The flow information presented here is uncertain at best.
Flows marked "sched" are official scheduled releases, and will almost certainly actually happen.
Flows marked "pred" are good-faith predictions by the operating utility, and will most likely happen.
Flows marked "est" are unofficial predictions by the operating utility, or generated by Dreamflows using estimating models, and might happen.
Flows marked "fant" are flow forecasts (much like weather forecasts), and may be largely fantasy.
All flows marked "est" or "rough" are estimates - which means they may well be incorrect.
For this reason, don't undertake expensive or time-consuming trips based solely on the estimate (or if you do, accept the possibility of being skunked).
Always try to confirm the sanity of the estimate by means of rainfall, snowpack, similar flows in similar drainages, word of mouth, etc.
Note 1
Confidence information appearing in the Comments column of the report means Dreamflows calculated the flow using a statistically-derived model.
In that case, two things.
Firstly, that confidence information is theoretical - it's based on the available historical data, which may or may not cover the current water year type.
Secondly, a confidence of (say) 85% sounds wonderful, but don't forget that also means there's a 15% chance the actual flow will be outside the given range.
You can report the accuracy of an estimate by visiting the river-levels webpage.
Note 2
Reservoir calculations are based on storage change.
Though useful indicators of flow trends, they can at times be amazingly inaccurate, especially if the reservoir is large.
See the Dreamflows FAQ for details.
Note 3
When gauge height is available but river flow is not, where possible, Dreamflows converts gauge height to river flow using a rating table.
The rating table used is the most currently-available, but still usually out-of-date, so the reported flow will probably be inaccurate to some extent.
You can report the accuracy of an estimate by visiting the river-levels webpage.
Note 4
Good-faith scheduled releases are marked (sched) and are usually reliable, but even so the releases might not occur, or be different than projected.
Reasons for this include (but are not limited to) operational, health, safety and legal.
Note 5
Short-term planned releases are marked (pred) and are usually fairly reliable, however they can (and sometimes do) change radically without notice.
It's good to take these predictions with a grain of salt.
Note 6
Fantasy flow entries are marked (fant) and are best-guess predictions of flow trends based on current and expected future conditions like the weather.
The future is uncertain, expecially so when it comes to either the weather or fantasy river flows.
Consequently, do not assume the actual flows will match the predicted ones, since they almost certainly won't.
Please use fant entries only as an indication of expected trends - and even then understand that, like weather reports, they could be totally wrong.
For more information, see the help page.
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