hilde Member
Posted: Jun 2, 2017 Post Subject: June 2017 Rubicon and MF American flows and access
This info comes from someone at PCWA and dated June2 2017. If you do get on the Rubicon, please send me pictures--they are especially interested in photos of the landslide near the putin bridge from river level. Enjoy Flows at Ellicott are about 1000 cfs and about 1300 cfs above Ralston Afterbay. There’s no access to Ellicott Bridge due to massive landslides on both sides. Blacksmith Flat Road is closed at Ralston Afterbay due to another landslide. Mosquito Ridge Rd is open all the way and is the only access to Hell Hole. The landslides/road damage won’t be addressed until late summer/fall if at all this year. We project Hell Hole will be spilling through June but you know how predictions go. On the Middle Fork, there’s about 200 cfs spill at French Meadows and 400 cfs inflow into Interbay, with about 200 cfs of that spilling from Interbay and about 250 cfs going into Ralston Afterbay.
BorinquenWW Member
Posted: Jun 2, 2017 Post Subject: Distance from landslide to bride
Wondering how long a walk from the landslide to the bridge? Either side? If you cone in from Hell Hole is there road acess to Ellicott or do you walk in ? Distance?
Thomas M Member
Posted: Jun 5, 2017 Post Subject: 3 mi hike to put in

As of 6/3/17: The best and only access to put in is to come in from Georgetown. You cannot even get close from the other side. Also you cannot drive all the way to take out but still pretty close. The take out closure is just past where the middle frk American comes in. The hike took us about an hour and a half and we estimated it to be about three miles. The landslides are numerous but what is even worse is all of the downed trees in the road. It kind of sucks but it's still worth it.