sanloriver Member
Posted: Feb 21, 2011 Post Subject: Strainer on San Lo

| The weekend of Feb 19-21(Prez Day) I boated the class IV "Gorge" run and can report there were no log jams or hazards. The next day I took some people down the class II stretch between Ben Lomond and Felton and that was also clear of hazards. Finally today a friend and I did the class III upper stretch from the park in Boulder Creek down to Highlands Park in Ben Lomond. Somewhere just below Boulder Creek logs were blocking both channels of the river where a huge boulder sits in the river and has logs piled against it. Further down at around mile 3.5 there is a steep cliff on river right that recently slid and some trees fell completely across the channel. As they were partially submerged I attempted to boof over them but was quickly wedged between two logs and exited my boat just as it started to windowshade. I was able to swim over the logs and quickly drag the boat to shore but my buddy also flipped into the same mess and was pinned for a moment. Just around the corner from that was a tight brush choked channel that is hard to boat scout. Today it was barely passable. A few other spots presented problems as well.Overall the run is fun and not so hazardous but currently some sections are too blind to be boat scouted
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