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 Topic:  What the Hell? 

Forums -> Archive -> What the Hell? Page 1 of 1
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Posted: May 9, 2012Post Subject: What the Hell?
Who the heck is this GUEST that has logged on all this shit. This is an active site for the paddling community to communicate info for activities and safety. Not a sales pitch front. Get the hell off with your online store! :evil
Site Admin
Posted: May 9, 2012
GUEST is the fictitious owner of orphaned posts; you presumably visited the BB while I was half-way through deleting the spam.

Based on the IP address of the posters, it's a Chinese outfit that quietly signs up several Dreamflows accounts over a period of time, sort of like a trojan horse, right? Then they login to the accounts all at once to post their junk. So irritating.

Silly too. They have to be putting time and energy into spamming Dreamflows. Why us? Now if they were offering top-of-the-line polypro ...

If this continues, think I'll start putting up the river equivalent of capchas. Show a photo before you can sign up or make a post and ask questions like: how many swimmers clinging to the rock?
Forums -> Archive -> What the Hell? Page 1 of 1