chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 4, 2019 Post Subject: SF Trinity below Hyampom gauge errors

| The So. Trinity - Below Hyampom gauge was potentially misreading, in a big way, between February 27, 2019 and May 30, 2019. This was because a very high (and very unusual) 51,800 cfs spike in flow changed the river bed near the gauge. The gauge was reading way too low at lower flows (in the region of 1000 cfs) but still reasonably accurately at higher flows (in the region of 5000 and up). Because flows stayed fairly high until April 11, the flows were inaccurate for our purposes only from April 11 to the end of May.
On May 30, USGS visited the site, measured this and that, fixed the rating table, and adjusted flow values going back retroactively to April 11, 2019. Today, Dreamflows also retroactively adjusted flows going back to April 11. This means that current and historical reported flows for the So. Trinity - Below Hyampom gauge are now correct.
However, if you paddled the SF Trinity between April 11 and May 31, reported flows may have been too low, so you'll likely think you had a lower flow than you actually did. If you'd like to know the actual flow during that time, please email me.
Edited once. Last edited by chris Jun 4, 2019.
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