macykayak Member
Posted: Jun 22, 2011 Post Subject: New Log about 3 rapids below Rainbow Lodge
Just an FYI. About 3 rapids (1/2 Mile) below Rainbow Lodge there is a new log wedged in the river. It is in the Slide rapid below the S-Turn Rapid (Below the house with the Walk Way that goes across the river at low flows.) The log is nearly impossible to see when you approach the rapid. It is at the top left side of the river and spans across 1/3 of that that rapid. Run the boogie water on the right and take a quick scout (river Right) it is in a bad place and will not be moving anytime soon. you can still run the rapid on river right.
Flows are cranking up there right now the run is Amazing and worth checking out.
jorjastandish Member
Thanks for the useful information!