chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 14, 2010 Post Subject: Clavey At Hunter Bend - now a real, live gauge
CDEC is now reporting gauge quality flows on the Clavey. I believe we have Hetch Hetchy to thank for this (thank you, Hetch Hetchy). The gauge is at (or near) the old gauge site. So Dreamflows is no longer estimating Clavey flows, it's now reporting actual gauge data. Pretty cool, hey?
cgoold Member
Posted: Apr 26, 2010 Post Subject: flow correlations...

4/24 paddled lower clavey...flow was 700-730 on gauge, with maybe 200-300 cfs accumulating from small tribs down to the confluence with the T probably because of recent rains. Thought we had 1k at the confluence with T. Would call it a perfect "California medium" flow, fluffy with some pretty big wave trains. In the past I had paddled it with maybe 200 cfs less and still thought it was a good flow. I think much more water than we had would make it very pushy with huge holes. The gauge might effectively read "lower" later in the season with less water coming in from side tribs.
Edited once. Last edited by cgoold Apr 26, 2010.