Dreamflows Reach Map
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Verde River - Composite
Marker Key: Put-in location
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Reaches Key:

Oak Creek - Indian Gardens to Sedona (4.7 miles, IV (logs), PaddlingAZ p142)

Oak Creek - Sedona to Verde Valley School Road (4.8 miles, III (logs), PaddlingAZ p148)

Fossil Creek - Fossil Springs to Fossil Creek Waterfall (Upper) (II to III (V), 2.9 miles, AWA)

Fossil Creek - Fossil Creek Waterfall to Fossil Creek Bridge Day Use Area (Classic) (III+(IV), 2.6 miles, AWA)

East Verde River - Highway 87 to Doll Baby Ranch (18.8 miles, IV (V), PaddlingAZ p188)

East Verde River - Doll Baby Ranch to Sheep Bridge or Horseshoe Reservoir (Wilderness Run) (40 or 45 miles, IV, PaddlingAZ p192)

Verde River - Sullivan Lake to Perkinsville (24.6 miles, I to II, SWPaddler)

Verde River - Perkinsville to Beasley Flat (61.8 miles, I to II, SWPaddler)

Verde River - Beasley Flat to Horseshoe Reservoir (58 miles, I+ to III, WWW p318)