bcenter Member
Posted: Jul 12, 2011 Post Subject: Middle Yuba, Canyon Creek, Fordyce Creek and South Yuba Media
| We have reached the stage in the Yuba Bear / Drum Spaulding relicensing where we are seriously discussing resource values (fish, frogs, whitewater boating, etc.) for various reaches, in preparation for discussing and negotiating future flows on these reaches. These discussions will be among the Licensees (PG&E and NID), Resource Agencies (State Water Board, US Forest Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau of Land Management) and “Non Governmental Organizations”, importantly American Whitewater.
A lot of great photos and videos exist of the Middle Yuba, Upper and Lower Canyon Creek, Fordyce Creek and the reaches of the South Yuba. The goal here is to assemble the best of these pics and footage so that we can “show off” the white water boating “resource values” by projecting (on a good-sized screen) images and videos during meeting segments focused on boating, and as “background” before meetings, at breaks, at lunch, etc.
Generally we want footage that showcases experts “making it look easy”, and is less focused on carnage. (The exception, perhaps, is the video of Lower Canyon Creek with the “I have big balls” sound track, and other such twisted humor.)
Please send to me your favorite media on each of these reaches, in the form of website addresses, names of CDs and where I can get them, or actual files—up to 20 or 30 meg.
Also, if any of you have technical expertise that would assist me, for example, in writing a Windows-based script that would stitch together several photos and video clips into a “loop”, let me know. My email address is bcenter7210@att.net, or call at 530-477-1770.
Thanks for your help, Bob Center
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