chris Site Admin
Posted: Feb 24, 2009 Post Subject: SF Feather below Forbestown Diversion Dam currently running
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "We are currently spilling at Slate Creek (1,900 - 2,100 cfs) and Forbestown Diversion (540 - 570 cfs). These were both identified as Class IV-V during relicensing studies. South Fork Diversion is just barely spilling (16 cfs); it was rated Class III. If flows pick up there I will update you. Access to South Fork and Slate Creek is by snow vehicle only currently. There is road access to Forbestown Diversion, but we have a gate just below Oroleve Creek (the put in point) that is closed and locked daily at 4 pm. There is parking space before the gate."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "The only dams still spilling on the SF Feather River are Slate Creek Diversion (400 - 480 cfs) and Forbestown Diversion (200 - 230 cfs)."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "Spills are occurring at Lost Creek Dam (182 cfs and climbing), Forbestown Diversion Dam (856 cfs +) and Slate Creek Diversion (1,715 cfs +)."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "The SF Feather River has all but stopped spilling - the only place left with a little spill is Forbestown Diversion, and it should stop tomorrow (March 6):.
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "Lost Creek Dam is currently spilling 150 cfs, which was determined to be within boatable range during the relicensing studies. There is still no vehicle access to the dam as snow drifts still block the road.
Forbestown Diversion Dam is also spilling, but only 30 cfs."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "This morning Lost Creek spill increased to about 235 cfs, and Forbestown Diversion has stopped spilling."
chris Site Admin
The South Feather Water and Power Agency reports as follows: "The spills at Lost Creek Dam and Forbestown Diversion Dam have stopped."