chris Site Admin
Posted: Oct 15, 2015 Post Subject: Trinity River - Fall/Winter Flows
The schedule for ramping down from 450 cfs to 300 cfs has changed. The schedule has been updated accordingly.
chris Site Admin
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation writes today as follows:
"Please cancel the ramp down on Trinity River for 10/18/20015 and 10/19/20015. Releases for the Trinity River remain at 400 cfs."
The commentary given is "Temp ops/Conserve Storage".
The schedule has been updated accordingly. Note though that today's drop from 450 cfs to 400 cfs did take place, it's just that the drop down to 300 cfs has been delayed.
chris Site Admin
The scheduled release for the Trinity is dropping to 300 cfs tomorrow.
The schedule has been updated accordingly.