Mocho - Near Livermore------------
Arroyo Mocho - Above Waterfalls to Mines Road Bridge------------
Arroyo Valle - Above Lake Del Valle700------1,000
Arroyo Valle - Mount Hamilton Road to Del Valle Reservoir700------1,000
Alameda Creek - Near Niles400------1,200
Alameda Creek - Sunol to Niles Junction400------1,200
Arroyo Hondo - Near San Jose200------400
Arroyo Hondo - Kincaid Road to Calaveras Reservoir200------400
Guadalupe - At San Jose300400500600
Guadalupe River - Blossom Hill Road to Trimble Rd300400500600
Coyote Creek - Above Coyote Lake200------600
Coyote Creek - Henry Coe Park to Coyote Reservoir200------600
San Francisquito Cr - At Stanford University------------
San Francisquito Creek - Highway 280 to San Francisco Bay------------
Pescadero Creek - Near Pescadero200------800
Pescadero Creek - Portola State Park to Memorial County Park200------800
San Lorenzo - At Felton5008001,2002,000
San Lorenzo River - Boulder Creek to Ben Lomond500------2,000
San Lorenzo River - Ben Lomond to Felton------------
San Lorenzo River - Felton to the Ocean5008001,2002,000
San Lorenzo - At Santa Cruz5008001,2002,000
San Lorenzo River - Boulder Creek to Ben Lomond------------
San Lorenzo River - Ben Lomond to Felton------------
San Lorenzo River - Felton to the Ocean5008001,2002,000
Soquel Creek - At Soquel40------300
Soquel Creek - Olive Springs Rd to Capitola Beach40------300
Carmel - At Robles Del Rio300------600
Carmel River - Near Ventana Wilderness (Los Padres reservoir to Carmel Valley Village)300------600
Carmel River - Carmel Valley to the Pacific Ocean------------
Carmel - Near Carmel300------1,200
Carmel River - Carmel Valley to the Pacific Ocean300------1,200
Big Sur - Near Big Sur400------1,200
Big Sur River - Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park to the Pacific Ocean400------1,200
Arroyo Seco - Near Greenfield7.50ft7.70ft8.10ft9.00ft
Arroyo Seco - Willow Creek to Arroyo Center Bridge7.50ft7.70ft8.10ft9.00ft
Arroyo Seco - Arroyo Center Bridge to Millers Lodge7.50ft------10.00ft
Arroyo Seco - Near Soledad200------2,000
Arroyo Seco - Millers Lodge to G16 Bridge200------2,000
San Antonio - Near Lockwood400------1,500
San Antonio River - Fresno Campsite to Bear Canyon400------1,500
San Antonio River - Bear Canyon to Fort Hunter Liggett------------
Cuyama - Below Buckhorn Canyon5002,5003,5005,000
Cuyama River - Highway 166 to Twitchell Reservoir (Lower)5002,5003,5005,000
Santa Ynez - Below Los Laureles Canyon1,000------5,000
Santa Ynez River - Paradise Rd to Lake Cachuma1,000------5,000
Piru Creek - Above Pyramid Lake100------400
Upper Piru Creek - Mutau Flat Section (Mutau Flat Road to Gold Hill Road)100------400
Upper Piru Creek - Gold Hill Gorge (Gold Hill Road to Buck Creek Road)100------400
Upper Piru Creek - Hardluck Gorge (Buck Creek Road to Pyramid Lake)100------400
Piru Creek - Above Frenchmans Flat200------800
Middle Piru Creek - Pyramid Dam Bridge to Frenchmans Flat Campground------------
Middle Piru Creek - Frenchmans Flat Campground to Lake Piru200------800
Piru Creek - Above Lake Piru800------2,200
Middle Piru Creek - Frenchmans Flat Campground to Lake Piru800------2,200
Piru Creek - Below Lake Piru150------1,000
Lower Piru Creek - Lake Piru to Santa Clara River150------1,000
Sespe Creek - Near Wheeler Springs------------
Sespe Creek - Lion Campground to Fillmore------------
Sespe Creek - Near Fillmore400------800
Sespe Creek - Lion Campground to Fillmore400------800
Santa Clara - Below Sespe Creek------------
Santa Clara River - Fillmore to McGrath Beach State Park------------
Los Angeles - Below Sepulveda Dam40------120
Los Angeles River - Balboa Blvd to Haskell Creek (Sepulveda Basin)50------120
Los Angeles River - Fletcher Ave to Oros Street (Glendale Narrows/Frogtown/Elysian Valley)40------120
Santa Margarita - Near Temecula300------1,500
Santa Margarita River - Temecula Gorge (Murrieta Creek to Sandia Creek Dr)300------1,500
Return to Index.
California Sacramento ValleyMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Sacramento - Below Box Canyon Dam4.00ft4.50ft5.00ft5.70ft
Sacramento River - Box Canyon Run4.00ft4.50ft5.00ft5.70ft
Sacramento River - Dunsmuir to Castle Crags------------
Sacramento - At Delta6001,2751,72510,000
Sacramento River - Box Canyon Run300------1,200
Sacramento River - Dunsmuir to Castle Crags600------6,000
Sacramento River - Castle Crags to Sims Flat5008001,2006,000
Sacramento River - Sims Flat to Lake Shasta8001,2751,7256,000
McCloud - Above McCloud Res600------2,000
McCloud River - Hearst Run (Fowler’s Campground to McCloud Reservoir)600------2,000
McCloud - Below McCloud Dam400------1,600
McCloud River - Lower (McCloud Reservoir to Lake Shasta)400------1,600
McCloud - At Ah-Di-Na500------2,000
McCloud River - Lower (McCloud Reservoir to Lake Shasta)500------2,000
McCloud - At Shasta Lake800------2,400
Squaw Valley Creek - Cabin Creek Trailhead to Shasta Reservoir800------2,400
McCloud River - Lower (McCloud Reservoir to Lake Shasta)800------2,400
Pit - At Canby500------1,000
Pit River - Hwy-139 to Lookout Hackamore Road (Canby Run)500------1,000
Pit - Above Pit 1 Powerhouse600------3,000
Pit River - Fall River Mills to Pit #1 Powerhouse (Pit Falls)600------3,000
Pit - Below Pit 1 Powerhouse600------5,000
Pit River - Fall River Mills to Pit #1 Powerhouse (Pit Falls)------------
Pit River - Pit #1 Powerhouse to Lake Britton600------5,000
Pit - Below Pit 3 Dam700------2,000
Pit River - Pit 3 Run (Lake Britton to Pit 3 Powerhouse)700------2,000
Pit - Below Pit 4 Dam800------3,000
Pit River - Pit 4 Dam to Pit 4 Powerhouse800------3,000
Pit - At Big Bend800------4,000
Pit River - Pit 5 Dam to Big Bend800------4,000
Pit River - Big Bend to Pit 5 Powerhouse800------4,000
Sacramento - Below Keswick Dam3,500------15,000
Sacramento River - Redding to Red Bluff3,500------15,000
Clear Creek - Below Whiskeytown Lake2005007001,000
Clear Creek - Whiskeytown Reservoir to Sacramento Valley2005007001,000
No. Battle Creek - Above SF Confluence------------
Battle Creek - Wildcat Road to Coleman Fish Hatchery------------
So. Battle Creek - Below Inskip Div Dam------------
South Fork Battle Creek - Near Ponderosa Way to Manton Road (A6)------------
So. Battle Creek - Below Coleman Div Dam3003254251,500
South Fork Battle Creek - Near Ponderosa Way to Manton Road (A6)3003254251,500
So. Battle Creek - At Manton Road3003204301,500
South Fork Battle Creek - Near Ponderosa Way to Manton Road (A6)------------
Battle Creek - Above Baldwin Creek500------2,000
Battle Creek - Manton Road to Coleman Fish Hatchery500------2,000
Battle Creek - At Coleman Fish Hatchery750------3,000
Battle Creek - Manton Road to Coleman Fish Hatchery750------3,000
Battle Creek - Coleman Fish Hatchery to Jellys Ferry Road------------
No. Cottonwood Creek - At Sunny Hill Mine------------
North Fork Cottonwood Creek - Sunny Hill Road to Platina Rd Bridge------------
North Fork Cottonwood Creek - Ono Bridge to near Middle Fork------------
No. Cottonwood - Above Middle Fork300------1,200
North Fork Cottonwood Creek - Sunny Hill Road to Platina Rd Bridge300------1,200
North Fork Cottonwood Creek - Ono Bridge to near Middle Fork300------900
Mi. Cottonwood - Above North Fork300------1,600
Beegum Creek - Forest Service Campground to State Highway 361,300------3,200
Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek - Platina to Platina Rd Bridge400------1,600
Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek - Platina Rd to North Fork300------900
So. Cottonwood - At Bowman Road------------
South Fork Cottonwood Creek - Pettyjohn Rd to Route 36------------
South Fork Cottonwood Creek - Route 36 to Route A5 (Bowman Rd)------------
Sacramento - At Bend Bridge5,00012,50017,50020,000
Sacramento River - Redding to Red Bluff5,00012,50017,50020,000
Antelope Creek - Above Cone Grove Rd400------1,200
Antelope Creek - Payne Place to Cone Grove Park400------1,200
Elder Creek - At Lowrey Road600------2,000
Elder Creek - Lowrey Rd to Paskenta Rd600------2,000
Mill Creek - At End of Canyon5008001,2001,500
Mill Creek - Upper Run------------
Mill Creek - Lower Run5008001,2001,500
Deer Creek - Near Vina6008501,1501,200
Deer Creek - Upper Run6008501,1501,200
Deer Creek - Lower Run6008501,1501,200
Sacramento - At Vina-Woodson Bridge5,000------12,000
Sacramento River - Red Bluff to Woodson Bridge5,000------12,000
Sacramento River - Woodson Bridge to Colusa5,000------12,000
Stony Creek - Above Rainbow Diversion400------1,000
Stony Creek - Mill Creek Campground to Mine Camp400------1,000
Stony Creek - Above Stony Creek Res500------1,600
Stony Creek - Mill Creek Campground to Mine Camp500------1,500
Stony Creek - Stonyford to Road 303800------1,600
Grindstone Creek - Near Grindstone Rancheria5001,2751,7252,500
Grindstone Creek - Grindstone Road to Stony Creek confluence5001,2751,7252,500
Stony Creek - Above Black Butte Lake------------
Stony Creek - Elk Creek to Grindstone Creek500------4,000
Butte Creek - Near Chico400------1,200
West Branch Butte Creek - Nelson Ravine to Doe Mill Road------------
Butte Creek - De Sabla Powerhouse to Centerville Rd400------1,200
Butte Creek - PG&E Powerhouse to Covered Bridge400------1,000
No. Cache Creek - Above Indian Valley Res------------
North Fork Cache Creek - Ladybug Creek to Indian Valley Res------------
No. Cache Creek - Rel Indian Valley Dam------------
North Fork Cache Creek - Indian Valley Dam to Highway 20------------
Cache Creek - Wilderness Run------------
No. Cache Creek - Near Chalk Mountain1.50ft------2.30ft
North Fork Cache Creek - Indian Valley Dam to Highway 20------------
Cache Creek - Wilderness Run1.50ft------2.30ft
Cache Creek - Below Clear Lake500------5,000
Cache Creek - Wilderness Run500------5,000
Bear Creek - Above Cache Creek200------800
Bear Creek - Wilbur Hot Springs Road to Cowboy Camp200------800
Bear Creek - Cowboy Camp to Cache Creek confluence200------800
Cache Creek - At Rumsey Bridge5001,7002,3005,000
Cache Creek - Wilderness Run------------
Cache Creek - Rowboat Rapid Run5001,7002,3005,000
Cache Creek - Rumsey to Guinda (Capay Valley)500------1,000
Putah Creek - Below Hwy 291,0002,5003,5006,000
Upper Putah Creek - Hwy 29 to Lake Berryessa1,0002,5003,5006,000
Putah Creek - Below Lake Berryessa450------900
Lower Putah Creek - Monticello Dam to Fishing Access #3 or Solano County Park450------900
Return to Index.
California West Sierra - NorthernMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Indian Creek - Below Indian Falls8001,0001,4001,500
Indian Creek - Near Cresent Mills to Spanish Creek (into East Branch NF Feather)8001,0001,4001,500
Spanish Creek - Near Keddie250------1,000
Spanish Creek - Quincy to Oakland Camp250------1,000
Spanish Creek - Oakland Camp to East Branch NF Feather250------1,000
No. Feather - Below Belden Dam------------
North Fork Feather River - Belden Dam to East Branch Feather (Caribou)------------
Eb. No. Feather - Below Virgilia6001,2751,7253,000
East Branch North Fork Feather River - Spanish Creek to Virgilia------------
East Branch North Fork Feather River - Virgilia to Belden6001,2751,7253,000
No. Feather - Below Rock Creek Dam8001,2751,7252,000
North Fork Feather River - Rock Creek Run800------2,000
North Fork Feather River - Tobin Run800------2,000
North Fork Feather River - Lobin Run800------4,000
No. Feather - Below Grizzly Creek7001,2751,7252,000
North Fork Feather River - Cresta Run (Cresta Dam to Poe Reservoir)7001,2751,7252,000
No. Feather - Below Poe Dam5001,2751,7255,000
North Fork Feather River - Poe Canyon5001,2751,7255,000
North Fork Feather River - Bardees Bar500------5,000
North Fork Feather River - Big Bend Run------------
West Br Feather - At Whiskey Flat Bridge2506759251,500
Big Kimshew Creek - Concow Rd on Little Kimshew Creek to West Branch Feather or Whiskey Flat Bridge750------1,050
West Branch Feather River - Upper Run a.k.a. Naked Lady (Whiskey Flat Bridge to Dean Road)3006759251,500
West Branch Feather River - Ben and Jerrys Gorge (Dean Road to Lake Oroville)250350450600
Mi. Feather - Near Portola100------400
Middle Fork Feather River - Beckwourth to Portola or Mabie100------400
Middle Fork Feather River - Mabie to Clio500------800
Mi. Feather - Below Sloat600------2,400
Middle Fork Feather River - Beckwourth to Portola or Mabie------------
Middle Fork Feather River - Mabie to Clio------------
Middle Fork Feather River - Clio to Mohawk250------1,000
Middle Fork Feather River - Mohawk to Sloat250------1,000
Middle Fork Feather River - Sloat to Nelson Point600------2,400
Mi. Feather - At Milsap Bar5001,7002,3003,000
Middle Fork Feather River - Nelson Point to Milsap Bar (Devil’s Canyon)8001,7002,3003,000
Middle Fork Feather River - Milsap Bar to Lake Oroville (Bald Rock Canyon)5006759251,500
South Br Feather - At Seven Falls------------
South Branch Middle Fork Feather River - Milsap Bar Road Bridge to Milsap Bar------------
So. Feather - Below Little Grass Valley180260340500
South Fork Feather River - Little Grass Valley Reservoir to South Fork Diversion Dam180260340500
South Fork Feather River - Hike In Trail to South Fork Diversion Dam180------500
So. Feather - Below SF Diversion Dam------------
South Fork Feather River - South Fork Diversion Dam to Golden Trout Crossing------------
South Fork Feather River - Golden Trout Crossing to Forbestown Diversion (Triumph Mine Run)------------
Lost Creek - Below Lost Creek Res------------
Lost Creek - Lost Creek Dam to Forbestown Diversion Dam------------
So. Feather - Below Forbestown Div Dam200250400500
South Fork Feather River - Forbestown Diversion Dam to Ponderosa Reservoir200250400500
Lavezzola Creek - Above Downie River175------450
Lavezzola Creek - Second Divide Bridge to Downieville175------450
Pauley Creek - At Pauley Creek Falls175------500
Pauley Creek - Upper Run (3rd Divide to 2nd Divide)175------500
Pauley Creek - Lower Run (2nd Divide to Downie River)200------500
No. Yuba - At Sierra City5001,0001,4002,500
North Yuba River - Loves Falls300------500
North Yuba River - Wild Plum Run (Sierra City to Downieville)5001,0001,4002,500
No. Yuba - Below Goodyears Bar7001,2751,7252,500
North Yuba River - Rosassco Canyon7001,0001,4002,500
North Yuba River - Goodyears Bar7001,2751,7252,500
North Yuba River - Hwy-49 Bridge to New Bullards Bar700------2,000
No. Yuba - Above Slate Creek700------2,000
Canyon Creek - Bella Union Ravine to North Yuba------------
North Yuba River - Hwy-49 Bridge to New Bullards Bar700------2,000
Slate Creek - Below Diversion Dam250------400
Canyon Creek - Bella Union Ravine to North Yuba300------500
Slate Creek - Below Diversion Dam to New Bullards Bar250------400
No. Yuba - Inflow New Bullards Bar------------
North Yuba River - Hwy-49 Bridge to New Bullards Bar------------
No. Yuba - Below New Bullards Bar------------
North Yuba River - Bullards Bar Dam to Middle Yuba Confluence------------
Middle Yuba River - Route 49 to Englebright------------
Mi. Yuba - Below Jackson Meadows400------1,000
Middle Yuba River - Jackson Meadows Reservoir to Milton Reservoir400------1,000
Mi. Yuba - Below Milton Dam------------
Middle Yuba River - Milton Dam to Plumbago Rd------------
Middle Yuba River - Plumbago Rd to Our House Dam400------1,000
Mi. Yuba - Above Our House Dam6008001,2002,000
Middle Yuba River - Milton Dam to Plumbago Rd------------
Middle Yuba River - Plumbago Rd to Our House Dam6008001,2002,000
Mi. Yuba - Below Our House Dam6008001,2002,000
Middle Yuba River - Plumbago Rd to Our House Dam------------
Middle Yuba River - Our House Dam to Route 496008001,2002,000
Middle Yuba River - Route 49 to Englebright6007009001,000
So. Yuba - Near Cisco4006759251,000
South Yuba River - Kingvale to Indian Springs Campground (Summit Run)4006759251,000
South Yuba River - Indian Springs Campground to Lake Spaulding (Spaulding Run)4006759251,000
Fordyce Creek - Below Fordyce Dam300425575600
Fordyce Creek - Fordyce Lake to Lake Spaulding300425575600
Canyon Creek - Below French Lake70100140200
Canyon Creek - Upper Run (French Lake to Bowman Lake)70100140200
Canyon Creek - Below Bowman Lake200------450
Canyon Creek - Bowman Spaulding Diversion to Arctic Mine200------450
Canyon Creek - Arctic Mine to South Yuba Confluence250------400
So. Yuba - At Lang Crossing6001,2501,7002,000
South Yuba River - Lang Crossing to Golden Quartz Picnic Area (Yuba Gap)250------450
South Yuba River - Golden Quartz Picnic Area to Washington------------
South Yuba River - Washington to Edwards------------
So. Yuba - At Hwy 49 Bridge4501,2751,7253,000
South Yuba River - Washington to Edwards400------2,000
South Yuba River - Edwards to Purdon Crossing8001,2751,7253,000
South Yuba River - Purdon Crossing to Route 498001,2751,7252,000
South Yuba River - Route 49 to Bridgeport4501,2751,7252,000
Yuba - Below Englebright Dam1,5001,7002,3003,500
Yuba River - Englebright Dam to Hwy 20 Bridge1,5001,7002,3003,500
Yuba River - Parks Bar to Hallwood Boulevard------------
Yuba River - Hallwood Boulevard to Marysville------------
Deer Creek - Near Smartville700------2,000
Squirrel Creek - Pleasant Valley Road to Mooney Flat Road750------2,000
Deer Creek - Lake Wildwood to Mooney Flat Road700------2,000
Yuba - Below Deer Creek500------3,000
Yuba River - Englebright Dam to Hwy 20 Bridge------------
Yuba River - Parks Bar to Hallwood Boulevard500------3,000
Yuba River - Hallwood Boulevard to Marysville500------3,000
Bear - At Hwy 20 Bridge------------
Bear River - Hwy-20 bridge to Drum Powerhouse------------
Bear - Below Drum Afterbay------------
Bear River - Drum Afterbay to Dutch Flat------------
Bear - Below Dutch Flat Afterbay400------1,000
Bear River - Dutch Flat to Chicago Park Powerhouse400------1,000
Bear - At Hwy 174 Bridge3505007002,000
Bear River - Hwy-174 Bridge to Ben Taylor Rd3505007001,500
Bear River - Ben Taylor Rd to Lake Combie400------2,000
No. American - Inflow Lake Clementine5001,2751,7254,000
North Fork American River - Soda Springs Rd to Tadpole Creek (Royal Gorge)900------1,200
North Fork American River - Tadpole Creek to Euchre Bar (Generation Gap)1,2002,0502,7504,000
North Fork American River - Euchre Bar to Colfax-Iowa Hill Road (Giant Gap)8001,1501,5503,500
North Fork American River - Colfax-Iowa Hill Road to Yankee Jims Road (Chamberlain Falls)8001,2751,7252,500
North Fork American River - Yankee Jims Road to Ponderosa Way (Ponderosa Way Run)5001,0001,4003,000
North Fork American River - Ponderosa Way to Lake Clementine500------4,000
North Fork American River - Lake Clementine to Middle Fork Confluence------------
North Fork American River - Middle Fork Confluence to Folsom Reservoir------------
Mi. American - Below French Meadows------------
Middle Fork American River - French Meadows Reservoir to Interbay Reservoir------------
Mi. American - Above Middle Fork PH------------
Middle Fork American River - French Meadows Reservoir to Interbay Reservoir------------
Mi. American - Below Interbay Dam300350450600
Middle Fork American River - Interbay Dam to Oxbow Reservoir (End of the World)------------
Mi. American - Above Oxbow Reservoir400450625800
Middle Fork American River - Interbay Dam to Oxbow Reservoir (End of the World)------------
Rubicon - Below Rubicon Dam------------
Rubicon River - Rubicon Dam to Hell Hole Reservoir------------
Rubicon - Above Hell Hole Reservoir------------
Rubicon River - Rubicon Dam to Hell Hole Reservoir------------
Rubicon - Below Hell Hole Dam------------
Rubicon River - Hell Hole Dam to Ellicott Bridge (Upper)------------
Rubicon River - Ellicott Bridge to Ralston Afterbay (Lower)------------
So. Rubicon - Below Gerle Creek100------300
South Fork Rubicon River - Gerle Creek to Ellicott Bridge100------300
Rubicon - At Ellicott Bridge5001,0001,4002,000
Rubicon River - Hell Hole Dam to Ellicott Bridge (Upper)------------
Rubicon River - Ellicott Bridge to Ralston Afterbay (Lower)5001,0001,4002,000
Rubicon - Above Ralston Powerhouse800------3,200
Rubicon River - Ellicott Bridge to Ralston Afterbay (Lower)800------3,200
No. Mi. American - At Mosquito Ridge Rd600600700800
North Fork Middle Fork American River - Last Chance Bridge to Middle Fork Confluence600600700800
Mi. American - Above Tunnel Chute8001,0001,4002,000
Middle Fork American River - Ralston Afterbay to Drivers Flat Road (Tunnel Chute)8001,0001,4001,500
Middle Fork American River - Greenwood Bridge to Mammoth Bar800------2,000
North Fork American River - Middle Fork Confluence to Folsom Reservoir------------
No. American - Above Pump Station600------6,000
North Fork American River - Middle Fork Confluence to Folsom Reservoir600------6,000
So. American - Above Silver Fork5009001,1001,200
South Fork American River - Strawberry to Kyburz (Lovers Leap)5009001,1001,200
Silver Fk American - Below Oyster Creek------------
Silver Fork American River - Dugald Bremner Run------------
Silver Fk American - Above SF American350------800
Silver Fork American River - Dugald Bremner Run------------
Silver Fork American River - Middle Run500------2,500
Silver Fork American River - Lower Run350------550
So. American - Below Kyburz5508251,1002,400
Silver Fork American River - Dugald Bremner Run------------
Silver Fork American River - Middle Run------------
Silver Fork American River - Lower Run------------
South Fork American River - Strawberry to Kyburz (Lovers Leap)450------1,400
South Fork American River - Kyburz to Riverton (Kyburz)5508251,1002,400
South Fork American River - Riverton to Peavine5501,0001,4003,200
South Fork American River - Peavine Ridge Road to Forebay Road (Golden Gate)------------
So. American - Below Alder Creek7001,0001,4004,000
South Fork American River - Kyburz to Riverton (Kyburz)7001,0001,4003,000
South Fork American River - Riverton to Peavine7001,2751,7254,000
South Fork American River - Peavine Ridge Road to Forebay Road (Golden Gate)7008501,1501,500
South Silver - Above Ice House Reservoir50------120
South Fork Silver Creek - Autobahn to Ice House Reservoir (South Silver)50------120
So. Silver Creek - Below Ice House Reservoir300380525700
South Fork Silver Creek - Below Ice House Reservoir to Junction Reservoir300380525700
Silver Creek - Below Camino Dam500------1,000
Silver Creek - Camino Reservoir to Forebay Rd500------1,000
So. American - Slab Creek Res Elevation1832.00ft1842.00ft1850.00ft1850.00ft
South Fork American River - Slab Creek Reservoir1832.00ft1842.00ft1850.00ft1850.00ft
So. American - Below Slab Creek Dam5001,2751,7252,000
South Fork American River - Slab Creek Dam to White Rock Powerhouse (Slab Creek)------------
So. American - At Chili Bar5001,7002,3007,000
South Fork American River - Highway 193 to Coloma (Chili Bar)7001,7002,3007,000
South Fork American River - Coloma to Greenwood Creek (C to G)5001,2751,7253,000
South Fork American River - Greenwood Creek to Salmon Falls Road (The Gorge)8001,7002,3007,000
No. Weber Creek - Inflow Weber Res------------
Weber Creek - Big Cut Road to Green Valley Road (Upper Upper)------------
Weber Creek - Green Valley Road to Cold Springs or Lotus Road (Upper)------------
Weber Creek - Lotus Road to Salmon Falls Bridge on SFA (Lower)------------
So. American - Below Weber Creek------------
South Fork American River - Highway 193 to Coloma (Chili Bar)------------
South Fork American River - Coloma to Greenwood Creek (C to G)------------
South Fork American River - Greenwood Creek to Salmon Falls Road (The Gorge)------------
American - Folsom Elev NF Paddle Out------------
North Fork American River - Middle Fork Confluence to Folsom Reservoir375.70ft------399.86ft
American - Folsom Elev SF Paddle Out------------
South Fork American River - Greenwood Creek to Salmon Falls Road (The Gorge)426.44ft------457.58ft
American - Folsom Lake Elevation------------
American - Below Lake Natoma800------6,000
Lower American River - Sailor Bar to Goethe Park800------6,000
Lower American River - San Juan Hole1,400------3,100
Lower American River - Goethe Park to Howe Avenue800------6,000
Lower American River - Howe Avenue to Sacramento River Confluence1,500------5,000
No. Cosumnes - At Sand Ridge Rd------------
North Fork Cosumnes River - Below Capps Crossing to Sciaroni Road------------
North Fork Cosumnes River - Sciaroni Road to Sweeneys Crossing------------
North Fork Cosumnes River - Camp Creek to Bucks Bar Road400------2,000
North Fork Cosumnes River - Bucks Bar Road to Hwy-49 Bridge------------
Mi. Cosumnes - At Mt Aukum Rd6008001,0001,200
Middle Fork Cosumnes River - Road 9N60 to Rocky Bar Road (Upper Middle Cosumnes a.k.a. "UMC")150------850
Middle Fork Cosumnes River - Rocky Bar Road to Mt. Aukum Rd200------1,200
Middle Fork Cosumnes River - Mt. Aukum Rd to Hwy 49 Bridge6008001,0001,200
Cosumnes - At Michigan Bar5001,0001,4002,500
Cosumnes River - Hwy 49 to Latrobe Road (Upper Run)5001,0001,4002,500
Cosumnes River - Labtrobe Road to Hwy 16 (Lower Run)8001,2751,7252,500
No. Mokelumne - Salt Springs Inflow600------800
North Fork Mokelumne River - Hwy 4 to Salt Springs Reservoir (Fantasy Falls)600------800
No. Mokelumne - Below Salt Springs Res500------2,000
North Fork Mokelumne River - Bear River to Tiger Creek (Devil’s Nose)500------2,000
No. Mokelumne - Above Tiger Cr Afterbay7001,7002,3004,000
North Fork Mokelumne River - Bear River to Tiger Creek (Devil’s Nose)7001,7002,3004,000
No. Mokelumne - Below Tiger Creek Dam6001,2751,7252,500
North Fork Mokelumne River - Tiger Creek Dam to Red Corral Road (Tiger Creek Dam Run)6001,2751,7252,500
No. Mokelumne - Below West Point P.H.4008501,2002,000
Mokelumne River - Ponderosa Way to Electra Picnic Area4008501,2002,000
Mokelumne - Below Electra Powerhouse5001,0001,4003,000
Mokelumne River - Ponderosa Way to Electra Picnic Area450------2,250
Mokelumne River - Electra Run5001,0001,4003,000
Mokelumne River - Middle Bar Run500------3,000
Mokelumne - At Highway 49 Bridge5001,0001,4003,000
Mokelumne River - Ponderosa Way to Electra Picnic Area450------2,250
Mokelumne River - Electra Run5001,0001,4003,000
Mokelumne River - Middle Bar Run500------3,000
Mokelumne - Inflow Pardee Res6001,2001,7003,600
Mokelumne River - Ponderosa Way to Electra Picnic Area600------3,000
Mokelumne River - Electra Run6001,2001,7003,600
Mokelumne River - Middle Bar Run600------3,600
Mokelumne - Below Camanche Reservoir300------800
Mokelumne River - Below Camanche Reservoir300------800
Calaveras - Below New Hogan Dam5008001,2001,500
Calaveras River - Below New Hogan Reservoir to Milton Rd5008001,2001,500
No. Stanislaus - Below NF Diversion------------
North Fork Stanislaus River - Hells Kitchen------------
Highland Creek - Below New Spicer Meadow250425575750
North Fork Stanislaus River - Hells Kitchen250425575750
No. Stanislaus - At Avery5001,0001,4002,000
North Fork Stanislaus River - Sourgrass Campground to Calaveras Big Trees (Boards Crossing)5001,0001,4002,000
North Fork Stanislaus River - Calaveras Big Trees to McKays Point5001,0001,4001,500
Mi. Stanislaus - Near Kennedy Meadow300450550600
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Kennedy Meadow to Clark Fork Road (Dardanelles)300450550600
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Clark Fork Road to Donnell Lake (Donnell)------------
Mi. Stanislaus - Inflow Donnell Lake4006008001,000
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Kennedy Meadow to Clark Fork Road (Dardanelles)600------1,000
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Clark Fork Road to Donnell Lake (Donnell)4006008001,000
Mi. Stanislaus - Below Donnell Dam------------
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Donnell Dam to Above Beardsley Reservoir------------
Mi. Stanislaus - Below Sand Bar Flat Dam8001,7002,3003,000
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Sand Bar Flat Dam to Mount Knight (Sand Bar Flat)8001,0001,4001,500
Middle Fork Stanislaus River - Mount Knight to Camp Nine Powerhouse (Mount Knight)1,2001,7002,3003,000
So. Stanislaus - At Strawberry4006008001,200
South Fork Stanislaus River - Hwy-108 Bridge to Lyons Reservoir (Strawberry)4006008001,200
So. Stanislaus - Below Philadelphia Div4006008001,200
South Fork Stanislaus River - Hwy-108 Bridge to Lyons Reservoir (Strawberry)4006008001,200
So. Stanislaus - Below Lyons Reservoir400------1,200
South Fork Stanislaus River - Italian Bar Road to Parrotts Ferry Bridge (Italian Bar)400------1,200
Stanislaus - At Camp Nine700------2,000
Stanislaus River - Camp Nine Powerhouse to Parrotts Ferry Bridge700------2,000
Stanislaus - Camp Nine Paddle Out------------
Stanislaus River - Camp Nine Powerhouse to Parrotts Ferry Bridge------------
Stanislaus - Inflow New Melones Lake------------
Stanislaus - Goodwin Dam Schedule500------3,000
Lower Stanislaus River - Goodwin Dam to Knights Ferry5001,7002,3003,000
Lower Stanislaus River - Knights Ferry to Orange Blossom Bridge300------2,100
Lower Stanislaus River - Orange Blossom Bridge or Valley Oak to McHenry Recreation Area200------2,500
Stanislaus - At Orange Blossom Bridge3001,7002,3003,000
Lower Stanislaus River - Goodwin Dam to Knights Ferry5001,7002,3003,000
Lower Stanislaus River - Knights Ferry to Orange Blossom Bridge300------2,100
Lower Stanislaus River - Orange Blossom Bridge or Valley Oak to McHenry Recreation Area200------2,500
Return to Index.
California West Sierra - SouthernMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Tuolumne - Above Hetch Hetchy Res500------1,200
Tuolumne River - Grand Canyon Run500------1,200
Tuolumne - Below Hetch Hetchy150------450
Tuolumne River - Poopenaut Gorge (Hetch Hetchy to Early Intake)150------450
Tuolumne - Above Early Intake200------600
Tuolumne River - Poopenaut Gorge (Hetch Hetchy to Early Intake)200------600
Cherry Creek - Above Cherry Lake------------
Cherry Creek - Upper Cherry------------
West Fork Cherry Creek - Bourland Meadow to Cherry Lake------------
Cherry Creek - Below Cherry Lake300------600
Cherry Creek - Eleanor Creek to Cherry Lake Road300------600
Cherry Creek - Above Holm Powerhouse------------
Cherry Creek - Eleanor Creek to Cherry Lake Road------------
Cherry Creek - Below Holm Powerhouse6001,0001,4001,800
Tuolumne River - Holm Powerhouse to Meral’s Pool (Cherry Creek Run)6001,0001,4001,800
Tuolumne - Below Early Intake7001,1001,5001,900
Tuolumne River - Early Intake to Meral’s Pool (Cherry Creek Run Alternate)7001,1001,5001,900
Tuolumne - At Mushroom7001,1001,5002,000
Tuolumne River - Holm Powerhouse to Meral’s Pool (Cherry Creek Run)7001,1001,5002,000
Mi. Tuolumne - Above SF Confluence------------
Middle Fork Tuolumne River - Evergreen Road to Camp Tawonga------------
So. Tuolumne - At Rainbow Pool400500700800
South Fork Tuolumne River - Carlon Day Use Area to Hwy 120 Bridge (Ascension Gorge)------------
South Fork Tuolumne River - Hwy 120 Bridge to Rainbow Pool400500700800
Tuolumne - At Merals Pool6002,2002,8008,000
Tuolumne River - Lower Run (a.k.a. the "T")6002,2002,8008,000
Clavey - Near Hunter Bend5006759251,200
Clavey River - Upper Bridge to Lower Bridge (Upper Run)5006759251,000
Clavey River - Lower Bridge to Ward’s Ferry (Lower Run)6006759251,200
No. Tuolumne - At Riverside Campground4006008001,000
North Fork Tuolumne River - Riverside Campground to Ward’s Ferry4006008001,000
Tuolumne - At Wards Ferry------------
Tuolumne River - Lower Run (a.k.a. the "T")------------
Tuolumne - New Don Pedro Paddle Out------------
Tuolumne River - Lower Run (a.k.a. the "T")------------
Tuolumne - Inflow New Don Pedro Res------------
Tuolumne River - Lower Run (a.k.a. the "T")------------
Tuolumne - Below La Grange Dam300------900
Tuolumne River - La Grange Dam to Roberts Ferry300------900
Tuolumne River - Roberts Ferry to Fox Grove Park300------900
Tuolumne River - Fox Grove Park to Riverdale Fishing Access200------1,500
Merced - At Happy Isles Bridge150------500
Merced River - Headwaters to Little Yosemite Valley150200250350
Merced River - In Yosemite Valley (Pines Bridge to El Capitan Bridge)200------500
Merced - At Pohono Bridge5001,1501,5502,000
Merced River - In Yosemite Valley (Pines Bridge to El Capitan Bridge)200------1,200
Merced River - El Cap Meadow to Highway 120/140 junction (Pohono)400------2,400
Merced River - Highway 120/140 junction to Arch Rock (Merced Gorge)8008501,1501,600
Merced River - El Portal to Red Bud5001,1501,5502,000
Merced - At Red Bud500------2,500
Merced River - El Portal to Red Bud650------2,500
Merced River - Red Bud to Briceburg500------2,500
So. Merced - At Wawona5008001,2001,500
South Fork Merced River - Gravely Ford to Wawona------------
South Fork Merced River - Wawona to Snyder Gulch5008001,2001,500
South Fork Merced River - Snyder Gulch to Hwy 140 Bridge500------1,500
So. Merced - At Hwy 140 Bridge650------2,000
South Fork Merced River - Snyder Gulch to Hwy 140 Bridge650------2,000
Merced - Below Briceburg8001,2751,7255,000
Merced River - Red Bud to Briceburg1,000------5,000
Merced River - Briceburg to Bagby8001,2751,7255,000
Merced - Inflow Lake McClure8001,2751,7255,000
Merced River - Briceburg to Bagby8001,2751,7255,000
Merced - At Cressy300------5,000
Merced River - Snelling Diversion Dam to San Joaquin Confluence300------5,000
Fresno - Above Hensley Lake300------3,000
Fresno River - Goldside Drive, off Highway 49, to Road 600 (Goldside)400------3,000
Fresno River - Road 600 to Road 415 (Fresno Gorge)300------1,500
Fresno River - Road 415 to boat ramp near dam at Lake Hensley300------1,000
Mi. San Joaquin - At Devils Postpile100------250
Middle Fork San Joaquin River - Devils Postpile Run100------250
San Joaquin - At Miller Crossing400425575650
Middle Fork San Joaquin River - Devils Postpile Run400425575650
Mono Creek - Below Lake Edison150------500
Mono Creek - Vermilion Dam to Mono Diversion150------500
So. San Joaquin - Below Florence Lake3508501,1501,500
South Fork San Joaquin River - Piute Creek to Florence Lake------------
South Fork San Joaquin River - Florence Lake to Mono Hot Springs3508501,1501,500
South Fork San Joaquin River - Mono Hot Springs to Mammoth Pool5001,0001,4001,500
San Joaquin - Below Mammoth Pool Res6001,2751,7252,000
San Joaquin River - Mammoth Pool Dam to Mammoth Pool Powerhouse (Tied For First)6001,2751,7252,000
San Joaquin - Chawanakee Gorge3005007001,000
San Joaquin River - Mammoth Powerhouse to Redinger Lake (Chawanakee Gorge)3005007001,000
San Joaquin - Below Stevenson Creek------------
San Joaquin River - Mammoth Powerhouse to Redinger Lake (Chawanakee Gorge)------------
No. Willow Creek - Near Sugar Pine40------200
Big Creek - Fish Camp to South Fork Merced80------200
North Fork Willow Creek - Upper Run (Greys Mt. Campground to Chilkoot Campground)75------200
North Fork Willow Creek - Lower Run (Chilkoot Campground to Bass Lake)40------150
San Joaquin - Below Redinger Lake------------
San Joaquin River - Redinger Dam to Kerckhoff Reservoir (Horseshoe Bend)------------
San Joaquin - At Horseshoe Bend1,0002,0004,00010,000
San Joaquin River - Redinger Dam to Kerckhoff Reservoir (Horseshoe Bend)1,0002,0004,00010,000
San Joaquin - At Patterson Bend1,5003,4004,6005,000
San Joaquin River - Kerckhoff Reservoir to Kerchoff #1 PH (Patterson Bend)1,5003,4004,6005,000
San Joaquin River - Kerchoff #1 PH to Kerchoff #2 PH (Squaw Leap)700------4,000
San Joaquin - Inflow Millerton Lake------------
San Joaquin River - Kerchoff #2 PH to Millerton Reservoir (Millerton Lake Bottom)------------
San Joaquin - Below Friant Dam150------15,000
San Joaquin River - Friant Dam to Skaggs Bridge Park150------15,000
San Joaquin - At Highway 41------------
San Joaquin River - Friant Dam to Skaggs Bridge Park------------
San Joaquin - At Donny Bridge150------15,000
San Joaquin River - Friant Dam to Skaggs Bridge Park150------15,000
San Joaquin - Below Skaggs Bridge------------
San Joaquin River - Friant Dam to Skaggs Bridge Park------------
San Joaquin - At Gravelly Ford150------15,000
San Joaquin River - Friant Dam to Skaggs Bridge Park150------15,000
San Joaquin - At Mendota200------6,000
San Joaquin River - Mendota to Firebaugh200------6,000
No. Kings - At Meadow Brook150------800
North Fork Kings River - Post Corral Creek to Wishon Reservoir150------800
No. Kings - Below Balch Diversion Dam------------
No. Kings - Above Dinkey Creek200255345400
North Fork Kings River - Balch Afterbay Dam to Balch Camp (Upper Run)200255345400
Dinkey Creek - At Dinkey Meadow110------500
Dinkey Creek - Dinkey Dome to Dinkey Creek Campground (Superdink!)110------250
Dinkey Creek - Dinkey Creek Campground to logging spur road (Cherry Bomb Falls)250------500
Dinkey Creek - Above North Fork Kings250------800
Dinkey Creek - Ross Creek to Balch Camp (The Waterfalls)250------700
Dinkey Creek - Old Mine Trail to Balch Camp (Lower Run)400------800
No. Kings - Below Dinkey Creek4006008002,000
North Fork Kings River - Balch Camp to Main Kings4006008002,000
So. Kings - Above Roaring River200------1,000
South Fork Kings River - Headwaters to Bubbs Creek------------
South Fork Kings River - Bubbs Creek to Park Boundary------------
South Fork Kings River - Park Boundary to Boyden Cave (Park Boundary Run)200------1,000
South Fork Kings River - Boyden Cave to Yucca Point Trail (Horseshoe Bend)------------
So. Kings - Above Boyden Cave5008001,2001,500
South Fork Kings River - Bubbs Creek to Park Boundary500------2,000
South Fork Kings River - Park Boundary to Boyden Cave (Park Boundary Run)5008001,2001,500
South Fork Kings River - Boyden Cave to Yucca Point Trail (Horseshoe Bend)800------1,000
Kings - At Rodgers Crossing7501,2751,7255,000
Middle Fork Kings River - Dusy Branch to Yucca Point Trail1,0001,7002,3003,000
Kings River - Yucca Point Trail to Garnet Dike Campground (Kings Canyon)8001,2751,7252,500
Kings River - Garnet Dike Campground to Kirch Flat Campground (Banzai Run)7502,2002,8005,000
Kings - Below North Fork750------5,000
Kings River - Garnet Dike Campground to Kirch Flat Campground (Banzai Run)750------5,000
Kings River - Below Kirch Flat to Pine Flat Res (Hidden Kings)------------
Kings - Inflow Pine Flat Res800------6,000
Kings River - Below Kirch Flat to Pine Flat Res (Hidden Kings)800------6,000
Kings - Rel Pine Flat Lake500------5,000
Kings River - Pine Flat Dam to Centerville500------5,000
Mill Creek - Above Kings River75------400
Mill Creek - Squaw Valley (Hwy-180) to Wonder Valley75------400
Mi. Kaweah - Above Marble Fork160------260
Middle Fork Kaweah River - Hospital Rock to Marble Fork (Hospital Rock)160------260
Marble Fk Kaweah - Near Lodgepole------------
Marble Fork Kaweah River - Clover Creek to Crystal Cave Road Bridge------------
Marble Fork Kaweah River - Marble Falls to Diversion Dam------------
E. Fk Kaweah - Near Oak Grove Bridge160------220
East Fork Kaweah River - Oak Grove Bridge to Gateway Bridge160------220
No. Kaweah - At Kaweah200------800
North Fork Kaweah River - Tarbell Pocket to Yucca Creek (Upper North Fork)200------800
North Fork Kaweah River - Yucca Creek to Paradise Beach350------600
North Fork Kaweah River - Paradise Beach to Bailey Bridge (Lower)350------600
North Fork Kaweah River - Bailey Bridge to Main Kaweah Confluence (Lower Lower)350------600
Kaweah - At Three Rivers500------3,000
Clover Creek - Above Wuksachi Way800------2,000
Middle Fork Kaweah River - Panther Creek to Hospital Rock (Upper Middle)------------
Middle Fork Kaweah River - Hospital Rock to Marble Fork (Hospital Rock)500------1,400
East Fork Kaweah River - Oak Grove Bridge to Gateway Bridge600------1,000
Kaweah River - Marble Fork to Park Boundary (Ash Mountain)------------
Kaweah River - Park Boundary to East Fork (Park Boundary)350------1,500
Kaweah River - East Fork to Dinely Bridge (Gateway)500------3,000
Kaweah River - Dinely Bridge to Three Rivers (Dinely)500------3,000
Kaweah River - Three Rivers to the Reservoir (Lake Run)5001,2751,7252,500
Kaweah - Inflow Terminus Res5001,2751,7252,500
Kaweah River - Three Rivers to the Reservoir (Lake Run)5001,2751,7252,500
Kaweah - Below Terminus Dam300------3,000
Kaweah River - Dry Creek Rd to Woodlake Airport (Below Terminus)300------3,000
St Johns River - Woodlake Airport to Cutler Park------------
Mi. Tule - Above Coffee Camp------------
Middle Fork Tule River - North/South Confluence to Lumbeau------------
So. Tule - Near Cholollo Campground50------400
South Fork Tule River - Cholollo Campground to Reservation Boundary50------400
So. Tule - Near Reservation Boundary75------500
South Fork Tule River - Cholollo Campground to Reservation Boundary75------500
Tule - Near Springville200------800
Middle Fork Tule River - North/South Confluence to Lumbeau300------450
Tule River - Lumbeau picnic area to Springville200------800
Dry Meadow Creek - Above Kern River------------
Dry Meadow Creek - Tea Cups------------
No. Kern - Above Fairview Dam5001,2751,7253,600
North Fork Kern River - Junction Meadow to Forks of the Kern (Headwaters)500------2,500
North Fork Kern River - Forks of the Kern to Johnsondale Bridge (Forks of the Kern)6001,2751,7253,600
North Fork Kern River - Johnsondale Bridge to Fairview Dam (Limestone)5008001,2003,600
No. Kern - Below Fairview Dam5001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Fairview Dam to Calkins Flat (Fairview)6001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Calkins Flat to Salmon Creek (Chamise Gorge)6001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Salmon Creek to Gold Ledge Campground (Salmon Falls)6001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Gold Ledge Campground to Corral Creek (Ant Canyon)5001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Corral Creek to Thunderbird Campground (Thunder)5001,0001,4002,500
North Fork Kern River - Thunderbird Campground to Powerhouse (Cable)5001,0001,4002,500
Brush Creek - At Take-Out Bridge3.50ft3.80ft4.20ft4.50ft
Dry Meadow Creek - Tea Cups------------
Brush Creek - Above Alder Creek to Sherman Pass Road Camp (Upper Run)2.50ft------5.00ft
Brush Creek - Helipad to Kern River (Lower Run)3.50ft3.80ft4.20ft4.50ft
Brush Creek - Above Kern River------------
Brush Creek - Helipad to Kern River (Lower Run)------------
No. Kern - At Kernville5001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Junction Meadow to Forks of the Kern (Headwaters)500------2,500
North Fork Kern River - Forks of the Kern to Johnsondale Bridge (Forks of the Kern)6001,2751,7253,600
North Fork Kern River - Johnsondale Bridge to Fairview Dam (Limestone)5008001,2003,600
North Fork Kern River - Fairview Dam to Calkins Flat (Fairview)1,1001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Calkins Flat to Salmon Creek (Chamise Gorge)1,1001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Salmon Creek to Gold Ledge Campground (Salmon Falls)1,1001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Gold Ledge Campground to Corral Creek (Ant Canyon)1,0001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Corral Creek to Thunderbird Campground (Thunder)1,0001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Thunderbird Campground to Powerhouse (Cable)1,0001,5001,9003,000
North Fork Kern River - Powerhouse to Riverside Park (Kernville/Powerhouse)5001,0001,4003,000
So. Kern - Near Onyx300------500
South Fork Kern River - Monache Meadows to Kennedy Meadows300------500
South Fork Kern River - Kennedy Meadows to Long Valley------------
Kern - Below Lake Isabella6001,0001,4003,000
Kern River - Lake Isabella to Borel Powerhouse (Jungle/Picto Run)4001,0001,4002,500
Kern River - Miracle to Democrat6001,0001,4003,000
Kern River - Democrat to Kern #1 Powerhouse (Cataracts)1,0001,2001,6002,900
Kern River - Mouth of Canyon to Rancheria Rd1,500------4,000
Kern River - Rancheria Road to Hart Memorial Park (Rio Bravo)1,000------3,000
Kern - Below Democrat6008001,2002,500
Kern River - Democrat to Kern #1 Powerhouse (Cataracts)6008001,2002,500
Kern River - Mouth of Canyon to Rancheria Rd1,100------3,600
Kern - Below Kern Canyon PH Div200------300
Kern River - Below Kern Canyon Powerhouse Diversion Dam to Mouth of Canyon (The Mouth)200------300
Kern - At First Point1,000------3,000
Kern River - Rancheria Road to Hart Memorial Park (Rio Bravo)1,000------3,000
Return to Index.
California East SierraMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Susan - At Susanville150------1,000
Susan River - Susanville Run (Devil’s Corral to Hobo Camp)150------1,000
Upper Truckee - At South Lake Tahoe250------500
Upper Truckee River - Meyers to Lake Tahoe250------500
Truckee - Below Lake Tahoe5006759251,000
Truckee River - Fanny Bridge to River Ranch200------800
Truckee River - River Ranch Run5006759251,000
Truckee - Near Truckee4006759251,000
Truckee River - River Ranch Run5006759251,000
Truckee River - Truckee to Boca400------700
Donner Creek - Below Donner Lake300------600
Donner Creek - Donner Lake to Truckee River300------600
Donner Creek - At Highway 89 Bridge------------
Donner Creek - Donner Lake to Truckee River------------
Little Truckee - Below Boca Reservoir50------300
Truckee River - Boca to Floriston50------300
Truckee - At Boca Bridge5006759252,500
Truckee River - Boca to Floriston5006759252,500
Truckee - Near Floriston4506759255,000
Truckee River - Boca to Floriston5006759252,500
Truckee River - Farad Powerhouse to Verdi450------5,000
W. Fk Carson - At Woodfords250------400
West Fork Carson River - Hope Valley Campground to Sorensens250------400
West Fork Carson River - Sorensens to Hwy88/89 bridge------------
West Fork Carson River - Hwy88/89 bridge to Diamond Valley Road------------
West Fork Carson River - Diamond Valley Rd to Hwy206 bridge------------
E. Fk Carson - Near Markleeville4001,0001,4004,000
East Fork Carson River - Silver King Valley to Wolf Creek------------
East Fork Carson River - Wolf Creek to Hangmans Bridge400------2,400
East Fork Carson River - Hangmans Bridge to Route 395 (Markleeville to Gardnerville)5001,0001,4004,000
E. Fk Carson - Near Gardnerville6001,2751,7255,000
East Fork Carson River - Hangmans Bridge to Route 395 (Markleeville to Gardnerville)6001,2751,7255,000
West Walker - Below Little Walker River5001,0001,4002,000
West Walker River - Leavitt Station to Pickel Meadow (Upper Run)300------600
West Walker River - Pickel Meadow to Sonora Bridge400------1,000
West Walker River - 395 Bridge to Walker5001,0001,4002,000
West Walker - At Walker6001,2001,7002,400
West Walker River - 395 Bridge to Walker6001,2001,7002,400
West Walker River - Walker to Topaz Lake400------1,000
East Walker - Near Bridgeport400------1,000
East Walker River - Bridgeport Dam to Devils Gate400------1,000
East Walker River - Devils Gate to The Elbow400------1,000
East Walker River - The Elbow to Pine Grove Road Bridge400------1,000
East Walker River - Pine Grove Road Bridge to Highway 208400------1,000
Hot Creek - Near Mammoth Lakes------------
Hot Creek - Hot Creek Ranch to Owens River Road------------
Return to Index.
Nevada RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Bruneau - At Rowland225------1,000
Bruneau River - Rowland to Indian Hot Springs225------1,000
Jarbidge - Below Jarbidge100------1,000
Jarbidge River - Jarbidge to East Fork Confluence200------1,000
Jarbidge River - East Fork Confluence to Bruneau River (Indian Hot Springs)100------300
Bruneau - Near Hot Springs450------2,500
Jarbidge River - East Fork Confluence to Bruneau River (Indian Hot Springs)800------2,400
Bruneau River - Rowland to Indian Hot Springs450------2,500
Bruneau River - Indian Hot Springs to Indian Bathtub800------2,400
Owyhee - At Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks500------3,000
Owyhee - Near Rome800------6,000
North Fork Owyhee River - North Fork Campground to Three Forks6,000------20,000
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing2,000------10,000
South Fork Owyhee River - El Paso Crossing to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks800------6,000
Owyhee River - Three Forks to Rome1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Rome to Leslie Gulch800------5,000
Lamoille Creek - Near Lamoille300------600
Lamoille Creek - Camp Lamoille to Power House Picnic Area300------600
No. Humboldt - At Devils Gate250------1,000
North Fork Humboldt River - Mahala Creek to near Keddy Ranch (Devil’s Gap)250------1,000
Truckee - Near Floriston4506759255,000
Truckee River - Boca to Floriston5006759252,500
Truckee River - Farad Powerhouse to Verdi450------5,000
Truckee - Near Mogul1,000------4,000
Truckee River - Verdi to Mayberry Park1,000------4,000
Truckee - At Reno500------3,000
Truckee River - Mayberry Park to Cottonwood Park700------3,000
Truckee River - Reno Whitewater Park (Wingfield Park, Arlington Ave, Downtown Reno)500------2,000
Truckee - Near Nixon1,000------5,000
Truckee River - Sparks to Pyramid Lake1,000------5,000
W. Fk Carson - At Woodfords250------400
West Fork Carson River - Hope Valley Campground to Sorensens250------400
West Fork Carson River - Sorensens to Hwy88/89 bridge------------
West Fork Carson River - Hwy88/89 bridge to Diamond Valley Road------------
West Fork Carson River - Diamond Valley Rd to Hwy206 bridge------------
E. Fk Carson - Near Markleeville4001,0001,4004,000
East Fork Carson River - Silver King Valley to Wolf Creek------------
East Fork Carson River - Wolf Creek to Hangmans Bridge400------2,400
East Fork Carson River - Hangmans Bridge to Route 395 (Markleeville to Gardnerville)5001,0001,4004,000
E. Fk Carson - Near Gardnerville6001,2751,7255,000
East Fork Carson River - Hangmans Bridge to Route 395 (Markleeville to Gardnerville)6001,2751,7255,000
Carson - Near Carson City400------2,000
Carson River - Eagle Valley Run (Carson River Park to Morgan Mill Road River Access)400------2,000
Carson River - Carson River Canyon (Morgan Mill Road River Access to Santa Maria Ranch)400------2,000
West Walker - Below Little Walker River5001,0001,4002,000
West Walker River - Leavitt Station to Pickel Meadow (Upper Run)300------600
West Walker River - Pickel Meadow to Sonora Bridge400------1,000
West Walker River - 395 Bridge to Walker5001,0001,4002,000
West Walker - At Walker6001,2001,7002,400
West Walker River - 395 Bridge to Walker6001,2001,7002,400
West Walker River - Walker to Topaz Lake400------1,000
East Walker - Near Bridgeport400------1,000
East Walker River - Bridgeport Dam to Devils Gate400------1,000
East Walker River - Devils Gate to The Elbow400------1,000
East Walker River - The Elbow to Pine Grove Road Bridge400------1,000
East Walker River - Pine Grove Road Bridge to Highway 208400------1,000
Lower Colorado - Below Hoover Dam2,000------40,000
Lower Colorado River - Black Canyon2,000------40,000
Return to Index.
Oregon Coastal RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Williamson - Near Klamath Agency325------900
Williamson River - Kirk Road to Williamson River Campground325------900
Klamath - At Keno1,0001,7002,3003,000
Klamath River - Keno Dam to Moonshine Falls River Access1,0001,7002,3003,000
Klamath - J.C. Boyle Schedule6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath River - Spring Island to Fishing Access #6 (Hell’s Corner)6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath - Below J.C. Boyle Plant6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath River - Moonshine Falls River Access to Spring Island (Big Bend Run)7001,0002,0003,000
Klamath River - Spring Island to Fishing Access #6 (Hell’s Corner)6002,5003,0003,000
Klamath River - Fishing Access #6 to Fishing Access #1 (Beswick Run)800------2,500
Klamath River - Fishing Access #1 to Grizzly Hill Access (Kikaceki Valley Run)600------5,000
Chetco - Near Brookings500------5,000
South Fork Chetco River - West Coon Creek to South Fork Road (Gorge)2,500------7,500
Chetco River - Slide Creek to Tolman Ranch (Upper Chetco)500------5,000
Chetco River - Tolman Ranch to Low Water Bridge (Gorge Run)500------3,000
Chetco River - South Fork to Loeb State Park400------800
Mi. Applegate - Above Applegate Lake400------1,500
Middle Fork Applegate River - Road Access to Applegate Lake400------1,500
Carberry Creek - Above Applegate Lake2504255751,000
Carberry Creek - Lower Run (Road access to Applegate Lake)2504255751,000
Applegate - Below Applegate Dam400------2,000
Applegate River - Lower - Bridge 1 to Bridge 2400------2,000
Applegate River - Lower - Bridge 2 to Bridge 3------------
Illinois - Near Kerby500------3,500
Rough and Ready Creek - NF/SF Confluence to Hwy 199 Bridge3,000------6,000
Canyon Creek - Rocky Bar Gulch to Illinois River3,000------10,000
Briggs Creek - Brushy Bar to Briggs Creek Campground1,500------4,000
NF Silver Creek - Headwaters to Illinois River2,500------8,000
Illinois River - Highway 199 to Miami Bar700------3,500
Illinois River - Miami Bar to Oak Flat500------3,500
No. Rogue - Above North Fork Res400------2,000
North Fork Rogue River - Natural Bridge to Woodruff Bridge (Natural Bridge)400------1,500
North Fork Rogue River - Woodruff Bridge to River Bridge Campground (Takelma Gorge)400------1,500
North Fork Rogue River - River Bridge Campground to North Fork Reservoir400------2,000
No. Rogue - Below North Fork Res500------1,000
North Fork Rogue River - Mill Creek Falls to Lost Creek Lake500------1,000
No. Rogue - Above Lost Creek Lake500------1,000
North Fork Rogue River - Mill Creek Falls to Lost Creek Lake500------1,000
Mi. Rogue - Above Butte Falls Rd400------800
Middle Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake400------800
So. Rogue - Below Imnaha Creek200------500
South Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake200------500
So. Rogue - Below MF Confluence800------1,600
Middle Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake800------1,600
South Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake800------1,600
Rogue - Inflow Lost Creek Lake2,500------5,000
North Fork Rogue River - Mill Creek Falls to Lost Creek Lake2,500------5,000
Middle Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake3,000------4,500
South Fork Rogue River - Butte Falls Road to Lost Creek Lake------------
Big Butte Creek - Near McLeod400------900
Big Butte Creek - Butte Falls Picnic Area to Crowfoot Rd400------900
Rogue - Near McLeod1,000------3,000
Rogue River - Lost Creek Reservoir to Gold Ray Dam1,000------3,000
Elk Creek - Above Rogue River------------
Elk Creek - Flat Creek to Rogue River------------
Rogue - At Raygold800------3,000
Rogue River - Gold Ray Dam to Gold Hill Boat Ramp800------3,000
Rogue - At Grants Pass1,000------3,000
Grave Creek - Above Poorman Creek to Rogue River9,000------20,000
Rogue River - Gold Hill Boat Ramp to Grants Pass1,000------3,000
Rogue River - Grants Pass to Grave Creek1,000------3,000
Rogue - Near Agness1,000------6,000
Rogue River - Grave Creek to Foster Bar1,000------6,000
Rogue River - Foster Bar to Gold Beach1,000------5,000
So. Coquille - At Powers400------3,000
South Fork Coquille River - Road 3358 Bridge to Above Cataracts1,500------2,500
South Fork Coquille River - Above Cataracts to Coquille River Falls (Cataract Canyon)------------
South Fork Coquille River - Coquille River Falls to 16 Mile Bridge (The Gem)1,000------3,000
South Fork Coquille River - 16 Mile Bridge to Myrtle Grove------------
South Fork Coquille River - Myrtle Grove CG to Milepost 3500------3,000
South Fork Coquille River - Above Powers to Baker Creek400------1,500
No. Umpqua - At Toketee Falls250------500
North Umpqua River - Toketee Falls Trailhead to Slide Creek (Toketee Falls)250------500
Boulder Creek - Near Toketee Falls225------850
Copeland Creek - Second Bridge to North Umpqua225------825
Calf Creek - NF-4750 Bridge to North Umpqua250------800
Limpy Creek - Landslide to North Umpqua400500700850
No. Umpqua - Above Copeland Creek800------2,000
North Umpqua River - Boulder Flat to Horseshoe Bend800------2,000
North Umpqua River - Horseshoe Bend to Steamboat800------2,000
North Umpqua River - Cable Crossing to Idleyld Park (Narrows)400------3,000
Canton Creek - Above Steamboat Creek4008501,1502,000
Canton Creek - Nine Mile Marker to Steamboat Creek4008501,1502,000
Steamboat Creek - Below Canton Creek600------2,500
Steamboat Creek - City Creek to Steamboat Falls (Upper Steamboat)800------2,000
Steamboat Creek - Steamboat Falls to Canton Creek Campground (Lower Steamboat)600------2,500
No. Umpqua - Below Steamboat Creek1,500------3,000
North Umpqua River - Steamboat to Cable Crossing1,500------3,000
North Umpqua River - Cable Crossing to Idleyld Park (Narrows)------------
Little River - At Peel600------3,000
Cavitt Creek - Plusfour Creek to Cavitt Creek Road near Mill Creek (Upper)1,000------3,000
Cavitt Creek - Cavitt Creek Road near Buckshot Creek to Covered Bridge (Lower)700------3,000
Emile Creek - End of BLM Road to Little River1,000------2,500
Little River - NF-165 to White Creek Campground (Upper)800------2,000
Little River - White Creek Campground to Colliding Rivers (Lower)600------3,000
No. Umpqua - At Winchester800------3,000
North Umpqua River - Cable Crossing to Idleyld Park (Narrows)------------
North Umpqua River - Idleyld Park to Winchester800------3,000
North Umpqua River - Winchester to River Forks Park800------3,000
So. Umpqua - At Tiller600------4,000
Jackson Creek - NF-300 Bridge to Cover Camp (The Gorge)1,200------4,000
Jackson Creek - Cover Camp to NF-31 Bridge1,200------3,000
Black Rock Fork South Umpqua River - Deer Lick Falls to Skillet Creek1,000------3,000
South Umpqua River - South Umpqua Falls to Campbell Falls (Three Falls)600------5,000
South Umpqua River - Campbell Falls to Three C Rock600------4,000
South Umpqua River - Three C Rock to Milepost 221,500------4,000
South Umpqua River - Milepost 22 to Days Creek1,500------4,000
South Umpqua River - Canyonville County Park to Lawson Bar------------
South Umpqua River - Lawson Bar to Myrtle Creek------------
W. Fk Cow Creek - Near Glendale500------1,500
Grave Creek - Eastman Gulch to McCoy Creek Road500------2,000
Taylor Creek - Taylor Creek Trailhead to Galice Road500------1,500
Middle Fork Coquille River - Mystic Creek to Bear Creek Campground500------2,000
West Fork Cow Creek - Bobby Creek to Goat Trail Creek5008001,2001,500
Umpqua - Near Elkton800------5,000
Umpqua River - River Forks Park to Scottsburg1,000------4,000
Umpqua River - Sawyers Rapids800------5,000
Siuslaw - Near Mapleton1,000------4,000
Lake Creek - Triangle Lake to Fish Creek (Slides)2,000------10,000
Lake Creek - Deadwood Creek to Tide on Siuslaw River2,0007,00010,50018,000
North Fork Smith River - North Fork Falls to NF-23 bridge9,000------18,000
Siuslaw River - Linslaw County Park to Mapleton1,000------4,000
Alsea - Near Tidewater500------2,000
North Fork Alsea River - Below Klickitat Lake to North Fork Bridge2,250------8,000
North Fork Alsea River - North Fork Bridge to Mill Creek Park------------
South Fork Alsea River - Hubert McBee Memorial Park to Rock Quarry Weir4,000------8,000
Alsea River - Mill Creek Park to Tidewater500------2,000
Siletz - Near Siletz1,000------4,500
Drift Creek - North Creek to Covered Bridge1,600------6,000
Warnicke Creek - Old Road Bridge to Boulder Creek4,000------10,000
Boulder Creek - Bridge Forty Creek to North Fork Siletz4,000------10,000
North Fork Siletz River - Above Valley of The Giants to Boulder Creek4,000------10,000
North Fork Siletz River - Boulder Creek to South Fork Siletz River1,600------6,250
South Fork Siletz River - Valsetz Dam Site to North Fork Siletz River3,000------8,000
Siletz River - Elk Creek to Buck Creek1,000------3,500
Siletz River - Buck Creek to Moonshine County Park1,000------4,500
Siletz River - Moonshine County Park to Sam Creek Bridge400------2,500
Nestucca - Below Beaver1,000------4,000
Little Nestucca River - McKnight Creek to Fall Creek1,500------4,000
Nestucca River - Rocky Bend Campground to Blaine1,000------2,500
Nestucca River - Blaine to Hebo1,500------4,000
Trask - Near Tillamook500------1,500
North Fork Trask River - NF of NF Trask River to Trask County Park1,600------3,000
Trask River - Fish Hatchery to Upper Peninsula Boat Ramp1,000------2,500
Trask River - Upper Peninsula Boat Ramp to Cedar Creek1,000------2,500
Wilson - Near Tillamook900------7,000
Devils Lake Fork Wilson River - Milepost 29 to Jones Creek Day Use Area3,200------10,000
North Fork Wilson River - West Fork Confluence to Jones Creek Day Use Area2,000------10,000
Jordan Creek - End of Road to Wilson Confluence2,300------6,000
Wilson River - Jones Creek Day Use Area to Milepost 151,200------7,000
Wilson River - Milepost 15 to Milepost 8 Boat Ramp900------7,000
Nehalem - Near Vernonia200------650
Rock Creek - Keasey to Nehalem River280------900
North Fork Salmonberry River - Middle of Nowhere to Nehalem River500------2,500
Salmonberry River - Beaver Slide Road to Nehalem River500------2,500
Nehalem River - Clear Creek to Vernonia200------650
Nehalem River - Vernonia to Birkenfeld75------500
Nehalem - Near Foss2,000------8,000
Nehalem River - Spruce Run Campground to Salmonberry River2,000------8,000
Nehalem River - Salmonberry River to Nehalem Falls2,000------8,000
Return to Index.
Oregon Central RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Mi. Willamette - Below Hills Creek Res1,000------3,000
Middle Fork Willamette River - Hills Creek Dam to Lookout Point Lake1,000------3,000
Mi. Willamette - Inflow Lookout Point Res------------
Middle Fork Willamette River - Hills Creek Dam to Lookout Point Lake------------
No. Mi. Willamette - At Westfir2.60ft------4.40ft
Christy Creek - NF-1926 or NF-637 to Christy Creek Bridge3.50ft------4.50ft
North Fork Middle Fork Willamette River - Miracle Mile through the Gorge2.60ft------4.40ft
North Fork Middle Fork Willamette River - Below The Gorge to Westfir2.00ft------3.50ft
Winberry Creek - Near Lowell300------800
Winberry Creek - Winberry CG to Fall Creek Reservoir300------800
Fall Creek - Above North Fork------------
Fall Creek - Gold Creek to Bedrock Campground------------
Fall Creek - Bedrock Campground to Fall Creek Reservoir------------
Fall Creek - Inflow Fall Creek Res1,000------4,500
Fall Creek - Gold Creek to Bedrock Campground1,100------4,500
Fall Creek - Bedrock Campground to Fall Creek Reservoir1,000------4,000
Fall Creek - Below Fall Creek Dam700------1,200
Fall Creek - Fall Creek Dam to Jasper County Park700------1,200
Row River - Above Dorena Lake500------4,000
Layng Creek - Junetta Creek to Brice Creek1,350------3,250
Brice Creek - Parker Falls to Champion Creek (Upper Brice)1,800------2,600
Brice Creek - Champion Creek to Cedar Creek Campground (Lower Brice)1,400------2,400
Row River - Wildwood Falls to Dorena Lake500------4,000
Row River - Below Dorena Lake300------1,500
Row River - Dorena Dam to Scaling Station Bridge300------1,500
McKenzie - Clear Lake Outlet400------600
McKenzie River - Clear Lake to Carmen Reservoir400------600
McKenzie - Below Payne Creek------------
McKenzie River - Carmen Reservoir to Trail Bridge Reservoir------------
McKenzie - Below Trail Bridge Dam700------3,000
McKenzie River - Olallie Campground to Paradise Campground700------3,000
So. McKenzie - Above Cougar Res1,500------4,000
Quartz Creek - 7.5 Mile Bridge to Cane Creek1,500------5,000
East Fork South Fork McKenzie River - East Fork Trail to Cougar Reservoir1,500------2,500
South Fork McKenzie River - French Pete to Cougar Reservoir1,500------4,000
Blue - Below Tidbits Creek250------900
Blue River - Mann Creek to Quentin Creek------------
Blue River - Quentin Creek to Blue River Lake250------900
McKenzie - Near Vida600------6,000
McKenzie River - Paradise Campground to Finn Rock600------6,000
McKenzie River - Finn Rock to Leaburg Dam600------6,000
McKenzie River - Hendricks Bridge Wayside to Hayden Bridge900------2,000
McKenzie River - Hayden Bridge to Armitage Park900------2,000
McKenzie - Below Leaburg Dam900------2,000
McKenzie River - Leaburg Dam to Hendricks Bridge Wayside900------2,000
Breitenbush - Near Detroit400------2,000
Sardine Creek - Top of Sardine Road to North Santiam River2,250------4,500
French Creek - Powerline Crossing to Breitenbush River1,500------3,000
Breitenbush River - Cleator Bend Campground to Detroit Reservoir400------2,000
No. Santiam - Below Boulder Creek1,000------2,500
North Santiam River - Bruno Mountain Road to Detroit Lake1,000------2,500
No. Santiam - At Niagara1,000------9,000
North Santiam River - Big Cliff Dam to Packsaddle County Park1,000------3,500
North Santiam River - Packsaddle County Park to Mill City1,000------9,000
Li. No. Santiam - Near Mehama500------2,500
Battle Ax Creek - Whetstone Mount Trail to Jawbone Flats2,000------4,000
Opal Creek - Beachie Creek to Jawbone Flats (Opal Proper)1,1001,5002,0004,000
Cedar Creek - NF-2207 Bridge to Little North Santiam1,500------2,000
Henline Creek - Above NF-2207 to below NF-22072,500------5,000
Little North Santiam River - Jawbone Flats to Gold Creek (Upper Opal Creek)700------2,000
Little North Santiam River - Gold Creek to Three Pools (Classic Opal)700------2,500
Little North Santiam River - Three Pools to Salmon Falls (Opal Gorge)500------2,000
Little North Santiam River - Salmon Falls to Elkhorn Valley Recreation Site600------2,000
Little North Santiam River - Elkhorn Valley Recreation Site to Mehama750------2,500
No. Santiam - At Mehama1,000------4,000
North Santiam River - Mill City to Mehama1,000------3,000
North Santiam River - Mehama to Stayton1,000------2,000
North Santiam River - Stayton to Jefferson1,200------4,000
Quartzville Cr - Near Cascadia800------8,000
Elk Creek - Upper Falls to Canal Creek (Falls to Falls)2,500------5,000
Canal Creek - Beverly Creek to Quartzville Creek2,500------6,000
Quartzville Creek - Above Gregg Creek to Galena Creek1,000------4,000
Quartzville Creek - Galena Creek to Green Peter Lake800------8,000
Mi. Santiam - Near Cascadia3.00ft------6.00ft
Middle Santiam River - Wilderness Run3.00ft------6.00ft
Middle Santiam River - Bridge No. 4 to Green Peter Lake3.00ft------6.00ft
Mi. Santiam - Below Green Peter Dam699.00ft------710.00ft
Middle Santiam River - Green Peter Dam to Foster Reservoir699.00ft------710.00ft
So. Santiam - Below Cascadia600------3,000
Canyon Creek - 7-mile Bridge to South Santiam River1,000------4,000
South Santiam River - House Rock Campground to Mountain House------------
South Santiam River - Mountain House to US 20 Bridge600------3,000
South Santiam River - US 20 Bridge to Cascadia State Park (Monster Section)600------3,000
South Santiam River - Cascadia State Park to Foster Lake600------3,000
Wiley Creek - Near Foster300------1,500
Wiley Creek - Upper Bridge to Middle Bridge300------1,500
Thomas Creek - Near Scio400------2,500
Crabtree Creek - Bonnie Creek to South Fork1,000------2,500
Crabtree Creek - South Fork to Larwood Park500------4,000
Crabtree Creek - Larwood Park to Gilkey Road600------2,000
Thomas Creek - Pumpkin Patch to Hall Creek900------1,500
Thomas Creek - Hall Creek to 5-mile Bridge400------2,000
Thomas Creek - 5-mile Bridge to Hannah Bridge400------2,500
Thomas Creek - Hannah Bridge to Above South Santiam River500------1,000
Luckiamute - Near Suver1,000------5,000
Rickreall Creek - South Fork Rickreall Creek to Aaron Mercer Reservoir1,750------5,000
Rickreall Creek - Rock Quarry to Southeast Fir Villa Road1,750------5,000
Luckiamute River - Rock Pit Creek to Wildwood Road1,000------5,000
So. Yamhill - Near Willamina700------3,000
South Fork Yamhill River - Grand Ronde to Sheridan700------3,000
Molalla - Near Canby1,000------6,000
Table Rock Fork Molalla River - Lost Creek to Quarry2,000------8,000
Table Rock Fork Molalla River - Quarry to Above Molalla River2,500------6,000
Nork Fork Molalla River - Dead Horse Canyon Creek Bridge to Molalla River1,500------4,000
Molalla River - Copper Creek to Table Rock Fork------------
Molalla River - Table Rock Fork to Glen Avon Bridge (3 Bears)1,000------6,000
Molalla River - Glen Avon Bridge to Feyrer Park1,000------2,000
Molalla River - Feyrer Park to Highway 213 Bridge1,000------2,000
Butte Creek - At Monitor250------1,000
Abiqua Creek - Crooked Finder Spur Road to Abiqua Falls (Upper Abiqua)200------500
Abiqua Creek - Abiqua Falls to Abiqua Road Bridge400------1,500
Silver Creek - Silver Falls State Park to Silverton Reservoir (Lower)400------1,500
Butte Creek - Wilson Road to Butte Creek Falls Campground (Upper Butte)1,000------2,000
Butte Creek - Butte Creek Falls Campground to below Lower Butte Creek Falls250------1,500
Butte Creek - Scout Camp to Highway 213250------1,000
Collawash - Below Hot Springs Fork750------2,000
Elk Lake Creek - Elk Lake to Collawash River800------4,000
Nohorn Creek - Hugh Creek to Pegleg Falls1,200------3,200
Collawash River - Elk Lake Creek to Peat Creek750------1,500
Collawash River - Peat Creek to Two Rivers Picnic Area900------2,000
Oak Grove Clackamas - At Ripplebrook Campground300------500
Oak Grove Fork Clackamas - Lake Harriet to Clackamas River300------500
Clackamas - Above Three Lynx Creek700------10,000
Roaring River - Below South Fork to Roaring River Campground2,000------6,000
Fish Creek - Music Creek to Clackamas River3,000------10,000
Eagle Creek - Fish Hatchery to Eagle Creek Road2,000------10,000
South Fork Clackamas - End of Trail to Main Clackamas River2,500------5,000
Clackamas River - June Creek Bridge to Collawash River1,400------8,500
Clackamas River - Collawash River to Sandstone Road Bridge1,000------4,000
Clackamas River - Three Lynx Power Station to North Fork Reservoir700------10,000
No. Clackamas - Above Mouth180------300
North Fork Clackamas - Bedford Creek to North Fork Reservoir180------300
Clackamas - At Estacada650------3,000
Clackamas River - Milo McIver State Park to Barton County Park800------3,000
Clackamas River - Barton County Park to Carver650------3,000
Clackamas River - Carver to Clackamette Park800------3,000
Sandy - Near Marmot700------4,000
Sandy River - McNeil Campground to Lolo Pass Road1,500------4,000
Sandy River - Lolo Pass Road to Marmot Bridge700------2,000
Sandy River - Marmot Bridge to Old Marmot Dam Site700------2,000
Sandy River - Old Marmot Dam Site to Revenue Bridge (Sandy Gorge)800------3,000
Sandy River - Revenue Bridge to Dodge Park------------
No. Bull Run - Near Multnomah Falls400------1,000
Eagle Creek - Twister Falls to Hatchery Weir400------1,000
Bull Run - Near Bull Run200------4,000
Bull Run River - Bull Run Road Bridge to Dodge Park200------4,000
Sandy - Below Bull Run River1,000------4,000
Sandy River - Revenue Bridge to Dodge Park1,000------3,000
Sandy River - Dodge Park to Oxbow Park1,200------4,000
Sandy River - Oxbow Park to Dabney State Park1,200------3,000
Sandy River - Dabney State Park to Lewis and Clark State Park1,200------3,000
Beaver Creek - At Troutdale200------650
Beaver Creek - Troutdale Road to Kiku City Park200------650
W. Fk Hood - Above East Fork375------3,500
Lake Branch Hood River - Divers Creek to West Fork------------
West Fork Hood River - Lolo Pass Road to Lake Branch375------1,200
West Fork Hood River - Lake Branch to East Fork Hood River800------3,500
Hood - At Tucker Bridge800------4,500
East Fork Hood River - Sherwood Campground to Highway 35 Bridge1,350------4,500
Middle Fork Hood River - Laurance Lake to Red Hill Road (Upper Middle Fork)2,000------4,500
Middle Fork Hood River - Red Hill Road to Dee (Lower Middle Fork)2,500------5,000
Hood River - Dee to Tucker Bridge1,200------3,600
Hood River - Tucker Bridge to Hood River Marina800------4,500
Deschutes - Below Wickiup Reservoir500------1,800
Deschutes River - Wickiup Dam to Pringle Falls500------1,800
Deschutes River - Pringle Falls to Big River Campground500------1,800
Deschutes - At Benham Falls500------3,000
Deschutes River - Big River Campground to Benham Falls1,000------3,000
Deschutes River - Benham Falls to Dillon Falls500------2,200
Deschutes River - Dillon Falls to Aspen Campground500------2,300
Deschutes River - Aspen Campground to Lava Island Falls1,000------3,000
Deschutes River - Lava Island Falls to Meadow Camp Picnic Area700------2,000
Deschutes River - Meadow Camp Picnic Area to Mount Bachelor Village (Meadowcamp)700------2,200
Deschutes - Below Bend400------1,500
Deschutes River - Bend to Tumalo State Park (Riverhouse)500------1,500
Deschutes River - Tumalo State Park to Cline Falls State Park400------1,500
Deschutes River - Cline Falls State Park to Lower Bridge400------1,500
Squaw Creek - At Sisters100------300
Squaw Creek - FR 1514 Bridge to 3 Creeks Lake Rd------------
Squaw Creek - Sisters to FR 6360 Bridge100------300
Squaw Creek - FR 6360 Bridge to Lake Billy Chinook100------300
Deschutes - Near Culver900------2,500
Deschutes River - Tumalo State Park to Cline Falls State Park------------
Deschutes River - Cline Falls State Park to Lower Bridge------------
Deschutes River - Lower Bridge to Lake Billy Chinook900------2,500
Crooked - At Smith Rock State Park1,000------4,000
Crooked River - Lone Pine Bridge to Crooked River Ranch1,000------4,000
Crooked - At Crooked River Ranch------------
Crooked River - Lone Pine Bridge to Crooked River Ranch------------
Crooked River - Crooked River Ranch to Lake Billy Chinook------------
Crooked - Below Opal Springs1,400------5,000
Crooked River - Crooked River Ranch to Lake Billy Chinook1,400------5,000
Metolius - Above Lake Billy Chinook1,300------2,000
Metolius River - Source to Lake Billy Chinook1,300------2,000
White - Below Tygh Valley400------2,000
White River - Barstow Crossing to Keeps Mills------------
White River - Keeps Mills to Victor Road Bridge------------
White River - Victor Road Bridge to Tygh Valley400------2,000
White River - Celestial Falls------------
Deschutes - At Moody3,000------8,000
Deschutes River - U.S. 26 Bridge to Sherar’s Falls3,000------8,000
Deschutes River - Sherar’s Falls to Columbia River3,000------8,000
No. John Day - At Monument900------5,000
North Fork John Day River - Route 52 Bridge to Dale900------3,000
North Fork John Day River - Dale to Monument1,000------5,000
North Fork John Day River - Monument to Kimberly------------
John Day - At Service Creek1,000------7,000
North Fork John Day River - Monument to Kimberly1,000------3,000
John Day River - Kimberly to Service Creek1,000------7,000
John Day River - Service Creek to Clarno1,000------7,000
John Day River - Clarno to Cottonwood1,200------6,000
Return to Index.
Oregon Eastern RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Umatilla - Near Umatilla700------3,000
Umatilla River - Fish Hatchery to Umatilla Park700------3,000
Grande Ronde - Near Perry600------7,000
Grande Ronde River - Tony Vey Meadows to Red Bridge State Park------------
Grande Ronde River - Red Bridge State Park to Hilgard Junction State Park850------5,000
Grande Ronde River - Hilgard Junction State Park to Riverside City Park1,500------7,000
Grande Ronde River - Riverside City Park to Elgin600------5,000
Grande Ronde River - Elgin to Palmer Junction------------
Lostine - Near Lostine450------900
Lostine River - Williamson Campground to Pole Bridge Picnic Area450------900
Minam - At Minam500------2,000
Minam River - Reds Horse Ranch to Minam State Recreation Area500------2,000
Grande Ronde - At Troy1,200------12,000
Wallowa/Grande Ronde River - Minam to Troy1,200------12,000
Grande Ronde River - Troy to Boggan’s Oasis1,400------12,000
Grande Ronde River - Boggan’s Oasis to Snake River1,400------12,000
Joseph Creek - Near Mouth300------1,000
Joseph Creek - Joseph Creek Road to Chief Joseph Wildlife Area300------1,000
Imnaha - At Imnaha600------2,000
Imnaha River - Indian Crossing to Imnaha600------1,500
Imnaha River - Imnaha to Snake River800------2,000
Snake - Below Hells Canyon Dam6,000------60,000
Snake River - Hells Canyon Dam to Pittsburg Landing (Hells Canyon)6,000------80,000
Snake River - Pittsburg Landing to Heller Bar6,000------60,000
Eagle Creek - Near New Bridge800------1,800
Eagle Creek - Paddy Creek to Skull Creek800------1,800
Succor Creek - Near Homedale140------300
Succor Creek - Pole Creek to Succor Creek State Recreational Area140------300
Owyhee - At Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks500------3,000
Owyhee - Near Rome800------6,000
North Fork Owyhee River - North Fork Campground to Three Forks6,000------20,000
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing2,000------10,000
South Fork Owyhee River - El Paso Crossing to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks800------6,000
Owyhee River - Three Forks to Rome1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Rome to Leslie Gulch800------5,000
Donner Und Blitzen - Near Frenchglen500------800
Donner Und Blitzen River - Blitzen Crossing to Page Springs Campground500------800
Return to Index.
Washington RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Kettle - Near Laurier800------2,500
Kettle Creek - Orient to Barstow800------2,500
Spokane - At Spokane800------30,000
Spokane River - Dead Dog Park and Play12,000------30,000
Spokane River - Harvard Park to Sullivan Park1,000------8,000
Spokane River - Fort Wright Bridge to Plese Flat800------23,000
Chewuch - At Winthrop500------3,000
Chewuch River - Andrews Camp to Camp Four (The Upper)500------1,100
Chewuch River - Camp Four to Five Mile Bridge (The Middle)1,200------3,000
Chewuch River - Five Mile Bridge to Winthrop (The Lower)1,000------2,000
Methow - Near Pateros2,000------10,000
Methow River - River Bend CG to Carlton------------
Methow River - Carlton to McFarland Creek Access2,000------10,000
Methow River - Black Canyon Run (McFarland Creek Access to Pateros)2,000------10,000
Stehekin - At Stehekin1,500------5,000
Bridge Creek - Bridge Creek Trailhead to Lake Chelan2,000------4,000
Stehekin River - Agnes Creek to Lake Chelan1,500------5,000
Chelan - Below Lake Chelan300------500
Chelan River - Lake Chelan to Columbia River (Chelan Gorge)300------500
Entiat - Near Ardenvoir600------3,500
Entiat River - Cottonwood Run (Cottonwood Campground to FR 5605)1,000------3,500
Entiat River - Box Canyon (FR 5605 to Tommy Creek trailhead)1,000------1,600
Entiat River - Canyon Run (Lake Creek Campground to National Forest Boundary)600------2,000
Entiat River - Lower Run (Ardenvoir to Colombia River)900------2,500
Nason Creek - Near Mouth700------1,500
Nason Creek - Berne to Merrit (Upper Nason Creek)------------
Nason Creek - Below Merrit to Coles Corner (Lower Nason Creek)700------1,500
Chiwawa - Near Plain900------2,000
Chiwawa River - Schaefer Creek to Huckleberry CG (near Brush Creek)1,100------2,000
Chiwawa River - Huckleberry Ford to Plain900------2,000
Wenatchee - At Plain8001,0002,00012,500
Little Wenatchee River - Falls Creek to Lake Creek Campground3,500------9,000
Wenatchee River - Wenatchee Lake to Tumwater Campground1,500------12,500
Wenatchee River - Tumwater Campground to Leavenworth (Tumwater Canyon)8001,0002,0008,000
Icicle Creek - Above Snow Creek800------3,000
Icicle Creek - Rock Island Campground to Ida Creek (Upper Icicle Creek)1,000------2,400
Icicle Creek - Ida Creek to Eight Mile Campground or Snow Creek Trailhead800------2,200
Icicle Creek - Snow Creek Trailhead to Leavenworth Fish Hatchery1,000------3,000
Wenatchee - At Peshastin2,500------20,000
Little Wenatchee River - Falls Creek to Lake Creek Campground4,7506,0009,00012,000
Wenatchee River - Wenatchee Lake to Tumwater Campground2,000------16,000
Wenatchee River - Tumwater Campground to Leavenworth (Tumwater Canyon)1,100------11,000
Wenatchee River - Leavenworth to Cashmere2,500------20,000
Wenatchee River - Cashmere to Columbia River2,500------15,000
Peshastin Creek - Near Wenatchee Confluence400------1,500
Ingalls Creek - Ingalls Boulder Field Trailhead to Peshastin Creek400------900
Peshastin Creek - Ingalls Creek to Wenatchee River400------1,500
Cle Elum - Inflow Cle Elum Lake1,500------3,500
Cooper River - Waterfall to Cle Elum Lake700------1,700
Cle Elum River - Scatter Creek to Salmon La Sac (China Gorge, or the "Upper")1,500------3,500
Cle Elum River - Salmon La Sac to Cle Elum Lake------------
Cle Elum - Below Cle Elum Dam1,000------3,000
Cle Elum River - Cle Elum Lake to Bullfrog Road1,000------3,000
Teanaway - Below Forks800------1,800
Teanaway River - North Fork Teanaway to East Masterson Road800------1,800
Bumping - Below Bumping Dam300------600
Bumping River - Bumping Lake to American Forks300------600
American - Near Nile300------900
American River - Lodgepole Campground to Hell’s Crossing300------600
American River - Hell’s Crossing to American Forks500------900
Bumping River - American Forks to Sawmill Flat500------900
Naches - Near Cliffdell1,200------3,000
Naches River - Sawmill Flat to Tieton River (The "Upper")1,200------3,000
Tieton - At Rimrock1,000------3,000
Tieton River - Rimrock to Windy Point Campground ("The Upper Tieton")1,000------3,000
Tieton River - Windy Point Campground to Naches River Confluence ("The Lower Tieton")1,000------3,000
Palouse - At Hooper500------3,000
Palouse River - Palouse to Colfax------------
Palouse River - Hooper to Palouse Falls State Park900------3,000
Palouse River - Palouse Falls State Park to Lyons Ferry State Park500------2,000
Grande Ronde - At Troy1,200------12,000
Wallowa/Grande Ronde River - Minam to Troy1,200------12,000
Grande Ronde River - Troy to Boggan’s Oasis1,400------12,000
Grande Ronde River - Boggan’s Oasis to Snake River1,400------12,000
Joseph Creek - Near Mouth300------1,000
Joseph Creek - Joseph Creek Road to Chief Joseph Wildlife Area300------1,000
Klickitat - Below Summit Creek500------3,900
Klickitat River - Yakama Indian Reservation to Leidl Campground500------3,900
Klickitat River - Leidl Campground to Klickitat Springs------------
Little Klickitat - Near Wahkiacus400------1,000
Little Klickitat River - Olson Road to Klickitat River400------1,000
Klickitat - Near Pitt750------5,000
Klickitat River - Yakama Indian Reservation to Leidl Campground1,500------5,000
Klickitat River - Leidl Campground to Klickitat Springs750------3,000
Klickitat River - Klickitat Springs to Fishing Access1,500------4,500
Klickitat River - Fishing Access on Highway 142 to Columbia River (Lyle Gorge)300------1,000
White Salmon - Below Trout Lake Creek400------1,500
White Salmon River - Mt. Adams Section (Cascade Creek to Trout Lake)------------
White Salmon River - Farmlands Section (Warner Road to Green Truss Bridge)400------1,500
White Salmon - At BZ Corner300------2,500
White Salmon River - Green Truss Bridge to BZ Corner (Green Truss)300------1,200
White Salmon River - BZ Corner to Northwestern Lake Rec Area450------2,500
White Salmon - Near Underwood300------2,000
White Salmon River - BZ Corner to Northwestern Lake Rec Area500------2,000
White Salmon River - Northwestern Lake Rec Area to Columbia River300------1,500
Li. White Salmon - At Willard Fish Hatchery250------700
Little White Salmon River - Upper Run (Lava Creek to Fish Hatchery)250------700
Little White Salmon River - Lower Run (Fish Hatchery to Columbia River)250------700
Wind River - At Stabler300------1,500
Wind River - Above Falls Creek to Mineral Springs Road300------500
Wind River - Mineral Springs Road to Stabler300------900
Wind River - Stabler to High Bridge ("The Upper")400------1,500
Wind River - High Bridge to Columbia River ("The Lower")600------1,000
Panther Creek - Near Carson300------500
Panther Creek - Panther Creek CG into Wind River300------500
Rock Creek - At Stevenson400------900
Rock Creek - North Fork to Below Steep Creek400------900
Washougal - At Hathaway Park600------5,000
Washougal River - Prospector Creek to Doc’s Drop (The Upper Upper)2,000------4,000
Washougal River - Doc’s Drop to Dougan Falls (The Falls Section)1,000------3,000
Washougal River - Dougan Falls to Salmon Falls (The Gorge)1,000------2,500
Washougal River - Highway 140 to Washougal Fishing Access (The Big Eddy Section)600------5,000
No. Lewis - Above Muddy River500------4,000
North Fork Lewis River - Twin Falls to FR88------------
North Fork Lewis River - FR88 to Quartz Creek (The "Upper")------------
North Fork Lewis River - Quartz Creek to Cussed Hollow (The "Falls")300------5,000
North Fork Lewis River - Cussed Hollow to FR9039 (The "Middle")700------2,000
North Fork Lewis River - FR9039 to Swift Reservoir (The "Lower")700------3,000
Muddy River - Below Clear Creek500------2,000
Muddy River - Forest Service Road 25 Bridge into North Fork Lewis River500------2,000
Canyon Creek - Near Amboy500------1,500
Canyon Creek - Twin Bridges to Fly Creek500------1,500
Canyon Creek - Above Fly Creek to Lake Merwin500------1,500
E. Fk Lewis - Near Heisson500------3,000
Copper Creek - Road’s End to East Fork Lewis1,000------4,000
East Fork Lewis River - Green Fork to Sunset Falls1,000------3,000
East Fork Lewis River - Sunset Falls to Below Horseshoe Falls600------2,500
East Fork Lewis River - Dole Valley Bridge to Moulton Falls1,500------3,000
East Fork Lewis River - Moulton Falls to Lewisville Park500------2,500
East Fork Lewis River - Lewisville Park to Paradise Point State Park500------3,000
Cowlitz - At Packwood700------3,000
Clear Fork Cowlitz River - Lava Creek to La Wis Wis Campground1,500------3,000
Ohanapecosh River - Ohanapecosh Campground to La Wis Wis Campground900------2,500
Cowlitz River - La Wis Wis Campground to Packwood700------2,000
Cispus - Near Randle500------5,500
Cispus River - Super Slide Run (Goat Creek to FR 2160)2,000------4,000
Cispus River - Upper Upper Run (Adams Fork to FR 23 Bridge)500------1,100
Cispus River - Upper Run (FR 23 Bridge to FR 28 Bridge)2,000------4,000
North Fork Cispus River - FR 22 Bridge to North Fork Campground1,750------2,500
McCoy Creek - Milepost 8 into Yellowjacket Creek2,300------3,000
Yellowjacket Creek - Veta Creek to Cispus River2,000------4,800
Cispus River - Lower Run (FR 28 Bridge to Lake Scanewa)1,400------5,700
Tilton - Near Cinebar8001,6002,5003,000
Tilton River - Upper Run (Morton to Bremer)800------2,000
North Fork Tilton River - Above Tilton Confluence2,500------4,000
Tilton River - Lower Run (Bremer to Ike Kinswa State Park)8001,6002,5003,000
Toutle - At Tower Road900------2,500
Hoffstadt Creek - Road 3100 to Hoffstadt Creek Bridge4,0006,0008,00010,000
Green River (Toutle) - Cascade Creek to Gauging Station4,500------10,000
North Fork Toutle River - Green River to South Fork Confluence2,000------5,000
South Fork Toutle River - Harrington Place to Big Wolf Creek1,750------7,500
Toutle River - Highway 504 Bridge to Tower Road Bridge900------2,500
Germany Creek - At Mouth500------600
Germany Creek - Road 1300 to End of County Road500------600
Grays - Below Hwy-4 Bridge700------1,500
Grays River - South Fork Grays River to Highway 4700------1,500
Chehalis - Near Doty500------3,500
East Fork Chehalis River - Mile Three to Chehalis River------------
West Fork Chehalis River - Mile Three to Chehalis River2,000------5,000
Chehalis River - West Fork to Pe Ell500------3,500
Chehalis River - Pe Ell to Doty------------
Chehalis River - Rainbow Falls to Meeskill------------
Satsop - Near Satsop2,500------7,000
Baker Creek - Old Bridge to Middle Fork Satsop5,000------12,000
Middle Fork Satsop River - Walter Creek to Baker Creek (Upper Upper)------------
Middle Fork Satsop River - Baker Creek to Access Off Kelly Hall Road (Fools Canyon)2,500------7,000
Middle Fork Satsop River - Access Off Kelly Hall Road to Kelley Road (Upper)------------
Middle Fork Satsop River - Kelley Road to Tornow Drive (Lower)------------
Humptulips - Below Highway 101 Bridge500------15,000
Donkey Creek - Perfection Falls to West Fork Humptulips2,000------7,000
West Fork Humptulips - FR2204 to Fish Trap Road (Gorge)800------15,000
West Fork Humptulips - Fish Trap Road to Donkey Creek Road500------15,000
East Fork Humptulips - FR 2206 access to FR 22 Bridge (Narrows Run)800------15,000
East Fork Humptulips - FR 22 Bridge to Gorge (Falls Section)500------15,000
East Fork Humptulips - Gorge to Boise Bridge (Gorge Run)500------15,000
Quinault - At Quinault Lake750------1,800
Quinault River - Pony Bridge to Graves Creek (Quinault Gorge)750------1,800
Quinault River - Cannings Creek to South Shore Road Access900------6,000
Queets - Near Clearwater800------2,000
Matheny Creek - Upper Run7,000------15,000
Matheny Creek - Middle Run7,000------15,000
Matheny Creek - Lower Run5,000------25,000
Queets River - Sam’s CG to River View Boat Launch800------2,000
Sol Duc - Near Quillayute------------
North Fork Sol Duc River - North Fork Trail Bridge to FR 2918 Bridge------------
South Fork Sol Duc River - FR 2920 Bridge to FR 2918 Bridge------------
Sol Duc River - Hot Springs to FR 2918 Bridge (Upper)------------
Sol Duc River - FR 2918 Bridge to Riverside Pullout (Park to Riverside)------------
Sol Duc River - Riverside Pullout to Bear Creek------------
Sol Duc River - Bear Creek to Salmon Hatchery (Mosh Pit)------------
Sol Duc River - Salmon Hatchery to Maxfield Road Bridge------------
Elwha - At McDonald Bridge500------2,000
Elwha River - Grand Canyon of the Elwha700------1,200
Elwha River - Glines Canyon to Above Highway 101500------2,000
Elwha River - Above Highway 101 to River Mouth500------2,000
Dungeness - Near Sequim800------2,000
Dungeness River - Gold Creek to Dungeness Forks Campground800------2,000
Dungeness River - Dungeness Forks Campground to Hatchery800------2,000
Big Quilcene - Below Big Quilcene Dam200------600
Big Quilcene River - Below Tunnel Creek to Rainbow Campground (Upper)200------600
Big Quilcene River - Rainbow Campground to Fish Hatchery (Lower)200------600
Duckabush - Near Brinnon------------
Duckabush River - 2510 Bridge to Highway 101 at Mouth------------
No. Skokomish - Below Staircase------------
North Fork Skokomish River - Seven Stream to Staircase------------
North Fork Skokomish River - Staircase to Lake Cushman------------
So. Skokomish - Near Union650------1,300
Vance Creek - Trail off FS 2350 to Vance Creek Bridge1,050------3,600
South Fork Skokomish River - Brown Creek to Vance Creek (Gorge Run)650------1,300
Nisqually - At La Grande800------1,000
Nisqually River - La Grande Canyon800------1,000
Mashel - Near La Grande300------1,300
Mashel River - Busy Wild Creek to Eatonville800------1,300
Mashel River - Eatonville to Above Nisqually River Confluence300------700
Nisqually - At McKenna900------3,000
Nisqually River - Mashel River to McKenna1,000------2,500
Nisqually River - McKenna to Yelm900------3,000
So. Prairie Creek - At South Prairie400------900
South Prairie Creek - Upper Run (East Fork to Spiketon Road)400------700
South Prairie Creek - Lower Run (Lower Burnett to Above Carbon River)600------900
Carbon - Near Fairfax300------1,000
Carbon River - Fairfax to 177th Street East300------700
Carbon River - 177th Street East to Puyallup River700------1,000
Puyallup - At Alderton900------2,000
Puyallup River - Orting Gauging Station to McMillin900------2,000
Puyallup River - Lower Run (McMillin to Puyallup)300------2,000
White - Below Clearwater River1,000------4,000
White River - Silver Springs CG to West Fork White River (The "Upper White")------------
White River - West Fork to Bridge Camp (The "Middle White")1,000------4,000
Green - Near Palmer1,000------4,000
Green River - Headworks to Kanasket-Palmer State Park (The Headworks)1,200------3,000
Green River - Kanasket-Palmer State Park to Franklin (The Upper Gorge)1,000------4,000
Green River - Franklin to Flaming Geyser Park (The Lower Gorge)1,000------4,000
Cedar - Below Diversion Dam400------1,200
Cedar River - Landsburg Bridge to Maplewood Roadside Park400------1,200
No. Snoqualmie - Near Snoqualmie Falls300------1,200
North Fork Snoqualmie River - Upper Run600------1,200
North Fork Snoqualmie River - Ernies Canyon300------900
Mi. Snoqualmie - Near Tanner800------4,000
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River - Hardscrabble Creek to Goldmeyer Hot Springs------------
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River - Burnboot Creek to Taylor River800------1,800
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River - The Upper Middle (Taylor River to Concrete Bridge)1,000------3,000
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River - The Middle Middle (Concrete Bridge to Tanner)1,000------4,000
Middle Fork Snoqualmie River - The Club Stretch (Tanner to North Bend)800------1,800
So. Snoqualmie - Near Garcia220------1,100
South Fork Snoqualmie River - I-90 Exit 52 to Franklin Falls or Denny Creek Campground (Fall in the Wall)220------500
South Fork Snoqualmie River - Twin Falls State Park to 436th St. Bridge300------1,100
Raging River - Near Fall City500------1,000
Raging River - Hwy 18 to Preston600------800
Raging River - Preston to Fall City500------1,000
Skykomish - Near Gold Bar500------10,000
North Fork Skykomish River - Drumbeater to Index4,000------12,000
South Fork Skykomish River - Beckler River to Barclay Creek1,650------8,000
Skykomish River - Index to Goldbar1,500------10,000
Skykomish River - Goldbar to Sultan500------10,000
Skykomish River - Sultan to Monroe1,300------4,400
Sultan - Below Diversion Dam400------1,500
Sultan River - Below Spada Lake to Powerhouse (The Upper)400------1,500
Sultan - Below Powerplant350------3,000
Sultan River - Powerhouse to Fishing Access (Powerhouse Run)350------3,000
Sultan River - Fishing Access to Skykomish River (The Lower)500------3,000
Squire Creek - At Squire Creek Park------------
Squire Creek - Squire Creek Road and Downstream------------
Deer Creek - Near Oso------------
Deer Creek - Rick Creek to Oso------------
No. Stillaguamish - Near Arlington1,000------2,000
North Fork Stillaguamish River - "Road to Nowhere" to Fishing Access1,000------2,000
North Fork Stillaguamish River - Fishing Access to Cicero1,000------2,000
So. Stillaguamish - Near Granite Falls800------4,400
South Fork Stillaguamish River - Big Four to River Bar (Upper)2,250------3,000
South Fork Stillaguamish River - River Bar to Verlot (Middle)1,100------4,400
South Fork Stillaguamish River - Verlot to Granite Falls (Robe Canyon)800------1,600
South Fork Stillaguamish River - Granite Falls to Jordan (Lower)800------3,000
Jim Creek - At Whites Road------------
Jim Creek - Naval Station to South Fork Stillaguamish------------
Pilchuck Creek - At I-5 Bridge800------3,000
Pilchuck Creek - Lake Cavanaugh Rd to Pilchuck Creek Campground800------3,000
Pilchuck Creek - Pilchuck Creek Campground to Highway 9 Bridge800------3,000
Pilchuck Creek - Highway 9 Bridge to I-5 Bridge800------2,000
Thunder Creek - Near Newhalem600------1,100
Thunder Creek - Third Footbridge to Colonial Creek Campground600------1,100
Skagit - At Newhalem1,500------15,000
Skagit River - Goodell Creek to Copper Creek1,500------15,000
Skagit - At Marblemount2,000------7,000
Skagit River - Goodell Creek to Copper Creek------------
Skagit River - Copper Creek to Rockport2,000------7,000
Cascade - At Marblemount800------3,500
Cascade River - Upper Run (Below Mineral Park to Marble Creek Campground)800------1,500
Cascade River - Marble Creek Campground to Rockport Cascade Road1,000------3,500
Sauk - Above White Chuck River2,000------8,000
North Fork Sauk River - Informal Campsite to Above North Fork Falls1,000------2,000
Sauk River - Bedal Campground to White Chuck River ("The Upper")2,000------8,000
Sauk - At Darrington1,000------8,000
Sauk River - White Chuck River to Darrington1,000------8,000
Sauk River - Darrington to Sauk River Park------------
Suiattle - Near Darrington1,500------3,000
Suiattle River - Sulphur Creek to Rat Trap Bridge1,500------3,000
Suiattle River - Rat Trap Bridge to Sauk River1,500------3,000
Sauk - Near Sauk2,000------20,000
Sauk River - White Chuck River to Darrington4,000------20,000
Sauk River - Darrington to Sauk River Park2,000------5,000
No. Nooksack - Below Cascade Creek400------2,000
North Fork Nooksack River - Mt. Baker Wilderness to Nooksack Falls (Misto Gorge)400------700
North Fork Nooksack River - Third Pullout to Douglas Fir Campground (Horseshoe Bend)500------1,800
North Fork Nooksack River - Douglas Fir Campground to Milepost 27 (The Canyon)600------2,000
North Fork Nooksack River - Milepost 27 to South Fork Nooksack500------2,000
Mi. Nooksack - Near Deming350------700
Middle Fork Nooksack River - Diversion Dam to Mosquito Lake Road (Canyon Run)350------700
So. Nooksack - At Saxon Bridge------------
South Fork Nooksack River - River Mile 25 to Saxon Road------------
Return to Index.
Idaho RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Bear - Below Grace Dam------------
Bear River - Grace Dam Bridge to Grace Powerhouse (Black Canyon)800------2,500
Snake - Near Irwin1,500------20,000
Snake River - Palisades Dam to Byington ("South Fork")1,500------20,000
Henrys Fork - Below Coffee Pot Rapids600------2,000
Henrys Fork River - Coffee Pot600------2,000
Henrys Fork - Near Ashton1,000------2,000
Henrys Fork River - Sheep Falls Run1,000------2,000
Henrys Fork River - Mesa Falls------------
Henrys Fork River - Lower Mesa Run1,000------2,000
Fall River - Near Squirrel500------2,500
Fall River - Cave Falls Run500------1,000
Fall River - Lower Run500------2,500
Fall River - Kirkham Bridge to Highway 20500------2,000
Teton - Near Driggs500------2,000
Bitch Creek - Highway 32 to Teton River------------
Teton River - Hwy 33 Bridge to Spring Hollow500------2,000
Teton - Near St. Anthony------------
Bitch Creek - Highway 32 to Teton River1,200------4,000
Teton River - Hwy 33 Bridge to Spring Hollow------------
Blackfoot - Near Shelley350------900
Blackfoot River - Blackfoot Dam to Cutthroat Trout Campground------------
Blackfoot River - Cutthroat Trout Campground to Trail Creek Bridge (Cutthroat Run)500------1,000
Blackfoot River - Trail Creek Bridge to Cedar Creek (Wolverine Canyon)350------900
Snake - At Milner River Only1,500------10,000
Snake River - Milner Gorge1,50012,00015,00015,000
Snake - At Milner Total Flow1,500------20,000
Snake River - Murtaugh Canyon1,500------20,000
Camas Creek - Near Blaine500------2,000
Camas Creek - Blain Bridge to Moonstone Landing500------2,000
Snake - Below Lower Salmon Falls5,000------20,000
Snake River - Lower Salmon Falls Dam to Bliss Reservoir (Wiley Reach)5,000------20,000
Malad - Near Bliss800------2,000
Malad River - Malad Dam to Snake River800------2,000
Bruneau - At Rowland225------1,000
Bruneau River - Rowland to Indian Hot Springs225------1,000
Jarbidge - Below Jarbidge100------1,000
Jarbidge River - Jarbidge to East Fork Confluence200------1,000
Jarbidge River - East Fork Confluence to Bruneau River (Indian Hot Springs)100------300
Bruneau - Near Hot Springs450------2,500
Jarbidge River - East Fork Confluence to Bruneau River (Indian Hot Springs)800------2,400
Bruneau River - Rowland to Indian Hot Springs450------2,500
Bruneau River - Indian Hot Springs to Indian Bathtub800------2,400
Snake - Below Swan Falls Dam10,000------20,000
Snake River - Swan Falls Dam to Walters Ferry (Birds of Prey)10,000------20,000
Owyhee - At Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing400------2,400
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks500------3,000
Owyhee - Near Rome800------6,000
North Fork Owyhee River - North Fork Campground to Three Forks6,000------20,000
Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing2,000------10,000
South Fork Owyhee River - El Paso Crossing to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing1,000------6,000
Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks800------6,000
Owyhee River - Three Forks to Rome1,000------5,000
Owyhee River - Rome to Leslie Gulch800------5,000
Succor Creek - Near Homedale140------300
Succor Creek - Pole Creek to Succor Creek State Recreational Area140------300
Boise - Near Twin Springs500------5,000
North Fork Boise River - Barber Flat Run1,500------5,000
Boise River - Troutdale to Badger Creek Campground500------5,000
So. Boise - Below Anderson Ranch Dam600------3,500
South Fork Boise River - Anderson Ranch Dam to Danskin Bridge (Upper Run)900------2,000
South Fork Boise River - Danskin Bridge to Neal Bridge (Canyon Run)600------3,500
Boise - At Glenwood Bridge------------
Boise River - Barber Park to Ann Morrison Park------------
Boise River - Ann Morrison Park to Glenwood Bridge------------
Boise River - Boise River Park------------
Boise River - Glenwood Bridge to Star Road (Eagle Island Run)------------
No. Payette - At McCall------------
North Fork Payette River - Warren Wagon Run------------
North Fork Payette River - Rotary Park to Sheep Bridge1,000------3,500
North Fork Payette River - Sheep Bridge to Hartsell Bridge above Cascade Reservoir1,000------3,500
No. Payette - At Cascade1,000------3,000
North Fork Payette River - Cascade to Cabarton Bridge1,500------3,000
North Fork Payette River - Cabarton Bridge to Smiths Ferry1,000------3,000
North Fork Payette River - Smiths Ferry to Banks------------
North Fork Payette River - Top Section (Below Smiths Ferry to Swinging Bridge)------------
North Fork Payette River - Middle Section (Swinging Bridge to Hounds Tooth)------------
North Fork Payette River - Lower Section, a.k.a. "Lower Five" (Hounds Tooth to Banks)------------
No. Payette - At Otters Run1,000------2,500
North Fork Payette River - Smiths Ferry to Banks1,000------2,500
North Fork Payette River - Top Section (Below Smiths Ferry to Swinging Bridge)1,000------2,500
North Fork Payette River - Middle Section (Swinging Bridge to Hounds Tooth)1,000------2,500
North Fork Payette River - Lower Section, a.k.a. "Lower Five" (Hounds Tooth to Banks)1,000------2,500
Mi. Payette - Near Crouch500------3,000
Middle Fork Payette River - West Fork Bridge to Upstream of Trail Creek600------3,000
Middle Fork Payette River - Hardscrabble Campground to Tie Creek (The Nozzle)500------3,000
Middle Fork Payette River - Tie Creek Campground to Crouch500------1,000
Deadwood - Below Deadwood Dam700------2,000
Deadwood River - Canyon Run700------2,000
Deadwood River - Lower Run700------1,500
So. Payette - At Lowman600------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Grandjean Run600------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Canyon Run------------
South Fork Payette River - Danskin to Alder Creek Bridge (Swirly Canyon)------------
South Fork Payette River - Garden Valley Scenic Tour (Alder Creek Bridge to Deer Creek)------------
South Fork Payette River - Staircase Run------------
So. Payette - Near Garden Valley500------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Canyon Run500------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Danskin to Alder Creek Bridge (Swirly Canyon)500------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Garden Valley Scenic Tour (Alder Creek Bridge to Deer Creek)500------3,000
So. Payette - Below Deer Creek500------3,000
South Fork Payette River - Staircase Run500------3,000
Payette - Near Horseshoe Bend1,000------6,000
Payette River - Banks to Beehive Bend1,000------6,000
Payette River - Beehive Bend to Horseshoe Bend1,200------15,000
Payette River - The Bladder/The Gutter600------14,000
Payette River - Horseshoe Bend to Montour------------
Snake - Below Hells Canyon Dam6,000------60,000
Snake River - Hells Canyon Dam to Pittsburg Landing (Hells Canyon)6,000------80,000
Snake River - Pittsburg Landing to Heller Bar6,000------60,000
Salmon - Near Clayton500------5,000
Salmon River - Sunbeam Run (Basin Creek to Torreys Hole)500------5,000
Salmon - Near Shoup600------8,000
Salmon River - North Fork to Cache Bar600------8,000
Mi. Salmon - At Middle Fork Lodge2.00ft2.50ft4.50ft5.00ft
Middle Fork Salmon River - Boundary Creek to Cache Bar2.00ft2.50ft4.50ft5.00ft
Mi. Salmon - At Mouth1,200------10,000
Middle Fork Salmon River - Boundary Creek to Cache Bar1,200------10,000
Salmon - Above Corn Creek1,500------25,000
Salmon River - Corn Creek to Vinegar Creek1,500------25,000
Salmon River - Vinegar Creek to Riggins------------
E. Fk So. Salmon - Above Sugar Creek------------
East Fork South Fork Salmon River - Vibika Creek to Johnson Creek (Upper Run)------------
East Fork South Fork Salmon River - Johnson Creek to Indian Point (Lower Run)------------
Johnson Creek - At Yellow Pine300------1,500
Johnson Creek - Headwaters to Ice Hole Campground------------
Johnson Creek - Ice Hole Campground to Yellow Pine Campground300------1,500
So. Salmon - At Krassel1,000------4,000
South Fork Salmon River - Goat Creek to Poverty Flat (Goat Creek Run)1,000------2,500
South Fork Salmon River - Canyon Run1,000------4,000
Little Salmon - At Riggins500------3,000
Little Salmon River - Smokey Boulder Road to Hazard Creek------------
Little Salmon River - Hazard Creek to Riggins500------3,000
Salmon - At White Bird2,000------30,000
Salmon River - Corn Creek to Vinegar Creek2,000------25,000
Salmon River - Vinegar Creek to Riggins2,000------30,000
Salmon River - Riggins to Whitebird3,000------30,000
Salmon River - Hammer Creek to Heller Bar (Lower Salmon Gorge)2,000------40,000
No. Clearwater - Near Canyon Ranger Stn1,000------8,000
North Fork Clearwater River - Headwaters to Hidden Creek Campground2,500------16,000
North Fork Clearwater River - Black Canyon2,500------16,000
North Fork Clearwater River - Kelly Creek to Weitas Creek1,000------8,000
North Fork Clearwater River - Bungalow Run1,000------8,000
North Fork Clearwater River - Quartz Creek Run1,000------8,000
Lochsa - Near Lowell1,000------10,000
Lochsa River - White Sand Campground to Indian Grave Creek1,000------6,000
Lochsa River - Whitepine to Fish Creek (Upper)1,000------10,000
Lochsa River - Fish Creek to Split Creek (Lower)1,500------10,000
Lochsa River - Split Creek Pack Bridge to Lowell1,000------6,000
Moose Creek - Above Selway River800------2,000
Moose Creek - Dolph Creek to Selway Confluence800------2,000
Selway - Near Lowell1,000------20,000
Selway River - Paradise to Selway Falls1,000------10,000
Selway River - Lower Run1,000------20,000
So. Clearwater - At Stites400------3,000
South Fork Clearwater River - Golden Canyon4008001,2002,000
South Fork Clearwater River - Lower Run600------3,000
Lolo Creek - Near Greer300------600
Lolo Creek - Lolo Campground to Cottonwood Flats (Upper Run)------------
Lolo Creek - Cottonwood Flats to Clearwater River (Lower Run)300------600
Saint Joe - At Red Ives Ranger Stn250------2,500
Saint Joe River - Heller Creek Run250------2,500
Saint Joe River - Spruce Tree Campground to Conrad Crossing Campground------------
Saint Joe - At Calder1,000------6,000
Saint Joe River - Heller Creek Run------------
Saint Joe River - Spruce Tree Campground to Conrad Crossing Campground1,000------6,000
Saint Joe River - Tumbledown Run1,000------6,000
Saint Joe River - Skookum Canyon Run1,000------6,000
Pack - Near Colburn500------2,000
Pack River - Above Chimney Rock Trailhead to Narrow Dirt Road (Upper: Grottos)650------1,000
Pack River - Narrow Dirt Road to Second Bridge (Upper: The Slides)500------2,000
Pack River - Second Bridge to Roadside Access (Upper: Gorgette)600------1,500
Pack River - Buck and Edna’s to Highway 95500------2,000
Boundary Creek - Near Porthill250------550
Boundary Creek - Near Canadian Border to Road 2450250------550
Moyie - At Eastport500------2,500
Moyie River - Copper Creek Campground to Meadow Creek Bridge500------2,500
Moyie River - Meadow Creek Bridge to Above Moyie Falls Dam500------2,500
Return to Index.
Montana RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
No. Blackfoot - Near Ovando500------2,000
North Fork Blackfoot River - Upper Run500------2,000
Blackfoot - Near Bonner800------4,000
Blackfoot River - Scotty Brown Bridge to Johnsrud Park800------4,000
Clark Fork - At St. Regis1,800------15,000
Clark Fork River - Cyr Bridge to Tarkio (Alberton Gorge)1,800------15,000
Prospect Creek - At Thompson Falls4009001,1001,200
Prospect Creek - Lower Run4009001,1001,200
No. Flathead - Near Columbia Falls3,000------7,000
North Fork Flathead River - Big Creek to Glacier Rim3,000------7,000
Mi. Flathead - Near West Glacier1,000------8,000
Middle Fork Flathead River - Schafer Meadows to Bear Creek1,000------8,000
Middle Fork Flathead River - Bear Creek to Moccasin Creek1,000------8,000
Middle Fork Flathead River - Moccasin Creek Access to West Glacier1,000------8,000
Middle Fork Flathead River - West Glacier to Blankenship Bridge1,000------8,000
So. Flathead - Above Hungry Horse Res1,000------6,000
South Fork Flathead River - Big Prairie to Mid Creek Access1,000------6,000
Swan - Near Bigfork800------4,000
Swan River - Wild Mile800------4,000
Flathead - Near Polson2,000------20,000
Flathead River - Kerr Dam to Buffalo Bridge Road (Buffalo Rapids)2,000------20,000
Kootenai - Below Libby Dam6,000------20,000
Kootenai River - Below Kootenai Falls6,000------20,000
Yaak - Near Troy8002,5003,5005,000
Yaak River - Spread Creek to Yaak Falls------------
Yaak River - Yaak Falls to Hwy-28002,5003,5005,000
Big Hole - Near Glen200------10,000
Big Hole River - Divide Bridge to Beaverhead River200------10,000
Madison - Below Hebgen Lake1,000------3,000
Madison - Hebgen Reservoir to Quake Lake------------
Madison - Earthquake Lake Run1,000------3,000
Madison - Below Ennis Lake1,000------4,000
Madison - Beartrap Canyon1,000------4,000
Gallatin - Near Gallatin Gateway800------4,000
Gallatin River - Yellowstone National Park to Big Sky------------
Gallatin River - Big Sky to Moose Flats800------3,000
Gallatin River - Moose Flats to Storm Castle800------4,000
Gallatin River - Storm Castle to Squaw Creek800------4,000
Smith - Below Eagle Creek250------1,500
Smith River - Camp Baker to Eden Bridge250------1,500
Belt Creek - Near Monarch------------
Belt Creek - Sec 15 to Monarch (Neihart Section)------------
Belt Creek - Monarch to Riceville------------
Yellowstone - At Corwin Springs750------15,000
Yellowstone River - Black Canyon750------2,000
Yellowstone River - Gardiner Run1,000------10,000
Yellowstone River - Yankee Jim Canyon1,000------15,000
Yellowstone - Near Livingston3,000------20,000
Yellowstone River - Springdale FAS to Grey Bear FAS3,000------20,000
Yellowstone River - Otter Creek FAS to Pelican FAS5,000------12,000
Boulder - At Big Timber1,000------5,000
Boulder River - Hells Canyon1,0002,7003,3005,000
Boulder River - Bible Stretch1,000------5,000
Boulder River - Chippy Park Campground to Boulder Falls1,000------5,000
Boulder River - Boulder Falls to Highway (Boulder Falls Canyon)2,000------4,000
Stillwater - Near Absarokee1,000------5,000
Stillwater River - 3-day Mission Run2,0002,7003,3004,000
Stillwater River - Woodbine Run1,000------3,500
Stillwater River - Buffalo Jump to Cliff Swallow2,000------5,000
Stillwater River - Absarokee to Whitebird2,000------5,000
Stillwater River - Whitebird to Fireman’s Point1,000------5,000
West Rosebud Cr - At Emerald Lake CG300------750
West Rosebud Creek - Emerald Lake to Pine Grove CG300------750
Rock Creek - Near Red Lodge500------1,000
Rock Creek - Lake Fork to outside Red Lodge500------1,000
CF Yellowstone - Near Belfry500------4,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Stix and Stones800------1,600
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Day Stretch800------3,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Honeymooner1,2001,9002,3003,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Box5009001,1001,500
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Lower Run1,000------4,000
Return to Index.
Wyoming RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
CF Yellowstone - Near Belfry500------4,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Stix and Stones800------1,600
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Day Stretch800------3,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Honeymooner1,2001,9002,3003,000
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Box5009001,1001,500
Clarks Fork Yellowstone River - Lower Run1,000------4,000
Yellowstone - Below Yellowstone Lake1,100------2,500
Yellowstone River - Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone1,100------2,500
Mi. Powder - Near Barnum------------
Powder River - Forest Service road bridge near county line to Hwy 190------------
North Platte - Near Northgate1,000------4,000
North Platte River - Northgate Canyon1,000------4,000
Encampment - Near Encampment300------1,200
Encampment River - Commissary Park to Odd Fellows Trailhead300------1,200
Gros Ventre - At Kelly400------2,000
Gros Ventre River - Lower Slide Lake to Kelly400------2,000
Snake - Near Alpine1,500------15,000
Snake River - Astoria Bridge to West Table1,500------15,000
Snake River - West Table to Sheep Gulch (Alpine Canyon)1,500------15,000
Snake River - Sheep Gulch to Palisades Reservoir------------
Fall River - Near Squirrel500------2,500
Fall River - Cave Falls Run500------1,000
Fall River - Lower Run500------2,500
Fall River - Kirkham Bridge to Highway 20500------2,000
Return to Index.
Colorado RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Colorado - Near Kremmling800------10,000
Colorado River - Gore Canyon800------2,200
Colorado River - Pumphouse to Rancho del Rio800------10,000
Colorado River - State Bridge to Dotsero800------10,000
Colorado River - Burns Rodeo Hole800------1,500
Colorado - Near Dotsero500------8,000
Colorado River - State Bridge to Dotsero------------
Colorado River - Burns Rodeo Hole------------
Colorado River - Barrel Springs Run (Hanging Lake to Exit 123)1,300------5,000
Colorado River - Shoshone Run (Exit 123 to Grizzly Creek)500------8,000
Colorado River - Grizzly Creek to New Castle500------3,000
Colorado - Near CO-UT State Line2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Horsethief/Ruby Canyons (Loma Launch Site to Westwater Launch Site)2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Westwater Canyon (Westwater Launch Site to Cisco Launch Site)2,000------20,000
Green - Near Greendale800------6,000
Green River - Flaming Gorge to Lodore800------6,000
Green River - Gates of Lodore (Lodore to Echo Park)800------6,000
Yampa - At Steamboat Springs300------5,000
Yampa River - Above-Town Section (Hwy 131 Bridge to Yampa River Park)300------1,400
Yampa River - Town Run300------5,000
Yampa - Near Maybell800------5,000
Yampa River - Little Yampa Canyon1,000------5,000
Yampa River - Juniper Canyon1,000------5,000
Yampa River - Cross Mountain Gorge800------5,000
Yampa - At Deerlodge Park800------10,000
Yampa River - Cross Mountain Gorge1,000------6,250
Yampa River - Yampa Canyon800------10,000
Green - Near Jensen800------6,000
Green River - Split Mountain Canyon (Echo Park to Split Mountain)800------6,000
Green River - Ouray to Green River Town (Desolation & Gray Canyons)1,000------20,000
Yampa River - Yampa Canyon------------
Eagle - At Red Cliff200------1,000
Eagle River - Camp Hale to Red Cliff200------1,000
Eagle River - Gilman Gorge (Red Cliff to Tigiwon Rd)300------500
Eagle - Near Minturn900------1,500
Eagle River - Gilman Gorge (Red Cliff to Tigiwon Rd)900------1,500
Eagle - Below Gypsum750------2,000
Eagle River - Dowd Chute750------2,000
Eagle River - Upper Run (Riverbend Bus Stop to Edwards)750------2,000
Eagle River - Lower Run (Edwards to Eagle)700------5,000
Castle Creek - At Aspen100------500
Castle Creek - Aspen Music School to Slaughterhouse Bridge100------500
Roaring Fork - Below Maroon Creek500------3,000
Castle Creek - Aspen Music School to Slaughterhouse Bridge1,000------3,000
Roaring Fork River - Slaughterhouse Bridge to Upper Woody Creek Bridge700------3,000
Roaring Fork River - Upper Woody Creek Bridge to Lower Woody Creek Bridge500------2,000
Roaring Fork River - Lower Woody Creek Bridge to Hwy-82 Bridge500------2,000
Fryingpan - Near Thomasville300------1,000
Fryingpan River - Norrie Colony to Ruedi Res (Upper Run)300------1,000
Roaring Fork - At Glenwood Springs1,000------4,000
Roaring Fork River - Black Bridge to Veltus Park (Cemetery Run)1,000------4,000
Crystal - Above Avalanche Creek200------3,000
North Fork Crystal River - Above Avalanche Creek------------
Crystal River - Crystal Mill Falls to Gorge1,000------3,000
Crystal River - Gorge Run200------350
Crystal River - Bogan Canyon Run6008001,5002,000
Crystal River - Meatgrinder Run500------1,200
Crystal River - The Narrows (Penny Hot Springs to Avalanche)500------2,000
Crystal River - Avalanche Creek to B.R.B. Campground500------2,000
Gunnison - Below Gunnison Tunnel300------5,000
Gunnison River - East Portal to Gunnison Forks (Black Canyon)6008001,6003,000
Gunnison River - Chukar Trail to Gunnison Forks (Gunnison Gorge)3008003,0005,000
Dolores - Below McPhee Reservoir900------4,000
Dolores River - Bradfield Launch Site to Slick Rock900------4,000
Dolores - At Bedrock800------4,000
Dolores River - Slick Rock to Bedrock800------4,000
San Miguel - Near Placerville500------2,500
San Miguel River - Conoco Station to Bilk Creek (Keystone Gorge)------------
San Miguel River - Bilk Creek to Fall Creek (Sawpit)5008001,3002,500
San Miguel River - Fall Creek Road to Caddis Flat Rec Area500------1,200
San Miguel River - Specie Creek to Norwood Bridge5001,0001,5002,500
San Miguel River - Norwood Bridge to Green Truss Bridge (Norwood Canyon)5001,1001,4001,500
San Miguel River - BB 36 Rd to Green Truss Bridge (Ledges)5001,1001,4001,500
San Juan - At Pagosa Springs500------2,500
San Juan River - Pagosa to Trujillo Road (Mesa Canyon)500------2,500
San Juan River - Trujillo Road to Navajo Reservoir5008001,5002,000
Animas - At Silverton150------2,000
Animas River - Eureka to Howardsville (Forks of the Animas)150------2,000
Animas River - Howardsville to Silverton (Silverton Daily)150------2,000
Animas River - Silverton to Rockwood (Upper)200------800
Animas - At Durango400------4,000
Animas River - Silverton to Rockwood (Upper)800------3,000
Animas River - Bakers Bridge to Trimble Lane500------4,000
Animas River - Trimble Bridge to North Durango400------4,000
Animas River - At Durango400------4,000
Animas River - High Bridge to Bondad Bridge400------4,000
North Platte - Near Northgate1,000------4,000
North Platte River - Northgate Canyon1,000------4,000
South Platte - Near Lake George300------800
South Platte River - Cheesman Canyon300------800
No. South Platte - At Grant300------800
North Fork South Platte River - Bailey Run300------800
North Fork South Platte River - Foxton Run------------
Clear Creek - At Golden400------1,000
Clear Creek - Upper Run400------800
Clear Creek - Black Rock Run400------1,000
Clear Creek - Lower Run400------1,000
No. Saint Vrain Cr - Above Buttonrock Res150------500
North Saint Vrain Creek - Hwy 7 to ButtonRock Preserve (Upper NSV)150------500
Boulder Creek - Near Orodell150------1,000
Boulder Creek - Doherty Park to Eben G. Fine Park150------1,000
Boulder Creek - Eben G. Fine Park and below150------800
South Boulder Cr - Above Gross Reservoir300------900
South Boulder Creek - Rollinsville to Pinecliffe (Alto Alto SBC)400------900
South Boulder Creek - Pinecliffe to Gross Mountain Reservoir (Upper SBC)300------800
South Boulder Cr - Below Gross Reservoir180------750
South Boulder Creek - Gross Reservoir to Eldorado State Park180------750
Cache La Poudre - At Canyon Mouth350------2,250
Cache La Poudre River - Big South Campground to Tunnel Picnic Ground (Spencer Heights)650------1,300
Cache La Poudre River - Sleeping Elephant Campground to Big Bend Picnic Area (Sleeping Elephant)650------2,250
Cache La Poudre River - Big Bend Picnic Area to Home Moraine (Fish Hatchery)650------2,250
Cache La Poudre River - Home Moraine to Indian Meadows Low Bridge (White Mile/Upper Rustic)650------2,250
Cache La Poudre River - Indian Meadows Low Bridge to Narrows Picnic Area (Grandpa’s Gorge/Lower Rustic)650------2,250
Cache La Poudre River - Narrows Picnic Area to Steven’s Gulch (The Narrows)350------1,800
Cache La Poudre River - Steven’s Gulch to Mishawaka Inn (Upper Mishawaka)350------1,800
Cache La Poudre River - Mishawaka Inn to Poudre Park Picnic Area (Lower Mishawaka)350------1,800
Cache La Poudre River - Poudre Park Picnic Area to Poison Ivy Corner (Poudre Park)350------1,800
Cache La Poudre River - Poison Ivy Corner to Bridges (Bridges Run)350------1,800
Cache La Poudre River - Below Filtration Plant to Picnic Rock Access (Filter Plant)700------2,000
Lake Creek - Above Twin Lakes Res300------1,000
Lake Creek - Diversion Tunnel to Willis Gulch Picnic Area300------1,000
Clear Creek - Above Clear Creek Res150------1,000
Clear Creek - Missouri Creek Trailhead to above Clear Creek Reservoir150------1,000
Arkansas - Below Granite500------4,500
Upper Arkansas River - Granite to Numbers Launch Site (Pine Creek)500------3,500
Upper Arkansas River - The Numbers700------3,000
Upper Arkansas River - Railroad Bridge to Buena Vista (Fractions/Frog Rock Run)700------4,500
Arkansas - Near Nathrop500------4,500
Upper Arkansas River - Buena Vista to Fisherman’s Bridge (Buena Vista Town Run)700------4,500
Upper Arkansas River - Fisherman’s Bridge to Stone Bridge (Brown’s Canyon)700------4,500
Arkansas River - Stone Bridge to Salida (Salida Town)200------3,000
Arkansas River - Salida to Rincon500------3,500
Arkansas - At Parkdale400------3,500
Lower Arkansas River - Rincon to Pinnacle Rock500------3,500
Lower Arkansas River - Pinnacle Rock to Parkdale (Pinnacle Rock Run)400------3,500
Lower Arkansas River - Parkdale to Canon City (Royal Gorge)700------3,000
Rio Grande - Near Lobatos500------5,000
Rio Grande - Lobatos Bridge to Lee Trail (Ute Mountain)500------5,000
Rio Grande - Lee Trail to Chiflo Campground (Razors)500------2,000
Return to Index.
Utah RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Green - Near Greendale800------6,000
Green River - Flaming Gorge to Lodore800------6,000
Green River - Gates of Lodore (Lodore to Echo Park)800------6,000
Yampa - At Deerlodge Park800------10,000
Yampa River - Cross Mountain Gorge1,000------6,250
Yampa River - Yampa Canyon800------10,000
Green - Near Jensen800------6,000
Green River - Split Mountain Canyon (Echo Park to Split Mountain)800------6,000
Green River - Ouray to Green River Town (Desolation & Gray Canyons)1,000------20,000
Yampa River - Yampa Canyon------------
Green - At Ouray1,000------20,000
Green River - Ouray to Green River Town (Desolation & Gray Canyons)1,000------20,000
Green - At Green River1,000------20,000
Green River - Ouray to Green River Town (Desolation & Gray Canyons)1,000------20,000
Green River - Green River Town to Mineral Bottom (Labyrinth Canyon)1,000------20,000
Green River - Mineral Bottom to Colorado Confluence (Stillwater Canyon)1,000------20,000
Green - At Mineral Bottom1,000------20,000
Green River - Green River Town to Mineral Bottom (Labyrinth Canyon)1,000------20,000
Green River - Mineral Bottom to Colorado Confluence (Stillwater Canyon)1,000------20,000
San Rafael - Near Green River200------1,800
San Rafael River - Fullers Bottom to San Rafael Campground (Little Grand Canyon)200------1,800
San Rafael River - San Rafael Campground to I-70 (Black Boxes 1 and 2)375450600900
Colorado - Near CO-UT State Line2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Horsethief/Ruby Canyons (Loma Launch Site to Westwater Launch Site)2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Westwater Canyon (Westwater Launch Site to Cisco Launch Site)2,000------20,000
Colorado - Near Cisco1,500------20,000
Colorado River - Rose Ranch to Moab2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Cataract Canyon1,500------20,000
Colorado - At Potash1,500------20,000
Colorado River - Rose Ranch to Moab2,000------20,000
Colorado River - Cataract Canyon1,500------20,000
Colorado - In Cataract Canyon2,000------30,000
Colorado River - Cataract Canyon2,000------30,000
Fremont - Near Caineville------------
Fremont River - Torrey to Campground------------
Fremont River - Campground to Waterfall------------
Dirty Devil - Near Hanksville100------1,000
Dirty Devil River - Hanksville to Hite100------1,000
Escalante - Near Escalante150------600
Escalante River - Highway 12 to Lake Powell150------600
San Juan - At Mexican Hat500------8,000
San Juan River - Four Corners to Sand Island5001,0002,5008,000
San Juan River - Sand Island to Mexican Hat (Upper San Juan)5001,0002,5008,000
San Juan River - Mexican Hat to Clay Hills Crossing (Lower San Juan)500------8,000
No. Virgin - Near Springdale150------650
North Fork Virgin River - Chamberlain Ranch to Temple of Sinawava (Zion Narrows)150------650
North Fork Virgin River - Sinawava to South Campground (Zion NP)150250350400
Virgin - Near St. George250------5,000
Virgin River - I-15 at Mile 23 to Cedar Pockets Rest Area (Upper Gorge)250------5,000
Virgin River - Cedar Pockets Rest Area to Littlefield (Lower Gorge)400------5,000
Weber - At Gateway250------4,500
Weber River - Taggarts to Gateway------------
Weber River - Scrambled Egg Bend to Highway 89 (The Eggs)250------3,000
Weber River - Highway 89 to Riverdale340------4,500
Ogden - Below Pineview Res300------1,600
Ogden River - Pineview Dam to Ogden (Canyon Section)300------1,600
Provo - Near Woodland500------2,500
Provo River - Provo River Falls to Cobblerest Campground (Upper Run)600------2,500
Provo River - Soapstone to Pine Valley Campground500------1,000
Provo River - Woodland Run300------1,000
Provo River - 1000 East Bridge to Jordanelle300------1,000
Return to Index.
Arizona RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Colorado - Near Lees Ferry5,00017,00023,00040,000
Tapeats Creek - Top of the Gorge to Colorado River------------
Colorado River - Glen Canyon Dam to Lee’s Ferry4,000------100,000
Colorado River - Grand Canyon5,00017,00023,00040,000
Little Colorado - Near Cameron6001,0002,0003,000
Little Colorado River - Cameron to Colorado River600------2,000
Colorado - Above Diamond Creek5,00017,00023,00040,000
Colorado River - Grand Canyon5,00017,00023,00040,000
Virgin - Near St. George250------5,000
Virgin River - I-15 at Mile 23 to Cedar Pockets Rest Area (Upper Gorge)250------5,000
Virgin River - Cedar Pockets Rest Area to Littlefield (Lower Gorge)400------5,000
Lower Colorado - Below Hoover Dam2,000------40,000
Lower Colorado River - Black Canyon2,000------40,000
Gila - Near Redrock400------1,500
Gila River - Forest Road 809 to Redrock (Middle Box)500------1,500
Gila River - Redrock to Virden (Lower Box)400------800
Gila River - Virden to Solomon2501,5003,50010,000
San Francisco - At Clifton300------2,000
San Francisco River - Hot Springs to Clifton300------2,000
San Francisco River - Clifton to Bonita Creek300------2,000
Salt - At Salt River Canyon800------3,000
Salt River - Upper Salt (Salt River Canyon to Hwy 288)800------3,000
Salt - Above Roosevelt Lake800------3,000
Salt River - Upper Salt (Salt River Canyon to Hwy 288)800------3,000
Tonto Creek - Above Gun Creek400------2,000
Tonto Creek - Bear Flat to Gisela (Hellsgate)500------1,000
Tonto Creek - Rye Creek to Gun Creek (Lower Gorge)400------2,000
Verde - Near Paulden3004001,0003,000
Verde River - Sullivan Lake to Perkinsville3004001,0003,000
Verde - Near Clarkdale3004001,0003,000
Verde River - Perkinsville to Beasley Flat3004001,0003,000
Oak Creek - Near Sedona200------800
Oak Creek - Indian Gardens to Sedona200------700
Oak Creek - Sedona to Verde Valley School Road300------800
Verde - Near Camp Verde300------2,000
Verde River - Beasley Flat to Horseshoe Reservoir300------2,000
Fossil Creek - Near Strawberry35------500
Fossil Creek - Fossil Springs to Fossil Creek Waterfall (Upper)45------500
Fossil Creek - Fossil Creek Waterfall to Fossil Creek Bridge Day Use Area (Classic)35------500
East Verde - Near Childs300------1,000
East Verde River - Highway 87 to Doll Baby Ranch------------
East Verde River - Doll Baby Ranch to Sheep Bridge or Horseshoe Reservoir (Wilderness Run)300------1,000
Verde - Above Horseshoe Reservoir300------2,000
Verde River - Beasley Flat to Horseshoe Reservoir300------2,000
Return to Index.
New Mexico RiversMin GoodMin OptMax OptMax Good
Rio Grande - Near Lobatos500------5,000
Rio Grande - Lobatos Bridge to Lee Trail (Ute Mountain)500------5,000
Rio Grande - Lee Trail to Chiflo Campground (Razors)500------2,000
Rio Grande - Near Cerro500------5,000
Rio Grande - Lee Trail to Chiflo Campground (Razors)500------3,000
Rio Grande - Chiflo Campground to Dunn Bridge (Upper Taos Box)800------5,000
Rio Grande - Below Taos Junction Br400------5,000
Rio Grande - Dunn Bridge to Taos Junction Bridge (Lower Taos Box)800------5,000
Rio Grande - Taos Junction Bridge to Pilar400------5,000
Rio Grande - Pilar to Taos County Line400------5,000
Embudo Creek - Near Dixon150------400
Embudo Creek - Near Rio Lucio to Hwy 75150------400
Rio Chama - Above Chama------------
Rio Chama - Upper Chama------------
Rio Brazos - At Fishtail Road150------300
Rio Brazos - Above Corkins Lodge150------300
Rio Chama - Near La Puente200------4,000
Rio Chama - Chama to Los Ojos (Town run)200------2,000
Rio Chama - Los Ojos to El Vado Lake400------4,000
Rio Chama - Below El Vado Dam800------2,500
Rio Chama - Chama Canyon800------2,500
Rio Chama - Above Abiquiu Reservoir800------2,500
Rio Chama - Chama Canyon800------2,500
Gila - Near Gila200------1,200
Gila River - Grapevine to Mogollon Creek (Wilderness Run)200------1,200
Gila - Near Redrock400------1,500
Gila River - Forest Road 809 to Redrock (Middle Box)500------1,500
Gila River - Redrock to Virden (Lower Box)400------800
Gila River - Virden to Solomon2501,5003,50010,000
San Francisco - At Clifton300------2,000
San Francisco River - Hot Springs to Clifton300------2,000
San Francisco River - Clifton to Bonita Creek300------2,000

Key Information

  • Min Good and Max Good fields - together, these specify the range of "good" flows.  For our purposes, this is the range of flows for which half of those who paddle this reach/run would voluntarily return to run it again.  This therefore depends on paddlers' preferences in general, and is different than "runnable", which depends on an individual paddler's experience and skill.  Many rivers are routinely run at flows that are generally considered "low" or "high".  If the reported flow (or gauge height, as applicable) lies within the "good" range, it's color-coded green on the reports.  If the reported value lies below Min Good, it's color-coded yellow ("low").  If the reported value lies above Max Good, it's color-coded red ("high").  If the range isn't specified (i.e. not known) then the reported value is color-coded silver.

  • Min Opt and Max Opt fields - together, these specify the range of "optimum" flows.  For our purposes, this is the range of flows for which half of those who paddle this reach/run say it's the best flow range to run it at.  If the reported flow (or gauge height, as applicable) lies within this range, it's marked on the reports with a .

  • All flows are in 'cfs' (cubic feet per second) unless otherwise stated.  Other units are 'ft' (gauge height in feet) and 'in' (gauge height in inches).

    Note: The supplied Min Good, Min Opt, Max Opt and Max Good values were taken from a wide variety of sources, and are hugely subjective - particularly with respect to craft type.  When given a choice, I've usually chosen values appropriate for hardshell kayakers, but many of the above are for rafters (who usually like higher flows), while others are for inflatable kayakers (who usually like lower flows).  A single gauge site often serves more than one run, in which case each specified value is a composite that might not apply very well to any individual run.  So you see, color-coded flows do not tell you whether to go run a particular river or not - they merely act as a first-pass filter to help you eliminate less-likely options.  That said: if you have insights or suggestions for improvement, particularly if you can supply missing values, please email chris@dreamflows.com.

    Sponsored by:   DeRiemer Adventure Kayaking
      Northwest Rafting Company
      Sierra Rescue - Expert Swiftwater Rescue Instruction
      The River Store
      H2O Adventures - A CA Whitewater Rafting Co.
      Rivers & Oceans - Grand Canyon Rafting & Custom Tours