chris Site Admin
Posted: Feb 13, 2019 Post Subject: New Mark West Creek gauges
Dreamflows added two Mark West Creek gauges today:
Mark West Creek - At Porter Creek Rd (gauge is at put-in) Mark West Creek - At Michele Way (gauge is a little above take-out)
however both report only gauge height at this time.
Quite likely one or both gauges will start reporting flow (in cfs) in the not too far distance future, in which case I'll retire the Santa Rosa estimate and we'll be set.
However, some gauges never report flow (only gauge height), and who knows that could be the case here. So, if you see a pattern and can say with some confidence what the "good" gauge height range is for either of the new gauges, please let me know. In that case I'll update the trigger-levels page so that firstly everyone knows what good ranges are, and secondly the Dreamflows report entries will be appropriately color-coded.
Thanks Chris
dwnrivr Member
Posted: Feb 19, 2019 Post Subject: Great News!
Thanks Chris I had no idea they put gauges in. I haven't been out there since the fires but I'll let you know when I do.
gbezard Member
Posted: Feb 26, 2019 Post Subject: Thanks Chris, this is awesome!

We could use more boaters on Mark West! Last boater I know who run it (Feb 2019) reported 2 portages.