jessa_rego Member
Posted: Mar 1, 2011 Post Subject: Stanislaus Camp 9 Run This Week?
I am in Oakdale visiting family. Brought down my river kayak (and drysuit) and would like to run Camp 9. I haven't been down it before--I started kayaking after I moved to Arcata. I'm a solid class III boater, solid roll, safety-conscious, if anyone would like to let me join their group. Email JLR74@humboldt.edu Thanks!
daniel-todd Member
Posted: Mar 1, 2011 Post Subject: Stanislaus Camp 9 Run This Week?
When I last checked this run was about half underwater. With all the rain maybe even more now. You should look into running the Mokelumne, Tiger Creek section. I do not kayak but I think it is more like class III around 600 CFS, at 1K the last rapid could be class IV. So I think you might enjoy the run. Plus it is so short you can do more then one run should you want to.
daniel-todd Member
Posted: Mar 2, 2011 |
Someone posted here about being able to run the section, it seems to be gone now. Anyway it got me to thinking and interested in running it myself if it was worth the drive. I looked up the lake level and found it to be about 1024. I have never been out there so I really do not know details but I have done a lot of research today. From what I understand from my research, the put in is just below a low-head dam about 1 mile down from the powerhouse. From that put-in to the lake level I estimate .7 Miles give or take .2 Miles. So that means there is between .5 miles to one mile of river bed to run. From the looks of it there might be about a mile of river about the low-head dam to run but I am only guessing from all the maps I looked at. So that make maybe as much as 2 miles with a portage around a dam. The whole run appears to have a road right next to it so I think you can take out anyplace. One mile from the put in is a bridge across the lake/river and from a photo on Google Earth walking up the road looks good. I hope all this info helps. Also I am very interested to know more details from someone who has been out there.
jessa_rego Member
Thanks for the info. I was stuck in Oakdale, trying to find something to boat. I was surprised to see the camp9 run listed on DF, with run description making it look like a good III run, because I feel like earlier I had searched for something my level near my parents house, but found only class 4-5 runs (still above my level...) in the Sierra/foothills.
Anyway, my plans ended up changing, I am no longer stuck in Oakdale. But if anyone does get good beta on that run I would be interested to hear for future reference. Now in Monterey looking for some surf.
Thanks again.