dwnrivr Member
Posted: Jan 14, 2010 Post Subject: Iron bridge to Crocker street bridge
ran it today at low flows put in 12 takeout 4. I portaged 6 rapids due to low flows and overall crazyness! The horseshoe rapid you can see from the road has a log across the main drop I portaged on the right.
Edited once. Last edited by dwnrivr Jan 14, 2010.
Posted: Jan 18, 2010 Post Subject: Flow
Do you know what the flow was when you ran it and what would you want the flow to be the next time you run it?
dwnrivr Member
Posted: Jan 18, 2010 |
200cfs on the lower gauge. I would have liked to have double that. Probably less portages with more water. I talked to a kayaker who has done it with only one portage. The portages were tough for me in my 12' IK
jwsmith Member
Posted: Dec 21, 2015 Post Subject: Re: Iron bridge to Crocker street bridge

dwnrivr wrote: | ran it today at low flows put in 12 takeout 4. I portaged 6 rapids due to low flows and overall crazyness! The horseshoe rapid you can see from the road has a log across the main drop I portaged on the right. |
The LOG in the main drop of "Horseshoe Bend" of Big Sulphur Creek has been there form when Lars Holbeck firs did the run. You can easukt see it from the road above. Looks like it could be a keeper but people have been running it for years and nobody has been caught.